【信譽不再】美國帶頭不再認可香港會計師 金融地位進一步消失

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2022-05-27 19:22:19
Dear members,

Earlier this month, the Institute issued communications to Public Interest Entities (PIE) auditors regarding the non-renewal of the mutual recognition agreement (MRA) between the Institute and the U.S. International Qualifications Appraisal Board (IQAB), and updated the website to notify related parties of the background and implications of the matter.

The announcement had led to online speculation regarding the matter and, unfortunately, some of which referred to implications of the non-renewal which were overstated. The Institute had immediately responded and published a clarification statement on the issue of the non-renewal and clarified with the media swiftly.

Reasons for the non-renewal

For the past three years, the Institute had been engaged in protracted negotiations with the IQAB for renewal of the MRA. However, discussions came to an impasse specifically on the IQAB’s precondition for the new MRA to waive the established requirement for all IQAB accountants to have one year of local experience in order to obtain a practising certificate in Hong Kong, with audit experience soley obtained in the U.S. recognized instead. As such, the MRA will not be renewed after 31 December 2022.

It is important to note, the requirement for one year of local experience has been part of the MRA since it came into effect in 2011, and is in fact applicable to all other overseas bodies under similar recognition agreements. It exists to ensure that overseas applicants are familiar with the local audit environment and relevant legal requirements in order to meet the necessary professional standards when performing audits in Hong Kong.

Impact of the non-renewal

As a result of the non-renewal, members of the Institute who are eligible to become a member of the U.S. State Boards of Accountancy under the MRA are encouraged to take advantage of the MRA before it expires on 31 December 2022. While members of the U.S. State Boards of Accountancy will not be qualified to be registered as engagement quality control reviewers (EQCR) in Hong Kong after the MRA expires, those who wish to continue to be a registered EQCR of PIE auditors may apply for registration as a CPA with the Institute under the MRA on or before 31 December 2022 provided that they meet all the required conditions.

Recognition agreements with various overseas bodies
The Institute is a founding member of the Global Accounting Alliance (GAA), an international accounting coalition of the world's premier accounting bodies. As such, we have various types of recognition agreements with a number of member bodies of the GAA and other accounting bodies within the international community.

These agreements include MRAs, reciprocal membership agreements and mutual examination paper exemptions, covering the mutual recognition of members’ professional qualifications between the Institute and its counterparts and/or the full or partial exemption of membership admission requirements.

The Institute will continue to utilize its position among the international community of professional accounting bodies, to lead the accountancy profession and uphold Hong Kong’s status as a leading international financial centre.

We wish to reiterate and reaffirm members that the Institute will continue to seek to uphold the professional standards and values of the profession in Hong Kong, and advocate for our members’ best interests as we continue to review any other reciprocal membership agreements or MRAs.

Sincere regards,

Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
2022-05-27 19:43:49
2022-05-27 19:46:53

點解要分手? 我地 2011 年起埋一齊個陣,你唔係已經知道 97 之前,我仲同英國個 ex 一齊個陣已經一早有依樣野 (本地經驗要求) 嘅咩? 你一直都知架喎 ! 而且你咁多年一直都 no problem with it? 點解你依家先拎出來講? 點解你要用依樣野,喺依個時候,拎來做理由分手? 我唔信,你老實同我講,其實你係咪一直都只係貪圖我個發牌權? 依家我個發牌權俾人搶咗,你就嫌棄我,唔鍾意我,唔要我喇,你同我講啊 !!! 我唔要分手啊 !!! 如果係其他問題,我可以改架,但你唔講清楚,我點改? 你快啲講啊 !!!
2022-05-27 21:29:19
2022-05-27 21:34:40
2022-05-27 21:38:27
建議你sd email問icaew啦
2022-05-27 23:54:52
支持三萬隻攻打美國 中國人 不吃這一套
2022-05-31 07:32:40





美要求可藉當地經驗取代 不合理公平 不符港法例







即使公會承認來自IQAB申請人的在港會計工作經驗,反向地,公會的會計師卻未必可以獲得在美相同對等互認。因為美國是實行聯邦制,香港公會的會計師要對等獲得執業證書,仍要向申請的州份,按該州要求,才能獲得執業證書。美國55個司法管轄區,就有55套要求,有些州份清楚要求申請執業證書的人士,必須是該州居民及擁有社會安全號碼(social security number)。



2022-05-31 07:40:08
咁快出來護航,其實關注點佢都講左FRC權力問題,遲下根本慢慢走向同國際甩勾,個個大會人數都多過HKICPA架,所謂保住4 萬會員飯碗咪睇下慢慢點磨落去囉
2022-05-31 07:41:51
2022-05-31 07:57:07

2022-05-31 17:48:08
2022-05-31 17:48:48
2022-07-23 16:25:02
想問你拎唔拎到份 letter of good standing?
HKICPA 拖左我三個禮拜都唔覆
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞