加拿大報稅 你問我試答(2)

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2022-05-02 01:04:05

If your net moving expenses that you paid in the year of the move are more than the net eligible income earned at the new work location in that same year, you can carry forward and deduct the unused part of those expenses from your employment or self-employment income earned at the new work location in the following years.

If your moving expenses were paid in a year after the year of your move, you can claim them on your return for the year you paid them against employment or self-employment income earned at the new work location.

This may apply if your old home did not sell until after the year of your move. If this is the case, the CRA may ask you to submit Form T1-M with the receipts and explain the delay in selling your home. However, you cannot carry back moving expenses to a prior year.

For example, if you paid moving expenses in the current year for a move that occurred in a prior year, you cannot claim the expenses paid in the current year on your prior year return. This is the case even if you earned employment or self-employment income at the new location in the prior year.
2022-05-02 01:17:53
Thanks ching
我啱用HR & block file 多次 加埋moving expense 唔知得唔得
2022-05-03 13:25:43
今日deadline 了
2022-05-03 20:27:45
CRA site crashed yesterday afternoon when I tried to access it.
Didn't bother to check back.
2022-05-04 16:07:07
2022-05-04 21:36:40

Tax refunds: When to expect your refund
From: Canada Revenue Agency

When to expect your refund
Check the status of your refund
Transfer your refund
Understand your refund
How you file affects when you get your refund
The Canada Revenue Agency's goal is to send your refund within:

2 weeks, when you file online
8 weeks when you file a paper return
These timelines are only valid for returns that we received on or before their due dates.

Returns may take up to 16 weeks if you live outside Canada and file a non-resident personal income tax return.

The CRA may take longer to process your return if it is selected for a more detailed review. See Review of your tax return by the CRA for more information.

If you use direct deposit, you could get your refund faster.

Set up direct deposit.

Why haven’t you received your refund?
The CRA may keep all or part of your refund if you:

owe or are about to owe a balance
have a garnishment order under the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act
have certain other outstanding federal, provincial, or territorial government debts, such as student loans, employment insurance and social assistance benefit overpayments, immigration loans, and training allowance overpayments
have any outstanding GST/HST returns from a sole proprietorship or partnership
have a refund of $2 or less
Interest on your refund?
The CRA will pay you compound daily interest on your tax refund for 2021. The calculation will start on the latest of the following three dates:

May 31, 2022
the 31st day after you file your return
the day after you overpaid your taxes
For more information, see Prescribed interest rates.
2022-05-04 22:18:58
2 weeks
2022-05-04 22:25:58
如果係學生上年冇收入,聽講係咪全年都可以報返稅 即係個5月2 deadline只係for有收入既人?
2022-05-04 22:38:52

欠稅過咗deadline 未俾錢要俾息


如果無欠稅, 過咗deadline 報無問題。
2022-05-05 00:38:16

好似無乜free software 報上年稅,要俾錢買先得
2022-05-05 02:32:30

studiotax 有得下載 2020 年 20K income 以下免費(windows 版) 或用IOS 版無限制免費, 再之前年份係完全免費
2022-05-05 09:39:25
2022-05-05 09:56:34
如果係香港工,你離開加拿大果年declare左non resident 之後,你大部份時間係香港就唔洗報

但如果你係咁兩邊飛 就要

2022-05-05 10:24:45
如果攞完PR- Permanant resident? Not citizen right?
2022-05-05 10:32:55
想問申報海外資產 如果人在加拿大不過接香港freelance有收入
咁平時找卡數買野交家用都會用香港戶口有入有出 最後年尾少過年頭 係咪即係冇gain capital? 同埋海外freelance income應該報income? 謝謝
2022-05-05 11:18:04
準備下年9月以SP入境 香港大約有30萬HKD左右股票 洗唔洗放哂佢?
2022-05-05 11:18:51
加拿大不過接香港freelance有收入- tax resident has to report world wide income unless HK is out of this world

咁平時找卡數買野交家用都會用香港戶口有入有出 最後年尾少過年頭 係咪即係冇gain capital?- Do you know what capital gain means?
A capital gain (or loss) is the gain (or loss) resulting from the sale of a capital asset or property. According the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) a capital property is “depreciable property, and any property which, if sold, would result in a capital gain or a capital loss.” In general capital property is nearly anything that you could buy and sell as an investment or to earn income, not just physical properties.

Read about net worth assessment
The Canada Revenue Agency has an extraordinary power when it comes to calculating the tax owed by people who fail to file a tax return or who misrepresent their income in filings.
It’s called the “net worth” assessment, and you really don’t want to have it happen to you.
Looking at the numbers, the vast majority of Canadians avoid net worth assessments by voluntarily filing tax returns. One-third of the 27.5 million tax returns Canadians submit each year are non-taxable and are filed to claim tax benefits. The remaining two-thirds pay about $196 billion in tax annually. Most taxpayers file their returns without complications and the CRA assesses them quite quickly.
However, some taxpayers choose not to file their returns even when they have taxable income, or misrepresent their income in their filings. The sanctions for failing to file and filing false returns are severe, but different, for the two groups.

Although taxpayers are required to voluntarily file their tax returns, the CRA is not bound by the tax return or any information filed. The CRA may “arbitrarily” assess the taxpayer using any appropriate method for determining the tax payable by the taxpayer.

This is where an arbitrary “net worth” assessment of tax payable enters the mix.

When the taxpayer does not file a proper tax return, has insufficient records, or provides inaccurate information in his return, the Minister of National Revenue can issue a “net worth,” or arbitrary assessment of the tax payable. The consequences of a net worth assessment and any related penalties depend on the nature of the taxpayer’s delinquencies in filing or non-filing.

A net worth assessment estimates a taxpayer’s income for a year by valuing the appreciation in his or her wealth between two dates, then adjusting for consumption.

For example, if the taxpayer had net assets of $100,000 on Jan. 1 and $400,000 of net assets on Dec. 31, the increase is $300,000. If the taxpayer consumed $150,000 during that year, his or her income would increase to $450,000 for the year. The government typically overestimates the taxpayer’s income and leaves it to the taxpayer to establish whether any of the receipts are from non-taxable sources.

So, a net worth assessment is prone to errors. Inaccuracy is inherent in the method of calculation. A net worth assessment is a blunt instrument at best and the government is prone to maximize the taxpayer’s income.
Net worth
Flaws aside, a net worth assessment is valid and binding notwithstanding any error, defect, or omission in the assessment. The CRA needs only to demonstrate that the taxpayer’s net worth, adjusted for consumption, increased in the taxation year. It is not required to prove the taxpayer’s sources of income. Once the CRA demonstrates a net increase in wealth, the taxpayer has the onus to separate his or her taxable income from other various sources, such as, for example, business income, capital gains, or non-taxable sources receipts.
2022-05-05 11:43:58
2022-05-05 11:45:00
2022-05-05 11:46:32

如果唔放,入境後升返,你要俾capital gain tax

2022-05-05 11:48:29

freelance 你應該兩邊稅都要報
2022-05-05 11:49:02
2022-05-05 11:49:32
then declare before you left
2022-05-05 11:55:51
2022-05-05 11:57:31
or 你果年係呢邊超過183日
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