加拿大報稅 你問我試答(2)

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2022-04-27 04:21:06
send左封hst gst return 成個半月但重未有回音 是否正常?
2022-04-27 04:31:05
yes-world wide income
2022-04-27 04:34:18
HST/GST Return 商業報稅表 , e-filed 後 ~3 個禮拜 assess 完成 。

如果其他 tax return,請講清楚。
2022-04-27 04:52:59
照計capital gain
2022-04-27 04:53:25
2022-04-27 04:55:05

存款taxable 架,有利息的話
2022-04-27 05:26:12
Sorry 我冇clarify 到正職係canadian employer, 只不過part-time/freelance 先唔係。

Anyway, thanks. 咁姐話我下個年度同税局報埋個freelance income 就ok?
2022-04-27 05:59:29

開始做freelance 第一個calendar year你收咗錢放起一部分準備交稅。到來年4月報稅 ,記得可以扣相關 expenses。

報咗freelance 第一次稅 ,CRA 可能會叫你開始交 instalment 一年4次, 你照做。無叫你就唔駛俾(住)。


You may have to pay tax instalments for next year's taxes, if your net tax owing is more than $3,000 (for Quebec $1,800) for 2022 and in either 2021 or 2020.

我記得 Accountant同我講過,頭1-2年唔駛俾instalment。
2022-04-27 06:08:32

1. 如果我入境加拿大後,再將香港銀行戶口既錢global transfer過加拿大,到底使唔使俾稅?同埋使唔使特別申報/有無其他implication?

2. 係香港買既危疾同埋有儲蓄成份既人壽,係咩情況下係taxable?
- surrender policy時拎錢先taxable?
- 定係就算唔拎錢,每年現金價值上升,都要計capital gain?

2022-04-27 08:12:09
Interest income are taxable
If you have to transfer the full amoun them to Canada in the future and you didn't report them on T1135 nor interest income from them, then
CRA can deem the full amount as unreported income.

I have seen cases where people didn't report their house in Hk and they have trouble trying to transfer the money to Canada.
I have also seeen cases where CRA re-assessed interest income from their unreported interest from their deposit from HK and Australia.banks. They couldn't figure out how did CRA find out about their deposit and unreported interest income. Two of the cases involved a UK bank with branches in HK, Australia and HK etc.
2022-04-27 08:24:29
1. 如果我入境加拿大後,再將香港銀行戶口既錢global transfer過加拿大,到底使唔使俾稅?同埋使唔使特別申報/有無其他implication?

Not taxable because they are NOT income
However, interest earned after you landed will be income

- surrender policy時拎錢先taxable?
- 定係就算唔拎錢,每年現金價值上升,都要計capital gain?
Not sure how it works.
2022-04-27 08:29:10

我個CRA入唔到 等緊個access code但要十日先到
2022-04-27 08:32:19

2022年5月開始有加拿大 工作收入 及 資產增值 收入
可唔可以 係2023 年4月年報稅時
用因為非non residence 未PR 既原因

淨報加拿大 工作收入 ?

同時間 冇拎福利 冇退稅 冇開TFSA RRSP
2022-04-27 08:34:55
2022-04-27 08:36:01
2022-04-27 08:37:18
Working in Canada Temporarily
From: Canada Revenue Agency

Resident status and tax obligations

In Canada your income tax obligations are based on your residency status, not on your citizenship or immigration status. If you have entered Canada to work temporarily, you are responsible for determining your residency status and understanding your tax obligations. To learn more about information on this page, visit canada.ca/taxes-individuals.

Your Residency Status and Tax Obligations
You need to know your residency status before you can know your tax responsibilities and filing requirements for Canada. There are four types of residency statuses in Canada.

Factual resident: You have established significant residential ties to Canada. You are subject to Canadian and provincial/territorial tax on your worldwide income during the part of the year that you were a factual resident.
Deemed resident: You were in Canada for 183 days or more in a calendar year, but you do not have significant residential ties to Canada. You are subject to Canadian tax on your worldwide income throughout the year. Since you are not considered a resident of a province or territory for income tax purposes, you are subject to a federal surtax instead of provincial/territorial tax.
Non-resident: You do not have significant residential ties to Canada and were in Canada less than 183 days in a calendar year. You are subject to Canadian tax on your income from Canadian sources, unless exempted by a treaty provision. You are also subject to provincial tax if you’ve earned income from a business with a permanent establishment in Canada.
Deemed non-resident: You would otherwise be considered a factual or deemed resident but you are considered to be a resident of another country under an income tax treaty between Canada and that country. You are subject to Canadian tax on your income from Canadian sources, unless exempted by a treaty provision. You are also subject to provincial tax if you’ve earned income from a business with a permanent establishment in Canada.
Provincial/Territorial Tax and Credits for Individuals
Provincial and territorial governments have their own tax laws and policies. For those governments, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) collects and administers income tax, except for the province of Quebec. You have to calculate and pay provincial or territorial income tax in addition to federal income tax. In addition to federal credits, you may be entitled to provincial/territorial credits.

Dual Residents and International Tax Treaties
Canada has income tax treaties with other countries to avoid double taxation. If you are a resident of two countries, including Canada and a country that Canada has an income tax treaty with, the CRA will look at the terms of that treaty to determine which country you are considered to be a resident of for tax purposes.

Non-Resident Withholding Tax and Leaving Canada
It’s important that your employer know if you are a non-resident of Canada for tax purposes to ensure the proper amount of tax is deducted from your employment income. After you file an income tax return, you may be eligible for a refund if the amount of tax deducted is more than the total amount of tax payable.

Also, if you worked in Canada and left the country during the year, you may need to file an income tax return. Whether you need to file a return depends on your type of income and your residency status.
2022-04-27 09:10:46
THX CNTower bro

residency status 取決於 你同加拿大連繫
都係預左係actual resident。

未有工作 2022年4月前未夠183日


就報2022年5月 到2023年4月 資產增值收入?

我知有D煩 但麻煩哂
2022-04-27 09:22:22
唔稅唔係入CRA 網報架


CRA個網只能check assessment
2022-04-27 09:22:58
未有工作 2022年4月前未夠183日

Canada tax by calendar year for indivual (unless you run a business0
therefore, your income for Jan 1, 2022 to Dec 31, 2022 will be reported on or before April 30, 2023.

However, since you landed sometime in Feb 2022, your world-wide income from the day you landed will be included in your 2022 income. Income from Jan 1, 2022 to the day you landed will NOT be counted.

You have to find out the Fair Market Value of all your investments, properties, assets etc. and keep them for future tax reporting purposes. You will be deemed to dispose of all your investments and assets etc. and re-acquire them at FMV on that date (or the closest date to the date you landed. eg. last closing price of your stocks and appraised value of property)


Property you owned before you arrived in Canada
If you owned certain properties (other than taxable Canadian properties) at the time that you immigrated to Canada, the CRA considers you to have sold the properties and to have immediately reacquired them at a cost equal to their fair market value (FMV) on the date you became a resident of Canada. This is a deemed disposition.

Your property could include items such as shares, jewelry, paintings or a collection.

Usually, the FMV is the highest dollar value you can get for your property in a normal business transaction.

You should keep a record of the FMV of your properties on the date you arrived in Canada. The FMV will be your cost when you calculate your gain or loss from disposing of the property in the future.

You dispose of your property when, for example:

You sell it
You give it
It is destroyed or stolen
2022-04-27 09:24:16
有無PR係唔關你交稅tax resident 事

你2022年5月入黎做野,你入境果下已經係tax resident 要報capital gain worldwide income
2022-04-27 09:27:08

2022-04-27 09:29:03
你唔賣樓唔賣股票係唔當capital gain 的,賣左先計。

2023年3月你到報2022 up to Dec 31既所有capital gain.
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞