加拿大報稅 你問我試答(2)

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2022-04-27 23:50:59
2022-04-27 23:51:49
公司洗唔洗俾benefits ?
2022-04-28 00:00:01
CPA and lawyer can not hide behind a corporation for various liabilities such as gross negligence.
2022-04-28 00:00:12
當然 0 benefit

無醫療保險,無假期, 放假(不論乜假)無糧出,手停口停

人工係 full time employee 120 - 150%, 隨時2個禮拜通知炒得, 簽幾多個月、年約都係, 無 severance。
2022-04-28 00:18:07

如果我住AB省,我跟以下CRA網指示填聯邦稅表、AB稅表 及相應表格,再寄返去就可以?


2022-04-28 00:19:21
點解唔online用software 搞
2022-04-28 00:25:28
Online software 例如turbo tax / simple tax 都適用於第一次報稅?

第一次報稅用唔到CRA電子報稅,我以為要填佢d eform印出黎交,好彩你提一提,本身我turbo tax入到最後果part 差d想放棄
2022-04-28 00:27:59
h&r block 網頁得,其他都應該得
2022-04-28 01:29:43
俾稅局發現係要罰收入嘅20% 再加遲咗每個月2%,另外再加penalty。

2022-04-28 03:03:43
The CRA’s Criminal Investigations Program is protecting Canadians and the tax system
The Criminal Investigations Program investigates significant cases of tax evasion, fraud and other serious violations of tax laws and where appropriate refers cases to Public Prosecution Service of Canada for criminal prosecution.

The Criminal Investigations Program focuses on the most serious cases that meet one or more of the following criteria:

significant and/or material cases of tax evasion with an international element
promoters of sophisticated and well organized tax schemes aimed at defrauding the government
joint financial crime cases with other enforcement agencies including cases of tax evasion involving money laundering and terrorist financing
significant and/or material cases involving income tax and/or GST/HST tax evasion including the underground economy
The CRA works closely with the RCMP, provincial and local police, and other law enforcement agencies on tax cases to crack down on tax cheats and maintain the integrity of the tax system.

The CRA shares knowledge and expertise with domestic and international partners. This information helps to identify new schemes and challenge those who deliberately evade their taxes. Our intelligence gathering capabilities enhances our ability to identify and address global tax evasion.

The CRA also has the necessary tools in place to detect and investigate promoters who are suspected of facilitating tax evasion.
2022-04-28 03:04:27
What is tax evasion?
Tax evasion occurs when an individual or business intentionally ignores Canada’s tax laws. This includes falsifying records and claims, purposely not reporting income, or inflating expenses.

Combatting tax evasion and other financial crimes is important financially and socially. The quality of life that all Canadians enjoy is supported by the taxes we pay. Revenues collected help to fund programs and services such as health care, childcare, education, and infrastructure projects that benefit all Canadians.

What are the consequences of tax evasion?
Tax evasion is a crime. Whether you’re cheating on your taxes here in Canada or hiding assets or money in foreign jurisdictions, the consequences are serious. Tax evasion has a financial cost. Being convicted of tax evasion can also lead to fingerprinting, court imposed fines, jail time, and a criminal record.

When taxpayers are convicted of tax evasion, they must still repay the full amount of taxes owing, plus interest and any civil penalties assessed by the CRA. In addition, the courts may fine them up to 200% of the taxes evaded and impose a jail term of up to five years.

To learn more about the consequences of evading your taxes, watch the video called Criminal Investigations Program – Tax evasion.

What are the different forms of tax evasion?
Have assets outside of Canada?
Canadians are required to report their worldwide income to the CRA and to pay the appropriate taxes on this income. Not reporting income from foreign sources is illegal. Choosing to ignore or not follow tax laws will result in serious consequences, including penalties, court fines, jail time, and a criminal record.

For more information on what happens when you hide assets offshore, watch the video called Criminal Investigations Program – Offshore non-compliance.
2022-04-28 03:04:42
Tax protesters
Is someone trying to convince you that you don’t have to pay tax on the income you earn? Beware! Some individuals not only fail to report their own earnings, but also conspire, counsel, and promote others to participate in such schemes.

Protect yourself against tax schemes and understand the consequences you might face. To learn more, watch the video called Criminal Investigations Program - Tax protesters.

Tax schemes promoters
Some individuals or organizations promote or sell tax arrangements, plans, or schemes that are not legal. They deliberately misrepresent or make false statements involving tax shelters or arrangements to assist clients in evading taxes, all the while obtaining a financial benefit.

The Agency is committed to taking full action against anyone who abuses the tax system. For more information, watch the video called Criminal Investigations Program – Promoters of tax evasion schemes.

Enforcement notifications
The CRA has set up a free subscription service to help Canadian taxpayers stay current on the CRA’s enforcement efforts. Subscribers will receive notifications about CRA enforcement activities, which may include information on convictions and in some instances, the execution of searches and the laying of criminal charges. This service will increase awareness of CRA enforcement actions and warn Canadians about potential fraud schemes.

For more information on the CRA convictions and to subscribe to this service go to Enforcement notifications.

Did you know?
From April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2017, the CRA convicted 408 individuals and businesses. This involved approximately $122 million in federal tax evaded and court sentences totaling $44 million in court fines, and 3103 months in jail.

Between 2006 and 2017, 75 tax scheme promoters from across Canada were successfully convicted of tax offences related to tax schemes. This led to $7.15 million in court imposed fines and a total of 936 months of jail awarded.

On June 13, 2017, over 80 tax investigators from the CRA and the United Kingdom’s tax authority executed searches in both countries as part of an ongoing investigation of an alleged carousel tax fraud scheme against the Government of Canada.

What can you do?
Be aware of your reporting obligations
Taxpayers must report certain foreign assets with a total cost of more than $100,000 on Form T1135, Foreign Income Verification Statement, by the filing due date of their income tax return. They must also make sure that they have properly reported any foreign income and gains on their income tax return.

Submit information to the Offshore Tax Informant Program
Are you aware of a situation or do you have information regarding international tax avoidance? To learn more, go to Report offshore tax cheating.

Submit information to the National Leads Centre
Report suspected tax evasion to the Leads Program. Your identity will not be disclosed and you may provide information
2022-04-28 13:29:14
而係讀書 一筆過呢?
2022-04-28 13:49:10
讀書本身salary tax 都有得扣,洗鬼開公司
2022-04-28 13:55:54
2022-04-28 14:07:15
可以part time

睇你個人tax planning 造化

我當年係香港都係係咁讀part time 扣稅
2022-04-28 14:17:55
part time 唔賺得幾多
另外 儲咗tax loss在limited com. 可唔可以轉讓公司?
2022-04-28 14:19:30
你目的係tax avoidance 一定唔得
2022-04-28 14:51:54
幾個禮拜前喺turbo tax filing 之前一直以為submit咗 但今日再上去睇原來e file rejected 我懷疑error個原因係因為我前僱主將bonus amount 放咗喺T4A 020 self -employed commissions (佢哋可能唔想交稅)但呢個應該係唔啱I’m not self employed 而家唯一個方法係唔係打比舊公司會計/cra 問? 因為上年嚟今次第一次filing 所以好多野都唔肯定
2022-04-28 15:03:32
2022-04-28 15:05:43

你轉讓目的係自用tax loss 咪即係tax avoidance lo

2022-04-28 18:44:15
Section 111 and Interpretation Bulletin 302R3
There are restrictions on losses after change in control.
2022-04-28 19:29:03
2022-04-28 20:58:33
You must deduct tuition fees first. Most newly grad are at very low tax rate.
2022-04-28 21:39:10

You have to first claim your current year’s federal tuition fees and any unused tuition, education, and textbook amounts carried forward from previous years on your Income Tax and Benefit Return, even if someone else paid your fees. The amount you must use on your own tax return is equal to the amount of credit required to reduce the taxes you owe. The calculation for this amount is included on Schedule 11.

Even if you have no tax to pay and you are transferring all or part of your current year’s federal tuition fees, or applicable provincial and territorial tuition, education and textbook amounts, file your return and a filled out Schedule 11 so the CRA can update its records with your unused amounts (if any) available to carry forward to other years.

If you are transferring an amount to a designated individual, only transfer the amount this person can use. This way, you can carry forward as much as possible to use in a future year.

Transfer the current year's amount
You may transfer a maximum of $5,000 of the current year’s federal tuition amount, and where available, the applicable maximum for provincial and territorial tuition, education and textbook amounts, minus the amount you used to reduce your tax owing as calculated on Schedule 11.
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