加拿大報稅 你問我試答(2)

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2022-05-26 11:38:19
TKS 巴打,睇左應該真係可以報
2022-05-26 21:02:57
2022-05-26 21:26:44

Line 8710 – Interest and bank charges
You can deduct the interest charge on money you borrow to buy or improve your rental property. If you have interest expenses that relate to the construction or renovation period, go to Construction soft costs.

You can also deduct interest charges you paid to tenants on rental deposits. If you are claiming interest as a rental expense on Form T776, do not include it as a carrying charge on Form 5000-D1, Federal Worksheet (for all except non-residents).

Do not deduct in full for the year any lump-sum amounts paid for interest or a fee paid to reduce the interest rate on a mortgage. You prorate these amounts for the rest of the original term of the mortgage or loan. You also prorate a penalty or bonus paid to a financial institution to pay off your mortgage loan before it is due.

For example, if the term of your loan or mortgage is five years, and in the third year you pay a fee to reduce your interest rate, treat this fee as a prepaid expense and deduct it over the remaining term of the loan or mortgage.
2022-05-26 23:04:22
2022-05-26 23:13:06
巴打係唔係做開tax expert
2022-05-26 23:15:26
我唔係,上面CNTower uncle 就係cra retired auditor
2022-05-27 10:27:00
上網睇話Tax advisory cost 可以扣稅
下年走想搵個advisory plan好晒所有野同香港資產點放
通常tax expert 咩收費
2022-05-27 10:43:24
2022-05-27 12:11:33
Per hour?
2022-05-27 12:13:35
想問吓第一次報完 幾耐收到信可以開online ac
打電話去問 佢哋又話冇問題 係process緊
2022-05-27 12:41:08
2022-05-27 12:41:53
no, 填張吉既表收cad50
2022-05-27 14:11:47
2022-05-27 14:12:10
2022-05-27 14:15:26
你9字頭sin 定pr sin?

其實你要acc apply 乜野???
2022-05-27 14:18:04
同時申請tax return

Apply crsb
因為中咗武肺好嚴重 差唔多成個月冇開工
2022-05-27 19:40:23
$50 per 15 mins
2022-06-05 06:51:55
2022-06-11 11:09:14
2022-06-11 11:59:09


2022-06-11 12:00:47

同埋想問吓如果係其他國家都有戶口有存款 (冇投資) 係咪唔使理 同埋

2022-06-11 12:03:19
1. 係
2. 多過cad 100000就要每年報
2022-06-11 12:04:42
2. 《 想問係咪就咁報上去就得?剩存款唔需要資產稅?
2022-06-11 12:47:53
2022-06-11 21:40:42

Cost amount and the $100,000 reporting threshold
Is the $100,000 threshold based on the fair market value of the property?

No, it is based on the cost amount. The cost amount is defined in subsection 248(1) of the Income Tax Act and generally is the adjusted cost base and not the fair market value.

Assume that in 2013 I held shares in a non-resident corporation with a cost amount of $75,000 and, at the same time, I had a bank account in the U.S. with $35,000 on deposit. Am I exempt from filing Form T1135 since neither of the foreign properties has a cost amount greater than $100,000?

No. You must file Form T1135 since the total cost amount of all specified foreign property exceeds the $100,000 threshold ($75,000 + $35,000 = $110,000).

Assume I held specified foreign property during the year with a cost amount of more than $100,000, but held less than $100,000 at the end of the year (or no longer held the property). Do I still have to file Form T1135?

Yes. As long as you met the reporting requirement threshold of $100,000 at any time in the year, you must report on Form T1135 all specified foreign properties held during the year, even if you sold any or all of the property before the end of the year.

How do I determine the cost amount of foreign property acquired by way of gift, bequest, or inheritance?

The cost amount of foreign property acquired by way of gift, bequest, or inheritance is its fair market value at the time the gift, bequest, or inheritance was received.
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