加拿大報稅 你問我試答(2)

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2022-05-06 22:51:12
層樓個owner 都唔係加拿大

洗唔洗祖宗十八代 全部tax 曬?咁同共產黨有乜分別?
2022-05-06 23:00:05

provided 屋企人 唔係你老婆 /公(好似係

現金個個月俾就 ......... 唔知啦。 俾稅局 audit 從來都唔係過隱o既事
2022-05-07 01:35:53
This article may be interest to you.
My friend was selcted for tax audit because of this.


Is there a legal maximum to the amount that can be transferred to Canada?

There is no legal limit to the amount that can be transferred into Canada – but your money transfer provider or bank may impose its own maximums. For large transfers, encourage your sender to use a provider with no transfer limit like OFX or TorFX.

Are there any forms or documents for large money transfers to Canada?
If you go through a legitimate money transfer provider, you won’t need to provide any extra paperwork. The main legal considerations when sending large sums of money are the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) laws, but your money transfer provider will look after the necessary documents when you submit your identification for processing. As a good rule of thumb, keep all records and emails relating to the transfer in case you need them later.

If you’re travelling into Canada with CAD$10,000 or more, you’ll need to declare this using Form E311, a CBSA declaration card, an Automated Border Clearance kiosk or a Primary inspection kiosk. Alternatively, you can make a verbal declaration to a border services officer upon your arrival.

Is it possible to bypass regulations by splitting up a transfer into several small transactions?
Splitting transactions into smaller amounts is referred to as “structuring,” and is considered a punishable offense when used to avoid the $10,000 reporting threshold. Structuring is something money launderers do to avoid detection, but banks and money transfer services are trained to detect this and report it to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC).

What are the penalties in Canada if I fail to file?
If you repeatedly fail to report $500 or more of your income to the CRA, you may end up being slapped with a penalty of 10% on the unreported amount. This applies to individuals, businesses, corporations and trusts. A “repeated failure” means a failure to report all your income more than once in a 4-year period.

If you haven’t reported all your income to the CRA — whether intentionally or by accident — you can avoid prosecution and maybe even some of the penalties and interest fees you owe by reporting through the CRA’s Voluntary Disclosure Program.

Do I have to report large transfers into Canada?
Any transfer over $10,000 CAD needs to be reported to FINTRAC, but that responsibility generally falls on banks and money transfer companies, not individuals. Financial institutions may also report any transactions deemed suspicious, regardless of the amount being received.

Is dealing with the CRA a hassle when transferring large amounts?
If you follow the law and submit any required legal documentation timely and accurately, you shouldn’t experience hassles with the CRA.

Although many types of transfers don’t count as taxable income, some transfers might – for example, if you’re receiving money related to income-producing activities outside of Canada. If you don’t report taxable income, you may be on the hook for stiff penalties including a percentage of the income you failed to report (possibly around 5-10% of that income) plus an additional percentage for every month you avoided paying taxes (possibly around 1-2% of that income). Speak with a Canadian tax professional to find out exactly what tax rules apply to you.
2022-05-09 12:29:54
唔該樓主同CN巴最後因為我算低收入人士(五個月人工)所以搵到community centre 幫我file 我舊公司堅持唔肯改
2022-05-10 16:26:08
我見加拿大有first time home buyer incentive,嚟緊仲有tax free first home savings account,definition都係類似咁: "A first-time home buyer is defined as someone who has not lived in a home owned either directly by you or your spouse/partner in the previous four years."

咁land 之前喺香港擁有物業係咪都計埋?
例如我今年賣咗香港層樓之後去加拿大,係咪都要4年後先qualify as first time home buyer?
2022-05-11 05:47:10
係,但個incentive 好似只對750k以下樓有用?
2022-05-11 11:55:59
2022-05-24 01:18:52
2022-05-24 03:20:34


Factual residents
Factual residents are individuals who have established significant residential ties to Canada. Their worldwide income is subject to Canadian federal and provincial or territorial income tax during the part of the year that they were a factual resident. Learn more about factual residents.

Salaries and remuneration paid to factual residents may qualify for the federal and provincial film and media tax credits.

Deemed residents
Deemed residents are individuals who have not established significant residential ties to Canada but were in Canada for 183 days or more in a calendar year. Their worldwide income is subject to Canadian federal income tax throughout the year and is subject to a federal surtax instead of provincial or territorial tax. Learn more about deemed residents.

Salaries and remuneration paid to deemed residents of Canada may qualify for the federal film and media tax credits only. They do not qualify for the provincial film and media tax credits.

International workers, dual residents and international tax treaties
Canada has income tax treaties with other countries to avoid double taxation. If you are a resident of two countries, including Canada and a country that Canada has an income tax treaty with, the CRA will look at the terms of that treaty to determine which country you are considered to be a resident of for tax purposes.

Individuals can be residents for tax purposes in more than one country at the same time. In such cases, where there is a tax treaty between Canada and the other country, individuals will be considered residents where they have the strongest social and economic ties.

For example, Canada has a tax treaty with the United States (U.S.). Individuals who are considered residents of both Canada and the U.S. will be considered residents for tax purposes in the country in which they have established the strongest ties. If they have stronger ties to the U.S., they will be deemed non-residents in Canada for tax purposes and their salary and remuneration will not qualify for federal or provincial/territorial film and media tax credits.

A work permit indicates a temporary stay in Canada, but is not conclusive for determining residency for tax purposes. The residency status of each individual is reviewed independently, on an annual basis, and is based on the facts and information made available to the CRA at the time of an audit.
2022-05-24 05:19:29
2022-05-24 05:39:20
係 不過好似要自己做詳細紀錄
2022-05-24 06:31:13
what type of 工作?
2022-05-24 06:32:43

Allowable motor vehicle expenses – Salaried employee expenses
Note: Line 22900 was line 229 before tax year 2019.

You can deduct your motor vehicle expenses if you meet all of the following conditions:

You were normally required to work away from your employer's place of business or in different places.
Under your contract of employment, you had to pay your own motor vehicle expenses. You are not considered to have paid your own motor vehicle expenses if your employer reimburses you or you refuse a reimbursement or reasonable allowance from your employer.
You did not receive a non-taxable allowance for motor vehicle expenses. Generally, an allowance is non-taxable when it is based solely on a reasonable per-kilometre rate.
You keep with your records a copy of Form T2200, Declaration of Conditions of Employment, which has been completed and signed by your employer.
The types of expenses you can deduct include:

fuel (such as gasoline, propane, and oil) and electricity
maintenance and repairs
licence and registration fees
capital cost allowance
eligible interest you paid on a loan used to buy the motor vehicle
eligible leasing costs
If you have received a non-taxable motor vehicle allowance and can show that the employment-related motor vehicle expenses are in excess of the allowance and voluntarily include the amount of the allowance in income, you can deduct your motor vehicle expenses if conditions 1, 2, and 4 are met.

If you use a motor vehicle for both employment and personal use, you can deduct only the percentage of expenses related to earning income. To support the amount you can deduct, keep a record of both the total kilometres you drove and the kilometres you drove to earn employment income. The CRA considers driving back and forth between home and work as personal use.

If you use more than one motor vehicle to earn employment income, calculate each vehicle's expenses separately.

For more information, see Interpretation Bulletin IT522R, Vehicle, Travel and Sales Expenses of Employees.

For more information about allowable motor vehicle expenses, see Motor vehicle expenses.

Completing your tax return
Enter these amounts in the Calculation of Allowable Motor Vehicle Expenses area on Form T777, Statement of Employment Expenses, and attach it to your paper return.

Enter on line 22900, the allowable amount of your employment expenses from the total expenses line of Form T777.

Forms and publications
Form T777, Statement of Employment Expenses
Form T2200, Declaration of Conditions of Employment
IT522R, Vehicle, Travel and Sales Expenses of Employees
2022-05-24 11:35:38
如果我拎住 Sowp, remote番香港份工,我應該要點報稅 (假設人工出係香港戶口)
2022-05-24 17:09:17
2022-05-24 20:23:41

Canadian residents are required to report worldwide income from all sources for Canadian Income Tax purposes and offshore assets in excess of $100,000 on form T1135. If you fail to do this, or if you choose an offshore structure that violates the intention or spirit of the Canadian Income Tax Act, you could face a battle with the Canada Revenue Agency, and if you lose you will be subject to interest and penalties. We are a Toronto income tax law firm who can advise taxpayers in any Canadian province and assist non-residents immigrating to Canada.

Have foreign source income?
Canada has entered into an extensive series of Income Tax Treaties designed to prevent double taxation. If you have foreign source income be sure to review the relevant treaty.

Canadian residents are taxable in Canada on their world income
Canadian residents are taxable in Canada on their world income. This includes income or capital gains earned offshore, such as through the rental or sale of a foreign property such as a vacation condominium in the Caribbean or elsewhere. Failure to report such income is tax evasion and is punishable by a fine or even a jail term. A voluntary disclosure will avoid prosecution and penalties.

Offshore (non-Canadian) corporation may be taxable in Canada
An offshore (non-Canadian) corporation may still be taxable in Canada if the guiding mind and management of the corporation are in Canada. In order to avoid Canadian income tax an offshore corporation must be managed offshore.


2022-05-24 23:32:40
2022-05-24 23:34:58


另外你lease 車定買車?
2022-05-24 23:35:24
2022-05-24 23:37:51
兩邊都要報,然後睇下有無得用Doubel taxation agreement 交少d
2022-05-24 23:53:38
我個accountant 話計business use mileage 最抵
2022-05-24 23:59:04
accountant 都話除非部車係真正公司車,唔用泊o係公司, 否則泊屋企的話, CRA 話部車 available for personal use, therefore not 100% deductible。
2022-05-25 00:00:31

唔係你話係講係,要做log book record 每一次開車記錄,九成人都怕麻煩無做到
2022-05-25 00:01:22
sor 睇錯,以為問問題果個覆
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞