加拿大報稅 你問我試答(2)

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2022-05-05 12:00:32
因為依家D貨蟹緊 如果入到境後 到時冇賺蝕咁離場 咁就OK?
2022-05-05 12:52:30
I have bad news for you

Price you bought it $2,000
Price on day you come to Canada
Price you sell later $2,000
You now have $1,000 capital gain for Canadian tax purposes.
2022-05-05 12:56:01
同埋我用ib canada既話佢會唔會generate一份report showing my profit and loss
2022-05-05 12:58:57
Do you leave any family members in Canada?
Will you give up your health card, driver's license, close all bank accounts,?

However, since you have intention to return within 2 years you most likely be consider a tax resident and MUST report your income from HK too.
2022-05-05 13:00:29

ib 應該有
2022-05-05 13:03:42
咁點解啲人要請 accountant file tax
2022-05-05 13:04:13

“This information slip reports the amount paid or credited to you for securities you disposed of or redeemed during the year. These transactions may be on account of income or capital. For more information”

但個Adjusted Cost Base未必啱, 美股你要計翻加幣, superficial loss又要自己keep track
2022-05-05 13:07:26
2022-05-05 13:08:50
Superficial loss係咩意思
Adjusted cost base我明計到好頭痛
2022-05-05 13:09:53
自僱,做生意,開公司, 否則普通個人報稅好多accountant唔做呢啲雞碎生意,收得你一百幾十。

H&R Block 或者mall 嗰啲,提供「即時退稅」服務, 即刻俾現金你(扣除大筆手續費之後)
2022-05-05 13:10:00
其實如果抽中我check, 我又計錯/漏左少少啲數
2022-05-05 13:15:36
假切今日賣咗 200 股 TQQQ capital loss $5000

30 日內又買翻 200股 TQQQ, 咁你嗰$5000 loss 唔可以報, 而係要加落你新買嗰200股做cost
2022-05-05 13:18:09
captial gain唔係計50%咩?
2022-05-05 13:20:16
識人試過, 報漏咗張T4, 要俾息, 稅局覺得佢唔係存心逃稅, 所以無罰款。
2022-05-05 13:23:07
實數 report, 課稅係計翻50% taxable
2022-05-05 13:23:19
2022-05-05 13:25:33

2022-05-05 13:26:27
100蚊成本 1股
咁就唔報得 capital loss 20蚊
而係成本變左110蚊? (90+[100-80])?
2022-05-05 13:27:11
咁我用返turbotax 希望唔會出事
2022-05-05 14:13:47
2022-05-05 20:18:50
Taxable capital gain is 50% of capital gain. However, the 50% can be changed by the govt as it has been in the past. There used be a time when capital gain was 75% taxable.
2022-05-05 20:26:58
Depends on situation. In most cases you will be subject to re-assessed the taxes plus interest penalty. However, if the auditor has found that you have intention to defruad (subject to interpretation and reasonableness) then you may be assessed up 200% of the taxes owed, interest penalty and in some cases criminal charges.
There are many cases where taxpayers were sent to jail for tax evasion.
2022-05-05 21:57:49
Which province?
2022-05-05 22:03:57
屋企人係香港過幾百萬HKD比我香港銀行 我再轉過嚟加拿大 咁樣洗唔洗交稅?定係都係當gift
另外,每個月都屋企人都過兩三萬生活費嚟加拿大比我 咁又得唔得嘅呢?
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞