加拿大報稅 你問我試答(2)

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2022-06-28 17:48:09
想請教下,師兄你成功claim 到香港層樓有principal residence exemption?
2022-06-28 17:52:54
想問問各位巴打如果人在香港想搵canada tax advisory,有咩好介紹?
2022-06-28 22:30:32
Thank you uncle
2022-06-29 02:20:18
20/5 申請退回MPF
26/5 收到MPF公司email, Acknowledge of claim request
17/6 land加拿大
22/6 收到MPF款項

2022-06-29 03:24:22
You should seek advice from a tax specialist who is familiar with this issue.

I have been contributing to the pension scheme in Hong Kong, namely MPF. Is that taxable in Canada when I withdraw my MPF pension?​

a) Still a non-resident when MPF is withdrawn

If you are still a non-resident of Canada at the time of withdrawal of your MPF, it is NOT taxable in Canada. And for individuals who are immigrating to Canada, as well as for returning Canadians, the best option is to withdraw all your accrued benefits in your MPF account, if you can.

More details may be found "Early Withdrawal of MPF". ​

b) Resident status when MPF is withdrawn

If you are already a resident at the time your MPF is withdrawn or for some good reasons you could not withdraw your MPF before moving to Canada.

Note that Canadian residents are taxable, under subparagraph 56(1)(a)(i) of the Act, on pension benefits in the year of receipt. This applies to benefits from a foreign pension plan that are attributable to services rendered while the individual was not a resident of Canada. Therefore, the periodic amounts and the lump sum payment from the Hong Kong pension plan will be taxable in Canada. In this case, your MPF is taxable in the year it's withdrawn.

Reference: Canadian Tax Interpretation.​

Nevertheless, foreign pension plans that meets the criteria from 60(j)(i) can be transferred into an RRSP. The mechanism is that the lump sum is included as taxable income in the year it’s withdrawn from the foreign pension but, by depositing it to an RRSP, the person receives a deduction against the income inclusion. If your foreign pension is eligible and everything is done correctly, tax is deferred until the year(s) your RRSP is withdrawn.
2022-07-05 13:53:07
請問,我係香港同大陸都有一層樓,黎緊9月會去加拿大讀書,讀完後唔會申請PR住,直到2026先申請PR, 如果我唔賣住,個估值係計9月定2026PR後? 如果我2025賣左,使唔使交加拿大税?謝謝
2022-07-05 14:18:38
追完post先知land左之後香港remote work收入都要報
想問下如果每個月收入大概hkd 8k-12k
2022-07-05 15:18:00
2022-07-05 15:48:23
"You should keep a record of the FMV of your properties on the date you arrived in Canada. The FMV will be your cost when you calculate your gain or loss from disposing of the property in the future."

我同上面一位話行stream a嘅巴打情況好似
如果我同屋企人聯名有物業, 係唔係最好離港前做估價 或者 轉走我個名先?
本身錢唔多, 所以唔想有咩文件手續增加使費
2022-07-05 21:59:14
我同上面一位話行stream a嘅巴打情況好似
如果我同屋企人聯名有物業, 係唔係最好離港前做估價 或者 轉走我個名先?
本身錢唔多, 所以唔想有咩文件手續增加使費

我唔會建議任何人嚟加拿大前賣咗間樓。 不竟樓價有升有跌。 我唔想俾人鬧晒祖宗十八代。


之後賣咗依啲資料可以用嚟報稅。 想話你聽, HK 間屋唔一升值㗎。 建意你第日賣咗既話,一定要揾個有會計師牌既幫手。因為佢哋有一定既專業水準。




2022-07-05 22:33:05
2022-07-06 00:11:11
See these links

Taxes for International students studying in Canada
If you are an international student studying in Canada, you may have to file a Canadian income tax return. You must determine your residency status to know how you will be taxed in Canada.

Residency status
For income tax purposes, international students studying in Canada are considered to be one of the following types of residents:

resident (includes students who reside in Canada only part of the year)
deemed resident
deemed non-resident
Your residency status is based on the residential ties you have with Canada.
What are residential ties?
Residential ties include:
a home in Canada
a spouse or common-law partner or dependants who move to Canada to live with you
social ties in Canada
Other residential ties that may be relevant include:
a Canadian driver's licence
Canadian bank accounts or credit cards
health insurance with a Canadian province or territory
Determining your residency status?
In general, you probably have not established significant residential ties with Canada if you:
return to your home country on a periodic basis or for a significant amount of time in the calendar year
move to another country when not attending university in Canada
However, many international students who study or carry on research in Canada do establish significant residential ties with Canada.
Resident of Canada
You are a resident of Canada for income tax purposes if you establish significant residential ties with Canada.

Non-resident of Canada
You are a non-resident of Canada for income tax purposes if you do not establish significant residential ties with Canada and you stay in Canada for less than 183 days during the year.
Deemed resident of Canada
If you do not establish significant residential ties with Canada, you may be a deemed resident of Canada for income tax purposes if you meet all of the following conditions:

You stay in Canada for 183 days or more in a calendar year
You are not considered a resident of your home country under the terms of a tax treaty between Canada and that country
Deemed non-residents of Canada
If you establish significant residential ties with Canada and are considered a resident of another country that Canada has a tax treaty with, you may be considered a deemed non-resident of Canada for income tax purposes.

You are a deemed non-resident of Canada when your ties with the other country become such that, under the tax treaty, you are considered a resident of that other country.

As a deemed non-resident, the same rules apply to you as a non-resident of Canada.

If you would like an opinion about your residency status, complete and submit Form NR74, Determination of Residency Status (entering Canada) to the CRA.

Your tax obligations
Your residency status determines your income tax return filing requirements in Canada:

If you entered Canada during the year and have established significant residential ties with Canada, follow the filing requirements for newcomers to Canada
If you have not established significant residential ties and are not deemed to be a resident of Canada, follow the filing requirements for non-residents of Canada
If you are a deemed resident of Canada, follow the filing requirements for deemed residents of Canada
If you are a deemed non-resident of Canada, the rules that apply to non-residents of Canada also apply to you

2022-07-06 00:21:24
2022-07-06 00:45:35
2022-07-06 10:16:22
如果個物業本身係屋企人同我一齊住...我走後佢地會繼續住, 咁我仲使唔使申報同做估價?
"Do I have to report foreign personal-use property on Form T1135?
No, you do not have to report personal-use property. This includes vacation property that you use primarily as a personal residence (see real property questions below) and listed personal property such as works of art, jewelry, rare folios, rare manuscripts, rare books, stamps, and coins."
2022-07-06 10:50:37
我係會計師,我不嬲俾任何專業意見都會比較保守。從來唔會諗住博吓既心態。所謂神仙過鋼鐵橋。 當然, 若果啲人想法比較進取既話,咁佢就要自己面對後果啦。



2022-07-06 14:19:14
我幾個月後會由香港出發去加拿大,早幾日去香港匯豐問野,個理財顧問想 sell 我買D香港保險儲蓄plan。
咁我問佢,將來呢個 plan 賺既錢係咪要交加拿大稅?我問佢香港同加拿大唔係有咩資料交換協議咩?佢就話,嗱,你將來唔主動同香港匯豐講你變左加拿大人,香港匯豐仍然只會知道你係香港居民,咁所以香港匯豐係唔會報畀加拿大知既,咁所以加拿大係唔會知道你係香港有個匯豐戶口。。。
我睇左呢個連登 post 爬左文,我覺得呢位理財顧問似乎係 9up,我有無理解錯?
2022-07-09 04:21:03
Just received an email from school saying that
an audit of your compensation history and your basic personal elections show that you may be earning over the basic personal amounts for the 2022 taxation year

And they asked me to update the TD1 Basic Personal Exemption form
However, as a poor graduate student who
1. earning less than (or barely) min wage
2. from a source that should not be taxable (box 105 on T4A and I am a full time student)
I don't quite get why it is related to me
Also I checked the TD1 form that there is only 2 lines relevant to me
(1) Basic personal amount and (5) Tuition, which I have already reported to CRA as indicated on my T2202 form
What actions do I need to take?
(the email should not be a scam as the sender, domain etc are real and official, and the urls in the email all link to legit website
2022-07-09 05:24:09

Just click personal exemption and send it back.
If you overpaid any income tax, it will be refunded to you after you filed your T1 next year
2022-07-09 05:43:59
Thanks uncle. But I still can't understand why it is the school who asked me to do so...
And I did not pay any tax for the last tax year (2021-2022) as I earned so littleThey gave me $75 GST return instead
2022-07-09 06:16:18
They did whatever they have to do.
Nothing unusual.
2022-07-09 07:40:27
Keep your rent receipts
2022-07-10 00:36:00

Set up a new employee
When you hire an employee, you have to:
get your employee's social insurance number (SIN)
get from your employee a completed Form TD1, Personal Tax Credits Return.
The employee should fill out a new Form TD1 within seven days of any change that may result in a change to their personal tax credits for the year.

If the employee works for you and you cannot get the SIN or Form TD1, you are still responsible to start calculating and withholding payroll deductions.

Employees who do not fill out new forms may be penalized $25 for each day the form is late. The minimum penalty is $100, and increases by $25 per day to the maximum of $2,500.

Employees do not have to fill out new TD1 forms every year if their personal tax credit amounts have not changed.
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