加拿大報稅 你問我試答(2)

479 回覆
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2022-07-10 00:45:42
I checked my account and the numbers are already there (13xxx for basic personal amount+9xxx tuition)
There is nothing I need to/can change
2022-07-15 13:44:51
2022-07-15 14:03:03
2022-07-15 15:34:21
得罪講句 其實公文式學微積分有咩用
最多學識(ie背)左新嘅operation eg differentiation/integration
2022-07-15 15:34:41
得罪講句 其實公文式學微積分有咩用
最多學識(ie背)左新嘅operation eg differentiation/integration

2022-07-15 16:19:08
2022-07-16 05:37:14
想問下 係咪今年先到Van係咪都可以申請GST credit return
2022-07-16 07:37:22


How to apply for benefits and credits
To apply for the Canada child benefit and to register your child or children for the GST/HST credit, fill out and send the following two forms to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA):

Form RC66, Canada Child Benefits Application (includes federal, provincial, and territorial programs)
Form RC66SCH, Status in Canada and Income Information for the Canada Child Benefits Application
To apply for the GST/HST credit for you or your spouse or common-law partner, fill out Form RC151, GST/HST Credit Application for Individuals Who Become Residents of Canada for the year that you became a resident of Canada. Use this form only if you don't have children. If you have children under 19, use My Account or Form RC66, Canada Child Benefits Application (includes federal, provincial, and territorial programs).
2022-07-16 09:49:59
無理解錯嘅話 係咪姐係依家隨時可以交得form
2022-07-16 09:59:20
I have never done thos myself. But looks like you can fill it out and send it in tonight


Step 3
A – Newcomer to Canada
Enter the date you, or your spouse or common-law partner, became a resident of Canada .............................................................. .
You Year Month Day
Your spouse or common-law partner
Year Month Day

Where to send your form
Send your form or letter and any documents to the tax centre that serves your area. Use the chart below to get the address.
If your tax services office is located in:
Send your correspondence to the
following address:
Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba,
Northwest Territories, Nunavut,
Saskatchewan, or Yukon

Winnipeg Tax Centre
Post Office Box 14005, Station Main
Winnipeg MB R3C 0E3

New Brunswick, Newfoundland and
Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, or
Prince Edward Island
Sudbury Tax Centre

Post Office Box 20000, Station A
Sudbury ON P3A 5C1
Québec Jonquière Tax Centre
2251 René-Lévesque Boulevard
Jonquière QC G7S 5J2
For more information
For more information, go to canada.ca/gst-hst-credit for information on the
GST/HST credit, canada.ca/climate-action-incentive for the climate action
incentive payment, call 1-800-387-1193, or see Guide RC4210, GST/HST
Credit and Climate Action Incentive Payment.
For more information on residency status in Canada, go to canada.ca/cra
-determining-residency-status or see Pamphlet T4055, Newcomers to
To get our forms and publications, go to canada.ca/cra-forms-publications
or call 1-855-330-3305.
2022-07-16 12:49:18

老婆留係香港有收入同有樓, 咁佢要唔要計加拿大稅?
2022-07-16 13:04:37
2022-07-16 13:34:25
2022-07-16 14:49:51
上年拎PR 係CRA個網發現TFSA no room
點解會咁? 唔係報左稅就會有?
2022-07-16 19:43:16
If your wife is NOT a resident for Canadian tax purposes then she doesn't have to file any Canadian tax returns.
2022-07-16 19:44:06
Where are you now?
2022-07-16 22:31:44
RRSP 自己買, 無嘢填,只係來年4月填報稅多一行

除非你一早年頭 買咗大額 ,咁你可以填表交俾公司要求嗰年出糧扣稅扣少啲, 但年尾報完稅後就唔駛(無得)退稅,因為你每期糧已經收咗錢

(RRSP每年有maximum, 大部份人係過咗一年先買 RRSP, 例如2022年 RRSP 等到2023年2月deadline先買,然後4月報稅等 退稅。)
2022-07-16 22:37:31
海外資產(Adjusted cost base 通常係購入價)多過10萬加元就要填
2022-07-16 22:38:48
2022-07-16 22:51:29

3. I have been contributing to the pension scheme in Hong Kong, namely MPF. Is that taxable in Canada when I withdraw my MPF pension?​

a) Still a non-resident when MPF is withdrawn

If you are still a non-resident of Canada at the time of withdrawal of your MPF, it is NOT taxable in Canada. And for individuals who are immigrating to Canada, as well as for returning Canadians, the best option is to withdraw all your accrued benefits in your MPF account, if you can.

More details may be found "Early Withdrawal of MPF". ​

b) Resident status when MPF is withdrawn

If you are already a resident at the time your MPF is withdrawn or for some good reasons you could not withdraw your MPF before moving to Canada.

Note that Canadian residents are taxable, under subparagraph 56(1)(a)(i) of the Act, on pension benefits in the year of receipt. This applies to benefits from a foreign pension plan that are attributable to services rendered while the individual was not a resident of Canada. Therefore, the periodic amounts and the lump sum payment from the Hong Kong pension plan will be taxable in Canada. In this case, your MPF is taxable in the year it's withdrawn.

Reference: Canadian Tax Interpretation.​

Nevertheless, foreign pension plans that meets the criteria from 60(j)(i) can be transferred into an RRSP. The mechanism is that the lump sum is included as taxable income in the year it’s withdrawn from the foreign pension but, by depositing it to an RRSP, the person receives a deduction against the income inclusion. If your foreign pension is eligible and everything is done correctly, tax is deferred until the year(s) your RRSP is withdrawn.​

4. What about payments from annuities?

​As mentioned above, benefits from a foreign pension plan is taxable in the year of receipt. Therefore, yes, any payment from foreign annuities is taxable.
2022-07-17 00:35:24
2022-07-17 01:07:24
香港失業貸款果10皮-Not income
2022-07-18 08:19:46
2022-07-18 08:33:58
Is she a resident for tax purposes?
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞