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鄧不利多比 2017-06-14 13:19:54
睇完E3之後,真係可以放心,下半年主力splatoon 2,mario,xeno 2




Mario OK呀,我睇會好玩過wiiu隻world

近年最正真係3D LAND


認同 難度夠高

爆機前果堆比係2p 4p 開下party

防火女的靈魂 2017-06-14 13:20:36

小倉唯 2017-06-14 13:20:40
mh5會幾時公佈 早公佈就自己打自己


大袋獸 2017-06-14 13:20:58
開波小子 2017-06-14 13:21:00
Xbox boss Phil Spencer
“I think there are learnings for us in terms of control and other things Switch has done. They’ve effectively been able to take a controller experience and add it to a screen so games don’t have to be modified purely to touch in order to work. I use my Switch mainly in undocked mode. I don’t really think about it as a television console, though it works and I think that functionality is great, I just usually use it remotely.
“But fundamentally, I think Nintendo is just a great gaming company that learns, refines, stays at it, and has a great first-party to support that. And that’s something we should all admire and applaud.”

01749 2017-06-14 13:21:10

一直是一個人 2017-06-14 13:21:38
Nintendo of America
Join us tomorrow 6/14 at 12:45-1:45pm PT on r/NintendoSwitch @reddit for an AMA with Mr. Koizumi!
一直是一個人 2017-06-14 13:22:41
Development started right after 3D World shipped in 2013
第六天魔王 2017-06-14 13:23:01
Xbox boss Phil Spencer
“I think there are learnings for us in terms of control and other things Switch has done. They’ve effectively been able to take a controller experience and add it to a screen so games don’t have to be modified purely to touch in order to work. I use my Switch mainly in undocked mode. I don’t really think about it as a television console, though it works and I think that functionality is great, I just usually use it remotely.
“But fundamentally, I think Nintendo is just a great gaming company that learns, refines, stays at it, and has a great first-party to support that. And that’s something we should all admire and applaud.”


鄧不利多比 2017-06-14 13:23:10
Development started right after 3D World shipped in 2013

巨乳出驚人 2017-06-14 13:23:16


一直是一個人 2017-06-14 13:23:27
Nintendo of America
Join us tomorrow 6/14 at 12:45-1:45pm PT on r/NintendoSwitch @reddit for an AMA with Mr. Koizumi!

一直是一個人 2017-06-14 13:25:17
Yoshi Switch made with Unreal Engine 4
開波小子 2017-06-14 13:25:46
Xbox boss Phil Spencer
“I think there are learnings for us in terms of control and other things Switch has done. They’ve effectively been able to take a controller experience and add it to a screen so games don’t have to be modified purely to touch in order to work. I use my Switch mainly in undocked mode. I don’t really think about it as a television console, though it works and I think that functionality is great, I just usually use it remotely.
“But fundamentally, I think Nintendo is just a great gaming company that learns, refines, stays at it, and has a great first-party to support that. And that’s something we should all admire and applaud.”



xbox我唔熟, 有無?
如月千早 2017-06-14 13:26:19
Xbox boss Phil Spencer
“I think there are learnings for us in terms of control and other things Switch has done. They’ve effectively been able to take a controller experience and add it to a screen so games don’t have to be modified purely to touch in order to work. I use my Switch mainly in undocked mode. I don’t really think about it as a television console, though it works and I think that functionality is great, I just usually use it remotely.
“But fundamentally, I think Nintendo is just a great gaming company that learns, refines, stays at it, and has a great first-party to support that. And that’s something we should all admire and applaud.”



xbox我唔熟, 有無?

dead rising 2046
鄧不利多比 2017-06-14 13:26:24
Yoshi Switch made with Unreal Engine 4

mario 都係?
藍炭 2017-06-14 13:26:26
唉, 街已仆喇今次

點好, 保養包唔包整, 但整左啲save又會點
寶井 2017-06-14 13:27:26
Xbox boss Phil Spencer
“I think there are learnings for us in terms of control and other things Switch has done. They’ve effectively been able to take a controller experience and add it to a screen so games don’t have to be modified purely to touch in order to work. I use my Switch mainly in undocked mode. I don’t really think about it as a television console, though it works and I think that functionality is great, I just usually use it remotely.
“But fundamentally, I think Nintendo is just a great gaming company that learns, refines, stays at it, and has a great first-party to support that. And that’s something we should all admire and applaud.”



已經唔算無 暫時黎緊d 多平台game 都充足
switch 起碼要做到多平台console 之一呢步先
份裝機量成績表啱啱先出比d 廠 係要d 時間整game
防火女的靈魂 2017-06-14 13:28:50
Xbox boss Phil Spencer
“I think there are learnings for us in terms of control and other things Switch has done. They’ve effectively been able to take a controller experience and add it to a screen so games don’t have to be modified purely to touch in order to work. I use my Switch mainly in undocked mode. I don’t really think about it as a television console, though it works and I think that functionality is great, I just usually use it remotely.
“But fundamentally, I think Nintendo is just a great gaming company that learns, refines, stays at it, and has a great first-party to support that. And that’s something we should all admire and applaud.”



xbox我唔熟, 有無?

dead rising 2046

有今生無來世 2017-06-14 13:29:40
一直是一個人 2017-06-14 13:30:04
寶井 2017-06-14 13:30:48
Xbox boss Phil Spencer
“I think there are learnings for us in terms of control and other things Switch has done. They’ve effectively been able to take a controller experience and add it to a screen so games don’t have to be modified purely to touch in order to work. I use my Switch mainly in undocked mode. I don’t really think about it as a television console, though it works and I think that functionality is great, I just usually use it remotely.
“But fundamentally, I think Nintendo is just a great gaming company that learns, refines, stays at it, and has a great first-party to support that. And that’s something we should all admire and applaud.”



xbox我唔熟, 有無?

dead rising 2046

一線係halo ,gears of war ,forza
無喇 其他比錢買
當中bungie 同epic 而家都有毛有翼
西瓜奶西 2017-06-14 13:31:08
想問下arams,炸彈人,12switch,just dance 公價幾多
01749 2017-06-14 13:31:12

有今生無來世 2017-06-14 13:32:13


吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞