百萬倍股 GME (176)

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2021-12-15 17:21:17
PFOF 即係你用緊既BROKER, 將你買/賣既order flow
授權俾market marker aka Citadel, route 去第二度
佢地唔會幫你去NYSE 成交
而係會route 去佢自己dark pool 做成交

再食你差價, 或用你買既貨做其他對沖 (or short 撚死你)
2021-12-15 20:06:04
2021-12-15 20:33:27
2021-12-15 20:46:31
Ryan Cohen x Larry Cheng 男神間的「基」情四射
2021-12-15 22:39:42
打去cs 對地址對得勁辛苦
2021-12-15 22:43:18


係就過2日打過去要tracking number
2021-12-15 22:52:33
啱啱用咗兩張卡比都被人decline 咗
2021-12-15 22:53:15
2021-12-15 22:54:48
啱啱彈咗notification 出來話可疑交易
2021-12-15 23:05:23
連卡都被人ban q埋
2021-12-15 23:29:30
2021-12-15 23:34:59
2021-12-15 23:35:40

2021-12-16 01:31:18
2021-12-16 03:40:50
test if no problem release it
2021-12-16 06:56:21
2021-12-16 08:18:15


2021-12-16 10:04:59
2021-12-16 10:07:42

係個supervisor 打返俾我
2021-12-16 10:57:21
2021-12-16 10:59:14


你有tracking number 後都可以上網改時間
2021-12-16 10:59:48
2021-12-16 14:42:38


Weimar v2 is almost here!

We need to talk about the US dollar and the hyperinflation it's bound for, but in order to understand where it's headed, we first need to take a look at history.

During World War 1, the Weimar Republic, in order to fund the war, started printing a bunch of Marks to cover the cost of the military campaign. However, despite the inflated currency, the price of regular consumer goods in the Weimar Republic didn't go up right away. The reason for this was that, due to the wartime conditions, people were extremely hesitant with spending their money, favoring saving it up instead in case things went sour. This meant that the velocity of the Mark nosedived. The velocity of a currency is essentially a measure of how much a single unit of currency is circulated; if it's spent a lot, it has a high velocity, if it's barely spent, it has a low velocity. Currency needs to have velocity in order for the prices of goods to reflect the currency supply, so it was only after the war was ended and people began spending their money again that the prices began to reflect the currency supply.

Suddenly, people's savings were worth about half of what they'd been worth before the war. People were angry and demanded reform, and for a while things seemed to be going in the right direction. But the German government had war reparations to pay, so they kept printing more and more Marks to cover the costs, until a breaking point where the reforms and public sentiment couldn't keep up with the printing. Prices exploded hundreds of percent, and the currency savings that people had been squirreling away during the war were completely worthless. Hyperinflation.

Now, take a look at pic related. It shows the M1 money stock, the M2 money stock, and the current USD in circulation. M1 and M2 are tallies of how much USD exists, both as physical cash and as pure numbers in bank accounts. Disregarding the vertical climb in start 2020, which is the result of a new tally being included, you can still see that the amount of USD that exists has increased with around 40% since the beginning of 2020 and the amount being created isn't slowing. However, if you take a look at the amount of USD in circulation, that amount has only increased with about 20%. This means that the remaining 20% is sitting in reserve somewhere, waiting to be pumped into circulation if deemed necessary.

The inflation of the USD has worldwide consequences. Oil is traded globally for USD, hence the infamous "petrodollar". At the same time, the USD is used as reserve currency across the globe; countries stock it in case they need to buy goods and services in an emergency. At the same time, their local currencies are tied to the value of the USD, as the economic power of the country then directly depends on the value of the USD. If the purchasing power of the USD dwindles, as it is doing right now, inflation will follow not only in the US, but in pretty much every western economy as well, and we're seeing the beginning of that right now.
2021-12-16 14:44:21
However, take a look at these two graphs; they're the money velocity of both M1 and M2. As you can see, both have completely tanked since the beginning of the pandemic. People aren't spending their USD since they're incredibly wary of what will happen to them due to the corona panic. The pandemic has essentially created a wartime consumer economy without a war. But this means, from the precedence set by Weimar, that the current prices of consumer goods in no way reflect what the actual price is. Once the pandemic is over, we'll see the same thing happening as happened in Weimar, except on a global scale, with the US going through the worst of it, only escalated by other countries abandoning the USD as their reserve currency once they realize they can't get any goods or services from the dollars they've kept in reserve.

There's one major difference between Weimar and now, though. In Weimar, the inflation truly began once the war was over. This time, it's when the pandemic is declared over, something that governments across the globe has full control over. They can decide when they're ready to let the hyperinflation kick in, they simply have to press the stop button on all the restrictions and people will go back to spending their money again. But this gives the governments and the rich people who know what's happening an incitement to secure themselves beforehand; settle debts and secure hard assets. Which is what we're seeing right now. Large companies are buying assets such as land while the governments are printing money to pay off their debts to each other. Once they're done with that, they're gonna declare the pandemic over, and watch the world economy crash and burn while remaining safe from it due to their financial positions.

It's the biggest wealth transfer in human history, and you're on the wrong side of it if you're holding your savings in liquid currency.

2021-12-16 15:22:29


吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞