百萬倍股 GME (176)

1001 回覆
18 Like 1 Dislike
2021-12-10 13:53:26
2021-12-10 13:53:32
係呀 啱啱轉出咗部分開戶先,如果唔打電話係咪都會收到信,只係時間要一個月多啲先收到封信?感謝分享
2021-12-10 13:54:38

我係用0060 打好便

2021-12-10 13:58:27


MarketMakers? SHFs?
2021-12-10 13:59:18
2021-12-10 14:02:04
2021-12-10 14:05:25
收到信上網登記account仲有封verification code mail


咁之後唧DRS填返第一封信唧AC holder number


2021-12-10 14:07:43
第二封信依家唔係可以request email?30美
2021-12-10 14:08:00
hk 第二封可唔可以用email

我見有啲人第二封可以係email 形式
2021-12-10 14:10:17
2021-12-10 14:15:31
有冇新日期 振軍心
2021-12-10 14:24:40

ComputerShare US
+1 (800) 522-6645


Computershare Info for Hong Kong Apes (Part 2)

# Procedures to DRS (Confirmed to work on IBKR)

I initiated a DRS outbound transfer request on IBKR, and this process took around 2 weeks from start to finish

1. Buy shares on IBKR/ Transfer shares into IBKR
2. Wait for shares to settle (2 trading days)
3. Initiate Outbound DRS Transfer ("Transfer and Pay" --> "Transfer Positions" --> "Outgoing"--> DRS), fill in required information and submit
4. Check to see if your request has been received ("Transfer and Pay" --> "Transaction Status and History"). The request should initially be marked as 'acknowledged'. Make sure you have 5USD of settled cash ready in your account so that the request will go through
5. Wait for 3-5 business days for request to be processed. You will know it is complete when your DRS request is marked as 'Available'

At this point, Computershare should already have received your personal details and shares from IBKR . Computershare would send out an account statement (The piece of paper with your personal details and holdings people post for red-dit points) through mail.

# Opening Computershare online account

Note that you are expected to receive 2 letters before your CS Account is all set up, normal time for this process to be complete should be at least 6-8 weeks

Computershare Website Link: [https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Home](https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Home)

1. Wait for account statement to arrive (see below on how to speed this up)
2. Using the Account number on your statement, open an online account on Computershare (make sure you are on the US Version of CS, typically you will be automatically redirected to the Hong Kong/local version of CS)
3. Once you have set up your CS Account, log in for the first time, your login details should work but it will ask for a Verification Number, this will be sent through a separate letter once you log in to your CS Account for the first time
4. Wait for Verification Number letter to arrive (see below on how to speed this up)
5. When you receive the letter, input the Verification Number and you should be able to see the legendary purple donut on your account
6. **(OPTIONAL)** As a foreign resident, you must fill in a **Form W-8 BEN** to declare that you are entitled to taxation laws of a foreign country

7) Alternatively to Step 6, tax information can be directly filled in your CS Account, so make sure that you do either Step 6 or Step 7
2021-12-10 14:27:56
未confirmed, 搵緊汁

Loopring beta tester 吹緊個app裏有GameStop個address同logo

2021-12-10 14:34:30

但你要預float lock 得越多, 個價波動得越勁
2021-12-10 14:38:26
Synthetic share / Fail to deliver 呢樣野
係DTC 攪出黎

如果係DTC reg 既股票越黎越少
佢地FTD 會越黎越勁?

Institution 股票係under 自己名? 如blackrock等
會唔會都係DTC system 度?
2021-12-10 15:21:50
drs d股起碼無得借比佢地沽
例如你futu d股 唔講係咪真股 你就算唔加入股票借出計劃 佢地都可能會偷偷借出去俾佢哋short
2021-12-10 15:22:15
Synthetic share / Fail to deliver 呢樣野
係DTC 攪出黎

The Continuous Net Settlement (CNS) System is NSCC's core netting, allotting and fail-control engine that streamlines prime broker trade processing.

如果係DTC reg 既股票越黎越少
佢地FTD 會越黎越勁?

如果DRS大部分股,佢哋就愈來愈少籌碼左手交右手。成個問題係佢哋點樣satisfied IOU而唔俾IOU成為FTD。個程序只會愈來愈麻煩同expensive ,不過佢哋應該仲有大把財技去satisfied IOU。

成個point of DRS就係要去證明係有naked shorts唧存在。而SEC講咗係冇方法去confirmed 市場上有冇naked shorts,佢哋仲推緊新rule。DR T最近仲屌緊SEC講緊個rule冇mandatory buy in根本就係廢rule。

Institution 股票係under 自己名? 如blackrock等
會唔會都係DTC system 度?

機構,Passive/Mutual Funds係唔會DRS唧
點解?如果DRS咗,個floats一定會細好多。機構d股要攞來借出去有水抽,Passive/Mutual Funds個Authorised Participant都可以選擇借出去俾空頭用。


One for Cede & Co, One for ComputerShares.

Why is company forbid to advertise ComputerShare to the public? Because the whole scheme need a good healthy float for it to work. The scheme is called naked shorting. That is why Micro to Mid cap stocks are dangerous as fuck.

The DTCC basically has a FTD ranking system that determine the priority that should be deal with. Its priority is based on dollars amount instead of numbers of FTDs.

That is why Micro and Mid cap stocks get few or no attention from DTCC. That is why even though GME’s FTS were massive throughout the year of 2020 and nothing has been done by DTCC. That is because 1B of FTD at the price of $3 is nothing, but now with a price of $200 or $400. DTCC finally shat their pant.

2021-12-10 16:14:32
2021-12-10 16:40:24
2021-12-10 17:22:43
屌一起身真係好似估中左,落左 ~~ $153 位,說好的 SS 呢?

唔撚玩啦,我去搵 1137 先。
2021-12-10 17:24:55
2021-12-10 18:26:26
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞