[PC]Total War: Warhammer 1,2&3(8) | Last DLC 沉默與狂怒 | 再見WH2

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2022-01-20 18:16:02
2022-01-20 19:11:30
九成第3集冇得曬ai 彈藥係因為佢
2022-01-20 19:29:23
記得 Empire Napoleon Shogun 2 都係如果冇事先傾掂軍事同行權,擅闖國境就係直接開戰
2022-01-20 20:05:37

The Dying God is Ursun wounded by the player LL for Daemons of Chaos and saved by Belakor

The Advisor takes an active role in the story if you play as Daemons of Chaos. He wants you to slay the champions of each Chaos God.

New Diplomacy:

You can build an Outpost in the provincial capitol of an ally and you allies can build them in your provincial capitols! These Outposts add to the garrison of the city and allow you to recruit some units from that faction. To upgrade the Outpost (and get access to higher tier units) you need to have a higher degree of alliance with the faction. The lowest level output gives you access to units in that settlement while the higher level outposts give access to the faction's global recruitment. You need a military alliance to upgrade the outpost. Purchasing these units requires Allegiance Points but upkeep only requires money.

Allied units will disband if your alliance ends. You are limited to 4 allied units in each army.

Allegiance Points are a currency for all factions that develop with each faction you have a strong diplomatic relationship with. Vassals, Defensive Allies, and Military Allies. It develops passively over time and also increases if you complete tasks that help that ally.

With sufficient Allegiance Points you can take over an ally's army for some period of time (haven't seen how long).

Realms of Chaos:

Chaos Rifts appear across the map where they cause corruption. You have three options: Close the portal and fight an Daemon army, enter any of the four Realms, or teleport to any other portal in the material plane.

This is no simple invasion of realm of the gods. Each is totally different and you have to follow the whims of the local god.

Khorne is running an anime tournament arc. You don't get to battle at the Brass Citadel until you prove you're good at killing. There are powerful weapons lying around that you can't take out of the realm.

Slannesh requires you to run a gauntlet through the Six Circles of Seduction. As you progress Slannesh offers you tremendous rewards (massive Control and Growth buffs, unique items, etc) in exchange for ending your quest.

Nurgle afflicts your army with attrition almost everywhere. You have to reach a location that gives you immunity.

Tzeentch has his realm divided into islands connected by portals. You need to fight his armies in order to find clues about how to advance toward the Invisible Fortress. Great Book of Grudges suggest that this puzzle is not trivial.

Daemons of Chaos Faction:

Yes there are build-a-bear options and they change the character model! Changing the options is instantaneous, you do not have to wait a turn for them to come into effect. However normal equipment is NOT available for this lord.

This faction has access to every unit from each of the monogod factions but unlocking them requires increasing glory to those gods. You can increase glory by sacrificing captives after each battle. You can also increase glory passively with buildings. It seems that a city dedicated to a god is the only place you can build a top level temple to that deity. Resources are also favored by certain gods, apparently The Architect of Fate likes marble and mining it increases his glory.


Eight players at once. A new system of "simultaneous turns" has been implemented in hopes of speeding up the process with so many human players.
2022-01-20 20:06:53

Level cap for lords and heroes is now 50.

There is a new faction select screen. You see all the factions listed and then click in to see the lord options.

The Tzeench barrier only refills in proportion to the HP of the unit. A Tzeentch unit at half HP only gets half of its barrier.

Items/Ancillaries are now much better to use. The interface for selecting them is clearer, everything is one big menu no tiny drop downs. You can "fuse" two low level items to get better ones, with a limit of the Blue/Rare level. You can sell items now.

It seems like some items may now be visible on lords and heroes when equipped! (SOME YOUTUBER PLEASE CONFIRM OR DENY THIS)

When dilemmas affect a lord that lord's icon now pops up in the dilemma. This is good for me because I struggle to keep track of them and what I'm doing with them.

you can tell raiding armies to fuck off in two turns, if after those two turns they havent left yet you can attack them without a loss in reliability from non-aggression pacts etc

Ambush battles now have a special escape zone for the ambushed army. If you can get your army to that zone you can withdraw from the battle and survive with a loss.
2022-01-20 20:23:48
2022-01-20 20:31:45
企係敵軍領地度 點知果round個敵軍城比第3者拎左
2022-01-20 20:34:37
2022-01-20 21:57:18
Minor siege都好正
2022-01-20 21:58:33
2022-01-20 21:59:55
2022-01-20 22:00:37
2022-01-20 22:40:04
2022-01-20 22:40:35
2022-01-20 23:23:26
2022-01-20 23:25:43

2022-01-21 00:16:53
2022-01-21 00:26:50
2022-01-21 00:59:24
屌 點等到2月中
2022-01-21 01:05:53
2022-01-21 01:28:01

2022-01-21 13:11:11
我未玩過warhammer 但對黎緊嘅3好有興趣!
會唔會好難上手 一定要我先玩1 2先得?
2022-01-21 13:12:25
唔使, 想玩就玩, 有興趣之後買返1 2都得
2022-01-21 13:12:55
Thx! 期待!
2022-01-21 15:50:33
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞