All the attention was drawn to the final faction of Warhammer III, which is led by the Demon Prince .
Before Ursun was captured by Be'lakor, a Kislevite noble attempted to kill the bear. After his death , the Godslayer turned into the form of the Demon Prince, who yearns to complete the unfinished business.
The Demon Prince is a great opportunity to have fun for those players who could not immediately choose an idol among the four Dark Gods. Basically, Godslayer is a template for RPG lovers.
How it works? Creative Assembly offers full customization of the character's appearance - from the head and weapons to the tail and wings. The Demon Prince can be wielded with a hammer - or devoid of weapons altogether by equipping him with a giant claw. The Godslayer's arsenal is constantly expanding with the gifts of Chaos, and various parts of the body can be combined into sets, making the faction leader even more powerful.
The player can serve exclusively Chaos Undivided - or choose one of the four Dark Lords: Tzeentch, Khorne, Nurgle or Slaanesh . To do this, it is necessary to dedicate cities to a specific God of Chaos and bring bloody sacrifices in his honor. In exchange for this, the player will receive specific "spare parts" faster, unlock specific units and buildings.