(QP JJ) QP Exam Jun 2021 (2)

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2021-06-07 20:34:50
肯肯定會 公會最鍾意玩9考生
2021-06-07 20:35:01
2021-06-07 20:36:45
但係M11 MPS 無revenue 喎
當年我考MB, MPS 冇嗰啲出好少
2021-06-07 20:37:34
2021-06-07 20:38:57
2021-06-07 20:41:10
依家講到new fe 唔會考呢d 野
我估佢係module 考掛

其實你識晒step 1 - 5 點做 + d d special consideration 應該就點都拎到d 分
2021-06-07 20:42:11
Module 我覺得可以唔洗睇
2021-06-07 20:43:01
2021-06-07 20:43:44
dklm 新制
2021-06-07 20:45:06
The Capstone aims to further develop students' ability to integrate and apply prior knowledge and skills acquired from the Associate Level and the Professional Level (such as financial reporting, business finance, auditing and taxation, etc) and from practical experience. It will also further develop the enabling competences. The focus is on the ability to deal competently with professional type situations, involving the integration and application of knowledge and skills from any part of the syllabus, across all fields of technical and enabling competence.

In addition to all the core knowledge and skills acquired from previous modules of the professional programme, the Capstone also includes, but are not limited to, the following key competence areas:

Develop Business Strategy
Formulate Business Decisions
Implement Business Solutions
Raising Finance
Corporate Governance
Risk Management
Regulatory Compliance
Business Ethics and Professional Negligence
Team Management and Leadership

Capstone 考呢d
2021-06-07 20:47:19
咁我大概get 到佢想點
真係好撚多, 即係我要每一個special consideration 用five step 溫一次
2021-06-07 20:49:26
2021-06-07 20:51:42
但前面有句in addition to all the core knowledge acquired from previous modules 喎
2021-06-07 20:52:07
2021-06-07 20:53:08
Taky 之前話capstone 唔考d technical 野
不過冇人知,等pilot paper
2021-06-07 20:56:42
想話Module 啲pilot paper 勁長囉啲ans
2021-06-07 21:07:28
2021-06-07 21:08:20
2021-06-07 21:09:25
oh my god, 連登有愛
2021-06-07 21:14:09
2021-06-07 21:17:49
2021-06-07 21:18:18
想問mb mark 既notes 入面d pp其實齊唔齊
2021-06-07 21:29:02
建議要清楚明白step 3既運作同操作包括各種花式玩法
2021-06-07 21:30:29
禾溫revenue 溫到蕩失路
2021-06-07 21:35:28

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