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2020-11-18 17:23:29
2020-11-18 17:50:12
下年畢業 垃圾廢IT狗
唔識人 如果新移民計劃work嘅想過去 會唔會太危險
2020-11-18 18:07:36
2020-11-18 19:01:36
You are not alone
2020-11-18 19:08:32
2020-11-18 19:18:19
個人比較毒 有冇啲唔使點對客嘅自摺藍領工作?
有諗過長途貨車司機 但香港車牌冇得直接換牌
2020-11-18 19:40:57
Same here,冇工作經驗,驚過到去都應該冇人請
2020-11-18 21:03:51
2020-11-18 21:04:12
2020-11-18 21:23:24
2020-11-18 22:04:56
2020-11-18 22:18:22
You are correct...
There are tax returns programs... and free tax preparation clinics for low income earners. There are free income tax courses ( not sure where now) offered by some community Centres/ organization. My wife taught in one of those 35 years ago.
Do your own tax returns is ok but really not recommended for everyone.

I have not prepared my own tax returns for the last 35 years.
2020-11-18 22:25:47
There are manufacturing , warehouse etc. jobs..
I put down Canada because I don't know which city you are talking about
You can change it to the city you want.

2020-11-18 22:26:26
Most farmers can not make a living
2020-11-18 22:40:35
I remember you bro,last time I tell you I apply to Canada’s working holiday.they already accept my offer. I wanna ask you a question,living in Vancouver or Richmond,which would be better? When I wanna get a job.
2020-11-18 23:06:23
I am not familiar with B.C.
I went there a few times. Richmond is better
2020-11-18 23:24:28
我都有諗過 但點解咁講 個陣住toronto的確啲司機都係黑人
2020-11-19 02:20:49
想問下加拿大嚟講 呢兩個行業點睇?
我見佢好多都係出時薪而唔係年薪 係咪代表好難頂 流失率好高 預咗請散工?
2020-11-19 02:29:20
I mentioned “people with a T4 slip only” and they should be able to complete their returns. Canadian tax system is very complex and that’s why tax accountant tax lawyer exist.

I just wonder why don’t you prepare your own T1 as you and your wife are CPA?
2020-11-19 02:31:13
2020-11-19 02:55:04
My wife has been preparing my T1 and I don't want to bother with it.
2020-11-19 03:03:06
you can calculate yearly wage even with hourly wage.
Normally a full time hourly wage is about 35 to 40 hours per week.
e.g. 14.25 an hour X 40 X 52 weeks = $29,640.
However, the actual hours worked may be differ from time to time. It may be less or more than 40 hours. There may be overtime or holiday pay if you have to work more than certain number of hours or on statutory holidays. Overtime pay is 150% and 200% if you have to work on statutory holiday (Check with the Provincial Labour dept ) My infomation may not be up to date.
2020-11-19 06:59:13
睇你做咩嘅啫,有啲工你去到當地walk in問都得.但我覺得搵工未係太重要,搵地方住先係最重要.
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