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2017-04-19 11:17:27

我 share 過條 link 入面有 core by topic distribution table 入面有寫某啲題目 out

by year 邊題 out 我暫時冇寫出黎,可能遲下有時間整 呢排考試忙
2017-04-19 12:59:05
2012-2015 out syl 題目
搭車整既,或有錯漏,sample paper and practice paper 未整理
elective 2B 我唔熟課程唔整
elective 2A 我未整完,有 update 再放上黎

2017-04-19 13:13:50

2017-04-19 14:34:49
2017-04-19 15:05:53
依家realisation revaluation嗰啲係咪通常唔會用journal做?
2017-04-19 15:06:27


2017-04-19 15:08:52


2017-04-19 15:46:26
依家realisation revaluation嗰啲係咪通常唔會用journal做?

我做開嗰啲題目都係用T account做
2017-04-19 16:48:38

想問下 個discount allowed係入係咩acct到?
2017-04-19 16:53:04

想問下 個discount allowed係入係咩acct到?

係咪credit capital 再將creditor個數減返discount再入就得?
2017-04-19 16:57:27



讀 account elective 既話照做用黎溫書
2017-04-19 17:00:06
想問, 分d acct 係belong to xx book 同xx book係咪已經out syl?
2017-04-19 17:34:19
想問, 分d acct 係belong to xx book 同xx book係咪已經out syl?

如果你 management elective, 係
2017-04-19 17:50:56

應該,Break-even 係想計佢要賣幾多件先break-even嘛,所以無論係domestic sales / foreign sales 既件數都計

2017-04-19 17:54:24
2017-04-19 18:06:55

Shareholders receive dividend
2017-04-19 18:20:25

Shareholders receive dividend

原來真係咁 thanks
2017-04-19 18:23:42
依家realisation revaluation嗰啲係咪通常唔會用journal做?

未見過出 journal entries format
除左 goodwill adjustment CE2009
2017-04-19 18:48:50

想問下 個discount allowed係入係咩acct到?

係咪credit capital 再將creditor個數減返discount再入就得?

唔洗減 discount, 個 discount 係 partner 自己袋
2017-04-19 18:49:22
closing inventory adjustment,如果未 close nominal acct 改入 closing inventory 定cost of goods sold 定 trading acct.
應該點 present

Dr / Cr Inventory (depends on 你要令個數 increase / decrease)

另一邊入 costs of goods sold

costs of goods sold 如果寫 closing inventory 可以嗎?因為我見個acct 係income statement 寫closing inventory

有冇學過 Inventory 既 closing entries

咁點解 purchase 改入 purchase, 唔改入 cost of goods sold
based on 未做adjusting entries 下
2017-04-19 19:03:56

更新 Paper 2A out syl 題目
2017-04-19 19:19:28

想問下 個discount allowed係入係咩acct到?

係咪credit capital 再將creditor個數減返discount再入就得?

唔洗減 discount, 個 discount 係 partner 自己袋

唔該曬巴打 見到答案無減到就咁入capital就諗唔明
2017-04-19 20:03:16
closing inventory adjustment,如果未 close nominal acct 改入 closing inventory 定cost of goods sold 定 trading acct.
應該點 present

Dr / Cr Inventory (depends on 你要令個數 increase / decrease)

另一邊入 costs of goods sold

costs of goods sold 如果寫 closing inventory 可以嗎?因為我見個acct 係income statement 寫closing inventory

有冇學過 Inventory 既 closing entries

咁點解 purchase 改入 purchase, 唔改入 cost of goods sold
based on 未做adjusting entries 下

未做 closing entries 你未 close purchase account 嘛...
2017-04-19 20:04:09

想問下 個discount allowed係入係咩acct到?

係咪credit capital 再將creditor個數減返discount再入就得?

唔洗減 discount, 個 discount 係 partner 自己袋

唔該曬巴打 見到答案無減到就咁入capital就諗唔明

基本原則: on behalf of partnership 既話就關個 partnership 事
2017-04-19 21:53:21

想問下 個discount allowed係入係咩acct到?

係咪credit capital 再將creditor個數減返discount再入就得?

唔洗減 discount, 個 discount 係 partner 自己袋

唔該曬巴打 見到答案無減到就咁入capital就諗唔明

基本原則: on behalf of partnership 既話就關個 partnership 事

重有personally responsible
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞