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2017-04-17 19:29:02
如果題目話$100 paid in to bank had been entered twice in the cash book
唔係cashbook 扣左兩次100蚊
點解答案係cr.adjustment of duplicate entries$ 100

出版社題目? 有冇完整資料

ce題目 (v)

條題目做 cash book (bank column)

correction required:

Dr Cash 692
Cr bank 692


點解咁樣 唔明

你 part a 係做緊 cash book bank column, 姐係 bank account 唔係 cash account

姐係要入643cash落bank 但入左左1286cash 所以bank就多左643 要cr返走去
2017-04-17 19:49:30
如果題目話$100 paid in to bank had been entered twice in the cash book
唔係cashbook 扣左兩次100蚊
點解答案係cr.adjustment of duplicate entries$ 100

出版社題目? 有冇完整資料

ce題目 (v)

條題目做 cash book (bank column)

correction required:

Dr Cash 692
Cr bank 692


點解咁樣 唔明

你 part a 係做緊 cash book bank column, 姐係 bank account 唔係 cash account

姐係要入643cash落bank 但入左左1286cash 所以bank就多左643 要cr返走去


根據題目,你做左以下Entry 兩次:
Dr. Bank 643
Cr. Cash 643

Dr Cash 643
Cr Bank 643
2017-04-17 19:49:33
想問問journal嘅話可唔可以逐個double entry寫出嚟

講緊 disposal / correction 嗰啲 entries?


就係嚟d可唔可以寫曬d double entry出嚟


1. disposal 為例,其他考生寫4行你寫埋 disposal 你就寫緊8行,輸時間
2. marking 會 cancel out 左重覆既 entries, 而你既答案越同 marking 似樣 marker 改得越舒服。如果你寫多4行 disposal 個 marker 就要喺你寫既8行入面尋找翻 marking 入面既4行比分。佢一個唔小心睇漏就你蝕

2017-04-17 21:53:59
想問問journal嘅話可唔可以逐個double entry寫出嚟

講緊 disposal / correction 嗰啲 entries?


就係嚟d可唔可以寫曬d double entry出嚟


1. disposal 為例,其他考生寫4行你寫埋 disposal 你就寫緊8行,輸時間
2. marking 會 cancel out 左重覆既 entries, 而你既答案越同 marking 似樣 marker 改得越舒服。如果你寫多4行 disposal 個 marker 就要喺你寫既8行入面尋找翻 marking 入面既4行比分。佢一個唔小心睇漏就你蝕


你寫多幾次就會習慣..當然你可以堅持寫完整既Journal entries
2017-04-18 20:26:11
Tg https://t.me/Iwantmeth
2017-04-18 20:47:16
closing inventory adjustment,如果未 close nominal acct 改入 closing inventory 定cost of goods sold 定 trading acct.
應該點 present
2017-04-18 22:07:25
想問如果有齊a/r 同allowance for doubtful acct 嘅數 如果佢叫你計allowance 係用減左allowance嘅a/r 計 定唔減將a/r直乘%?
2017-04-18 22:12:33
想問如果有齊a/r 同allowance for doubtful acct 嘅數 如果佢叫你計allowance 係用減左allowance嘅a/r 計 定唔減將a/r直乘%?

直接乘計closing balance
減番opening balance咪bad debt expense
2017-04-18 22:20:13
想問如果有齊a/r 同allowance for doubtful acct 嘅數 如果佢叫你計allowance 係用減左allowance嘅a/r 計 定唔減將a/r直乘%?

直接乘計closing balance
減番opening balance咪bad debt expense

姐係要搵increase or decrease in allowance就直乘? thanks
2017-04-18 22:21:41
想問如果有齊a/r 同allowance for doubtful acct 嘅數 如果佢叫你計allowance 係用減左allowance嘅a/r 計 定唔減將a/r直乘%?

直接乘計closing balance
減番opening balance咪bad debt expense

姐係要搵increase or decrease in allowance就直乘? thanks

如果係add. info有bad debts就要減左先乘
2017-04-18 22:26:34
closing inventory adjustment,如果未 close nominal acct 改入 closing inventory 定cost of goods sold 定 trading acct.
應該點 present

Dr / Cr Inventory (depends on 你要令個數 increase / decrease)

另一邊入 costs of goods sold
2017-04-18 22:36:10
想問如果有齊a/r 同allowance for doubtful acct 嘅數 如果佢叫你計allowance 係用減左allowance嘅a/r 計 定唔減將a/r直乘%?

直接乘計closing balance
減番opening balance咪bad debt expense

應該係 increase / decrease in allowance for doubtful debts 唔係 bad debt expense?
2017-04-18 22:57:27
想問如果有齊a/r 同allowance for doubtful acct 嘅數 如果佢叫你計allowance 係用減左allowance嘅a/r 計 定唔減將a/r直乘%?

直接乘計closing balance
減番opening balance咪bad debt expense

應該係 increase / decrease in allowance for doubtful debts 唔係 bad debt expense?

咪debit bad debt expense credit increase in allowance囉
2017-04-18 23:05:57
closing inventory adjustment,如果未 close nominal acct 改入 closing inventory 定cost of goods sold 定 trading acct.
應該點 present

Dr / Cr Inventory (depends on 你要令個數 increase / decrease)

另一邊入 costs of goods sold

costs of goods sold 如果寫 closing inventory 可以嗎?因為我見個acct 係income statement 寫closing inventory
2017-04-18 23:07:50
closing inventory adjustment,如果未 close nominal acct 改入 closing inventory 定cost of goods sold 定 trading acct.
應該點 present

Dr / Cr Inventory (depends on 你要令個數 increase / decrease)

另一邊入 costs of goods sold

costs of goods sold 如果寫 closing inventory 可以嗎?因為我見個acct 係income statement 寫closing inventory

COGS=opening inventory+purchase+carriage inwards-return outwards-closing inventory wo
COGS點會等於closing inventory
2017-04-18 23:19:54
想問如果有齊a/r 同allowance for doubtful acct 嘅數 如果佢叫你計allowance 係用減左allowance嘅a/r 計 定唔減將a/r直乘%?

直接乘計closing balance
減番opening balance咪bad debt expense

應該係 increase / decrease in allowance for doubtful debts 唔係 bad debt expense?

debit bad debt expense credit increase in allowance囉

are u serious?
2017-04-18 23:21:42
想問如果有齊a/r 同allowance for doubtful acct 嘅數 如果佢叫你計allowance 係用減左allowance嘅a/r 計 定唔減將a/r直乘%?

直接乘計closing balance
減番opening balance咪bad debt expense

應該係 increase / decrease in allowance for doubtful debts 唔係 bad debt expense?

咪debit bad debt expense credit increase in allowance囉

Dr. Profit & loss
Cr. Allowance for doubtful debts

DSE既 Bad debt expense 基本上只有呢兩組entries

Dr. Bad debt
Cr. Trade Receivable
(Recognize bad debts written off during the year)

Dr. Trade receivable
Cr. Bad debt
(Recognize bad debts recovered within the same year)

debit bad debt expense credit increase in allowance 呢個應該唔係DSE做法黎,有錯請指
2017-04-18 23:23:08
closing inventory adjustment,如果未 close nominal acct 改入 closing inventory 定cost of goods sold 定 trading acct.
應該點 present

Dr / Cr Inventory (depends on 你要令個數 increase / decrease)

另一邊入 costs of goods sold

costs of goods sold 如果寫 closing inventory 可以嗎?因為我見個acct 係income statement 寫closing inventory

有冇學過 Inventory 既 closing entries
2017-04-18 23:25:11
想問如果有齊a/r 同allowance for doubtful acct 嘅數 如果佢叫你計allowance 係用減左allowance嘅a/r 計 定唔減將a/r直乘%?

直接乘計closing balance
減番opening balance咪bad debt expense

應該係 increase / decrease in allowance for doubtful debts 唔係 bad debt expense?

咪debit bad debt expense credit increase in allowance囉

Dr. Profit & loss
Cr. Allowance for doubtful debts

DSE既 Bad debt expense 基本上只有呢兩組entries

Dr. Bad debt
Cr. Trade Receivable
(Recognize bad debts written off during the year)

Dr. Trade receivable
Cr. Bad debt
(Recognize bad debts recovered within the same year)

debit bad debt expense credit increase in allowance 呢個應該唔係DSE做法黎,有錯請指

2017-04-18 23:26:15
想問如果有齊a/r 同allowance for doubtful acct 嘅數 如果佢叫你計allowance 係用減左allowance嘅a/r 計 定唔減將a/r直乘%?

直接乘計closing balance
減番opening balance咪bad debt expense

應該係 increase / decrease in allowance for doubtful debts 唔係 bad debt expense?

咪debit bad debt expense credit increase in allowance囉

Dr. Profit & loss
Cr. Allowance for doubtful debts

DSE既 Bad debt expense 基本上只有呢兩組entries

Dr. Bad debt
Cr. Trade Receivable
(Recognize bad debts written off during the year)

Dr. Trade receivable
Cr. Bad debt
(Recognize bad debts recovered within the same year)

debit bad debt expense credit increase in allowance 呢個應該唔係DSE做法黎,有錯請指


你嗰組entries應該係大學Introductory financial accounting 教既
2017-04-18 23:29:30
2017-04-18 23:34:38

應該,Break-even 係想計佢要賣幾多件先break-even嘛,所以無論係domestic sales / foreign sales 既件數都計
2017-04-19 10:31:39
2017-04-19 10:42:25
想問下core management嘅題目係咪point+elab+eg+扣題咁樣答? 每point落eg係必須 否則扣好多分?
2017-04-19 11:15:12
想問下core management嘅題目係咪point+elab+eg+扣題咁樣答? 每point落eg係必須 否則扣好多分?

core mgt 唔洗寫太長
參考下呢幾年 marking
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞