隻傳說仲有冇人玩?每玩大約3場就會error 彈返出home close game嘅,明顯係傳說隻game問題
Because of the details and number of reports, the developer side of me thinks that the game could have some memory leak issues in dock-specific code, if there is such a thing in Switch games. Again, pure speculation, but it has the signs of one.
So, I have a few workarounds to help you avoid losing that credibility!
Only play in handheld mode until confirmation on a fix comes out
If you play in docked mode, restart the software after every game. This seems to be the safest workaround so far.
This has been happening to me more frequently today. I’ve had three drops now ever third game. I’ve just been sent a possible suspension notice because of this.
I understand that this is only day two of the game being out but this is becoming frustrating and effecting my ability to join matches due to low credibility score and receiving rewards.
Upvoted for visibility
EDIT: I’ll add that I’ve found this doesn’t happen as frequently in the 3v3 matches over 5v5.
的確 3 vs 3 係冇乜事,但係玩好多場3 vs 3之後一轉 5 vs 5係會即死,即係3 vs 3都係有memory leak,只係5 vs 5食ram 食得盡,死快啲
Yeah thats a gib problem because you get peneltys for this and the others are afk i played 2 ranked matches yesterday and 2 guys where afk thats 100% because that bug...
For now, it looks like you need to wait a few minutes until everyone is loaded into the game before trying to log back in, that way you can get back to your original match. It definitely needs to get patched soon, but at least there's a workaround.