我估係球證真係唔記得咗rule change
以為仲可以hurdle line of scrimage
Yankees2018-09-27 00:52:32
條 rules 係咁
"Running forward and leaping across the line of scrimmage in an obvious attempt to block a field goal or Try Kick, or apparent kick, unless the leaping player was in a stationary position on the line of scrimmage when the ball was snapped."
我覺得係 missed flag
但 Ref 可能覺得 block FG 嗰個球員係 stationary
swaggy2018-09-27 00:55:43
之前nfl youtube仲upload片話goodbye hurdling定咩
但broncos個球又唔似係喺line of scrimmage
swaggy2018-09-27 00:57:33
下場5wide: gronk white hogan belichick mcdaniels
Edelman應該week 5-6出得
一條狗2018-09-27 01:01:55
Ravens coach John Harbaugh spoke to the league about the Broncos player leaping on the blocked field goal and what he thought was confirmed. In other words, the officials missed the penalty.
昌子源2018-09-28 10:47:26
Jared Goff勁到
R.Gronkowski2018-09-28 11:39:16
仆你個街而家啲新世代QB 真係step up 得好快
越來越多Year Pro 唔夠3 年嘅後生仔擔正