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陳豪大大雞排 2016-11-27 18:54:09
Beef plus onion, need udon too?
Try try teriyaki chicken

香港料理 鄭少秋
陪你度過漫長歲月 2016-11-27 18:55:03
Beef plus onion, need udon too?
Try try teriyaki chicken

洪欣(West) 2016-11-27 18:55:47
1)keep temperature , speed , gentle and anger

2)do not say hi and bye till your hand find it

3)my heart feel guilty I don't know I can destroy your life so easily
陪你度過漫長歲月 2016-11-27 18:56:42
1)she own my heart every min every sec

2)how many couples can keep how old are them

3)I told you all my lies and you believed it all

4)since when you know how to stay with group
Since when you know you can't without company

5)why don't you take the sadness feeling like it never exist

2. 幾多對持續愛到幾多歲


4 從何時你也學會不要離群

Yes baby

1. 月半小夜曲?
陳豪大大雞排 2016-11-27 18:57:05
1)keep temperature , speed , gentle and anger

2)do not say hi and bye till your hand find it

3)my heart feel guilty I don't know I can destroy your life so easily

1. 沙龍
3. 於心有愧
洪欣(West) 2016-11-27 18:57:30
1)she own my heart every min every sec

2)how many couples can keep how old are them

3)I told you all my lies and you believed it all

4)since when you know how to stay with group
Since when you know you can't without company

5)why don't you take the sadness feeling like it never exist

2. 幾多對持續愛到幾多歲


4 從何時你也學會不要離群

Yes baby

1. 月半小夜曲?

當漢城沉沒了 2016-11-27 18:57:39
Backing to the classroom to see your face again, thinking of these days and I am missing
洪欣(West) 2016-11-27 18:58:27
1)keep temperature , speed , gentle and anger

2)do not say hi and bye till your hand find it

3)my heart feel guilty I don't know I can destroy your life so easily

1. 沙龍
3. 於心有愧

鹿角 2016-11-27 19:03:23
一無是處男 2016-11-27 19:05:59
Someone ask me, i will tell you , but no one come here
陳豪大大雞排 2016-11-27 19:06:27
Someone ask me, i will tell you , but no one come here

未哼好情歌 2016-11-27 19:09:49
1) who is drinking too much that night that's way I saying too much

2) tree have a cicada and it drop on your face

3)Doreamom please old slowly , grow with me

1 春秋
2 櫻花樹下
3 青春常駐


首歌第一句就係 聽親都好sad

那夜誰將酒喝掉 因此我講得多了
可惜我是巨蟹座 2016-11-27 19:10:11
Online forecast hong kong soon will snow fall, observatory, will not remain
潮吹口爆糖 2016-11-27 19:14:52
Online forecast hong kong soon will snow fall, observatory, will not remain

未哼好情歌 2016-11-27 19:14:59
Someone ask me, i will tell you , but no one come here

有人問我 我就會講 但是無人來
可惜我是巨蟹座 2016-11-27 19:15:29
Online forecast hong kong soon will snow fall, observatory, will not remain


安非他命 2016-11-27 19:23:34
我出一出題 全部舊歌黎

1)I would not rather give you hug until you are old

2)She should not be the target, but you are too kind

3)if you can assume, so who won't be happy?

4)you are unforgettable, sounds better than nothing

5)We two can't dance together, but we can count down together

6)no brother anymore, no brother anymore, no more this time and next time!


當漢城沉沒了 2016-11-27 19:28:05
Backing to the classroom to see your face again, thinking of these days and I am missing

當漢城沉沒了 2016-11-27 19:32:11
The State Will Win Back!
Pro-Democratic Camp will be thrown to coffin!

雪の下雪乃 2016-11-27 19:33:30
1.Even if I am allowed to open the anyway door, I come back after two seconds.

2.Give Alice but you're love Messi

3.Got her father's letter this day, 'blood cancer have taken her away' says in the letter
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