

683 回覆
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丸丸子 2016-12-06 16:26:04

1. After one year again, expectation may not be the same
2. Write a song for the loss in the deepest heart
3. Are people listening to songs crueler than me?
4. Where is the journey? Everywhere is the journey!
5. Like a witch, stubborn memory is dirtier
6. Holding your hands to go to funeral, even break up still feel worthy
7. Looking at the same moon together, look like your eyebrow

5. 如同是個女巫 頑固思憶再污糟
不二家牛奶 2016-12-06 16:27:29
1. don't sleep if you're tired, when you're in chromosome<br/>2. around 100 thousand in Shinjuku, how come we meet our friends<br/>3. The mallow in my mouth melted too<br/>4. Did you hear about Van Gogh? How much does he worth?<br/>5. Grey sky, empty street, thousand raindrop
<br/><br/>自膠 <br/>2. around 100 thousand people in Shinjuku, how come we meet our friends
<br/><br/>1. 黑眼圈<br/><br/>你都幾中意周國腎喎

3. 我真的受傷了
4. 畫意
Jamonica 2016-12-06 16:28:01
絲瞄白飯 2016-12-06 16:29:10

1. As if only talk one love
(首歌後面比多句i don't mind if there is no happiness)

2. I'm afraid have a crush on you and cannot fall back

3. Actually you wouldn't say even if I ask many

4. We know three thousand days

5. Any close friend, any couple, harmony, fright with each other, synchronised, believe, respect back off, strangers, miss each other, so how close and some how apart, and swing with the culture, and I'm not surprised.(一句勁長嘅歌詞

4. 共你相識三千天



1. 同一首歌加多一句
Obviously know this kind of boy

2. 林若寧嘅詞
I'm afraid have a crush on you and cannot fall back,
Carry not litre belongings, forgot what I'm interested

3. 呢首歌有一句好出名
So dangerous!!!!!

5. 張敬軒唱 林夕詞
不二家牛奶 2016-12-06 16:29:43
等我又試下出題<br/><br/>容易版<br/>E1. i m so nasty he is such a perfect guy<br/>E2. the one i love is not the one who loves me <br/>E3. tonight is your birthday, bless me to have today, disappear from the earth asap<br/>E4. now is already late night, hard to lower my crying voice <br/>E5. everyone know you only love yourself, everyone know you change like weather<br/><br/>困難版<br/>D1. speechless kisses attack my heart<br/>D2. my life is near the end after leaving you<br/>D3. conscience can be broken in one single hit, girls start to frighten me
<br/><br/><br/>D1 無言的親親親侵襲我心
<br/><br/>咁快 仲諗住自己好精簡
<br/><br/>E1 你個名

D3 老了十歲
絲瞄白飯 2016-12-06 16:30:12

1. As if only talk one love
(首歌後面比多句i don't mind if there is no happiness)

2. I'm afraid have a crush on you and cannot fall back

3. Actually you wouldn't say even if I ask many

4. We know three thousand days

5. Any close friend, any couple, harmony, fright with each other, synchronised, believe, respect back off, strangers, miss each other, so how close and some how apart, and swing with the culture, and I'm not surprised.(一句勁長嘅歌詞

4. 共你相識三千天



1. 同一首歌加多一句
Obviously know this kind of boy

2. 林若寧嘅詞
I'm afraid have a crush on you and cannot fall back,
Carry not little belongings, forgot what I'm interested

3. 呢首歌有一句好出名
So dangerous!!!!!

5. 張敬軒唱 林夕詞
不二家牛奶 2016-12-06 16:31:05

1. As if only talk one love
(首歌後面比多句i don't mind if there is no happiness)

2. I'm afraid have a crush on you and cannot fall back

3. Actually you wouldn't say even if I ask many

4. We know three thousand days

5. Any close friend, any couple, harmony, fright with each other, synchronised, believe, respect back off, strangers, miss each other, so how close and some how apart, and swing with the culture, and I'm not surprised.(一句勁長嘅歌詞

4. 共你相識三千天



1. 同一首歌加多一句
Obviously know this kind of boy

2. 林若寧嘅詞
I'm afraid have a crush on you and cannot fall back,
Carry not little belongings, forgot what I'm interested

3. 呢首歌有一句好出名
So dangerous!!!!!

5. 張敬軒唱 林夕詞

超級靚的西多 2016-12-06 16:31:20

1. As if only talk one love
(首歌後面比多句i don't mind if there is no happiness)

2. I'm afraid have a crush on you and cannot fall back

3. Actually you wouldn't say even if I ask many

4. We know three thousand days

5. Any close friend, any couple, harmony, fright with each other, synchronised, believe, respect back off, strangers, miss each other, so how close and some how apart, and swing with the culture, and I'm not surprised.(一句勁長嘅歌詞

4. 共你相識三千天



1. 同一首歌加多一句
Obviously know this kind of boy

2. 林若寧嘅詞
I'm afraid have a crush on you and cannot fall back,
Carry not litre belongings, forgot what I'm interested

3. 呢首歌有一句好出名
So dangerous!!!!!

5. 張敬軒唱 林夕詞

不吐不快最後嗰句 好似四十幾個字
絲瞄白飯 2016-12-06 16:34:15

1. As if only talk one love
(首歌後面比多句i don't mind if there is no happiness)

2. I'm afraid have a crush on you and cannot fall back

3. Actually you wouldn't say even if I ask many

4. We know three thousand days

5. Any close friend, any couple, harmony, fright with each other, synchronised, believe, respect back off, strangers, miss each other, so how close and some how apart, and swing with the culture, and I'm not surprised.(一句勁長嘅歌詞

4. 共你相識三千天



1. 同一首歌加多一句
Obviously know this kind of boy

2. 林若寧嘅詞
I'm afraid have a crush on you and cannot fall back,
Carry not litre belongings, forgot what I'm interested

3. 呢首歌有一句好出名
So dangerous!!!!!

5. 張敬軒唱 林夕詞

不吐不快最後嗰句 好似四十幾個字

任何密友任何伴侶 和諧互鬥投緣互信尊敬退縮生疏掛心忽近又遠跟世態搖擺 見慣不會怪

大概係咁 靠背 可能錯
垃圾推波仔 2016-12-06 16:36:09
1. the world have many lover, but you have talent don't have heart
2. when i get close, face all is cloud
3. But have your concern exist, sweet is more than bittet
4. Miss you but love, like you still loving you
5. Everyone first love have one times too back taste this time

白滑波大美腿少男 2016-12-06 16:46:55
1. I am walking day by day, I still far away form coast of dream

2. I know a lot of aircraft in the sky, It makes me give up, wowowowowowowowp

3. The lighting is the most shining only tonight. How, it is shining my face

4. Hope to make a home when first love

大家估下啦 全部男歌手
絲瞄白飯 2016-12-06 16:50:28
1. I am walking day by day, I still far away form coast of dream

2. I know a lot of aircraft in the sky, It makes me give up, wowowowowowowowp

3. The lighting is the most shining only tonight. How, it is shining my face

4. Hope to make a home when first love

大家估下啦 全部男歌手

1. 明明我已晝夜無間想屌鳩老母
絲瞄白飯 2016-12-06 17:14:39
垃圾推波仔 2016-12-06 17:17:07
1. the world have many lover, but you have talent don't have heart
2. when i get close, face all is cloud
3. But have your concern exist, sweet is more than bittet
4. Miss you but love, like you still loving you
5. Everyone first love have one times too back taste this time


tip: 女歌手 廣東歌
破心護 2016-12-06 17:17:50
1. I won't upset again, at the same time won't excited again.
2. Focus on her love. If u focus slow, lover's cute will lost.
3. Dreaming will also volatuling fragrance, originally love move is like that.
4. Wait, loney till the night. Night is becoming desolate, night is becoming dark.
5. Everybody close to me but nobody fight for me. Nobody care who is selling nice cheaply.
6. How are you. Three words, consisting what meaning?
7. Next to the bed, people don't know what to do and seems heard about bed news.
8. If someone didn't care you let me cry for you.

1 我再也不會傷心 同時沒法再興奮
3 等 寂寞到夜深 夜已漸荒涼 夜已漸昏暗
5 人人親近我 無人爭奪我 無人關懷是誰大平賣親和
6 你好嗎 三個字 存在甚麼的意思
7 床邊 大家不知所措 似聽到了惡耗
8 如果那個他不愛護你准我代你哭

2 對焦 她的愛 對慢了 愛人會失去可愛
4 等 寂寞到夜深 夜已漸荒涼 夜已漸昏暗
湯告魯母 2016-12-06 17:19:40
I put a ping pong ball into your ass
陳芷菁四大悲劇 2016-12-06 17:22:07
1. the world have many lover, but you have talent don't have heart
2. when i get close, face all is cloud
3. But have your concern exist, sweet is more than bittet
4. Miss you but love, like you still loving you
5. Everyone first love have one times too back taste this time


tip: 女歌手 廣東歌

2 當我靠近 臉上盡是密雲 雜技
5 估唔到
唔通遲到果個贏? 2016-12-06 17:23:51
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you
Fuck u mother fuck u mother
chan ting guy chan ting guy
垃圾推波仔 2016-12-06 17:24:55
1. the world have many lover, but you have talent don't have heart
2. when i get close, face all is cloud
3. But have your concern exist, sweet is more than bittet
4. Miss you but love, like you still loving you
5. Everyone first love have one times too back taste this time


tip: 女歌手 廣東歌

2 當我靠近 臉上盡是密雲 雜技
5 估唔到

carrijoel 2016-12-06 17:28:06
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you
Fuck u mother fuck u mother
chan ting guy chan ting guy

carrijoel 2016-12-06 17:29:21
1. the world have many lover, but you have talent don't have heart
2. when i get close, face all is cloud
3. But have your concern exist, sweet is more than bittet
4. Miss you but love, like you still loving you
5. Everyone first love have one times too back taste this time


tip: 女歌手 廣東歌

2 當我靠近 臉上盡是密雲 雜技
5 估唔到


1. 電單車 這個世界有許多戀人
破心護 2016-12-06 17:29:33

1. As if only talk one love
(首歌後面比多句i don't mind if there is no happiness)

2. I'm afraid have a crush on you and cannot fall back

3. Actually you wouldn't say even if I ask many

4. We know three thousand days

5. Any close friend, any couple, harmony, fright with each other, synchronised, believe, respect back off, strangers, miss each other, so how close and some how apart, and swing with the culture, and I'm not surprised.(一句勁長嘅歌詞

4. 共你相識三千天



1. 同一首歌加多一句
Obviously know this kind of boy

2. 林若寧嘅詞
I'm afraid have a crush on you and cannot fall back,
Carry not litre belongings, forgot what I'm interested

3. 呢首歌有一句好出名
So dangerous!!!!!

5. 張敬軒唱 林夕詞

3 問太多根本不會講
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞