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超級靚的西多 2016-12-05 22:34:57
1. Already one year with you, memory is still fresh
2. Maybe on the day of birth I thought who treat me like a doll
3. Bow and bye and get saluted
4. The lesson learnt in childhood, no change in is respect
5. Prosperous world why resist being kissed
破心護 2016-12-05 22:50:31
1) before the light fade out i wish I could use my eyes too see you

2) turn my head and watch , how many feeling are gone?

3) I make it before you have get married

4) no matter how I call you I still find you in the world

5) in the story , a deeply tear will break the city




岩 差4

怎稱呼 也在這個世界尋獲你
懶到爆既天才 2016-12-06 00:35:19
1. I can no ask my feeling keep begging for your love
2. This is a simple love song
3. That's right that's right, that's right that's right.......
4. I walk from day to night. My heart jumps from grey to black.
5. I say break up after the dawn
青頭聖鬥士 2016-12-06 01:03:55
1. Already one year with you, memory is still fresh<br/>2. Maybe on the day of birth I thought who treat me like a doll<br/>3. Bow and bye and get saluted<br/>4. The lesson learnt in childhood, no change in is respect <br/>5. Prosperous world why resist being kissed

4 安徒生的錯
破心護 2016-12-06 02:18:44
1. Already one year with you, memory is still fresh
2. Maybe on the day of birth I thought who treat me like a doll
3. Bow and bye and get saluted
4. The lesson learnt in childhood, no change in is respect
5. Prosperous world why resist being kissed

1 永久保存
5 二十世紀少年
如廁不留痕 2016-12-06 02:26:19
1. I can no ask my feeling keep begging for your love
2. This is a simple love song
3. That's right that's right, that's right that's right.......
4. I walk from day to night. My heart jumps from grey to black.
5. I say break up after the dawn

2. 小情歌
如廁不留痕 2016-12-06 02:30:56
1. Good good separate open should need forget
2. Kilo~metre ~
3. you is my heart in most beautiful girl

如廁不留痕 2016-12-06 02:40:35
1. He is not a nice man, also not a good lovers.
2. In same day of next year
3.Just 100 years, one century
4.when you was a kids , someone teach you that even how good you are, don't speak out.
曾俊華(John) 2016-12-06 02:45:50
1. Last century had prepared Then share interests in this life
2. You left away but scattered everywhere
3. Test tube inside cannot find her polluting the eyes
4. Why have to be slaves
5. I seldom drunk I love freedom
如廁不留痕 2016-12-06 02:48:02
1. Last century had prepared Then share interests in this life
2. You left away but scattered everywhere
3. Test tube inside cannot find her polluting the eyes
4. Why have to be slaves
5. I seldom drunk I love freedom

3. 試管裏找不到她染污眼眸
天真宥邪 2016-12-06 02:51:16
1. He is not a nice man, also not a good lovers.
2. In same day of next year
3.Just 100 years, one century
4.when you was a kids , someone teach you that even how good you are, don't speak out.

1. 擦肩而過
曾俊華(John) 2016-12-06 02:52:27
1. Good good separate open should need forget
2. Kilo~metre ~
3. you is my heart in most beautiful girl


1. 好好分開應要淡忘
卡比瘦不了 2016-12-06 02:53:58
1. Last century had prepared Then share interests in this life
2. You left away but scattered everywhere
3. Test tube inside cannot find her polluting the eyes
4. Why have to be slaves
5. I seldom drunk I love freedom

5.我間中飲醉酒 很喜歡自由
曾俊華(John) 2016-12-06 02:56:51

1. Mark the detour of the world. Every beat is a proof of this era.

2. Locus changes. Angles intersect. The city of lonesome tangoes again.

3. A bunch of roses. A funeral with suspicion. Let bygones be bygones.

2. 軌跡改變角度交錯 寂寞城市又再探戈
3. 白玫瑰?
曾俊華(John) 2016-12-06 03:10:17

1. Mark the detour of the world. Every beat is a proof of this era.

2. Locus changes. Angles intersect. The city of lonesome tangoes again.

3. A bunch of roses. A funeral with suspicion. Let bygones be bygones.

2. 軌跡改變角度交錯 寂寞城市又再探戈
3. 白玫瑰?

岩 差第1

1. 留下世界的兜轉過程 每一拍為這時代做證
早起蟲兒被鳥吃 2016-12-06 03:17:04
1. Start from today, each has different tomorrow, like sparkles, cant bring away.

2. You suggested me to be happy, be happy every day, new relationship will suddenly visit.

3. You are my key words.
子華bb 2016-12-06 04:02:10
1. I can no ask my feeling keep begging for your love
2. This is a simple love song
3. That's right that's right, that's right that's right.......
4. I walk from day to night. My heart jumps from grey to black.
5. I say break up after the dawn

1. 趁早
2. 小情歌
4. 忠孝東路走九遍
迷乳搏視 2016-12-06 04:57:25
1.The day I skip school for you,the day flowers fall.

2.That day,I looked up a dictionary,search for what word,describe an ancient thing.

3.Butterfly without wings on the ground,full moon after fog.

4.Attack or defend,no tremble,need wine for camping.
1over2absinc 2016-12-06 06:12:11
1.The day I skip school for you,the day flowers fall.

2.That day,I looked up a dictionary,search for what word,describe an ancient thing.

3.Butterfly without wings on the ground,full moon after fog.

4.Attack or defend,no tremble,need wine for camping.

4. 要攻要守,不顫抖,露營必須酒
1over2absinc 2016-12-06 06:20:48
1. Queen road west and queen road east

2. The only secret in the universe. The strongest man in the galaxy

3. Be a cat, Be a dog don't be lover

4. I used to be champion. How come I become number 16 lover.

5. What happy land will have in the font. Need someone discover on the road

6. The most pain to the heart is, love too late
1over2absinc 2016-12-06 06:34:44
1. Start from today, each has different tomorrow, like sparkles, cant bring away.

2. You suggested me to be happy, be happy every day, new relationship will suddenly visit.

3. You are my key words.

警民怡紅顧問 2016-12-06 06:34:53
1. Queen road west and queen road east

2. The only secret in the universe. The strongest man in the galaxy

3. Be a cat, Be a dog don't be lover

4. I used to be champion. How come I become number 16 lover.

5. What happy land will have in the font. Need someone discover on the road

6. The most pain to the heart is, love too late

2. 銀河唯一基奧特
3. 做隻貓做隻狗不做情人
4. 我以前是冠軍(下句冇十六號愛人
6. 最心痛是愛得太遲
警民怡紅顧問 2016-12-06 06:37:08
1. Good good separate open should need forget
2. Kilo~metre ~
3. you is my heart in most beautiful girl


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