

683 回覆
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黃宗澤最後祝福 2016-11-28 15:17:53
Can and you ho ho ground get along
按地磨擦 2016-11-28 15:21:31
1)the distance between you and me, no chance to across

2) walk between sweet and bitter, cant see eye

3) my lovely mum mum o
鯨留玉乳 2016-11-28 15:27:56
1) State of mind passing away
艾殊利楊格 2016-11-28 15:42:50
Giving me a reason to forget
艾殊利楊格 2016-11-28 15:44:54
Hey ya hey ya hey hey ya hey ya hey
艾殊利楊格 2016-11-28 16:03:43
1.)I am going to the north along the road, leaving the season with you

2.)Will you wait or leave

3.)I know you and me are not wrong

4.)said goodbye then found that will not see forever
藍毛毛的演唱會 2016-11-28 16:57:05
Giving me a reason to forget

藍毛毛的演唱會 2016-11-28 16:58:59
1.)I am going to the north along the road, leaving the season with you

2.)Will you wait or leave

3.)I know you and me are not wrong

4.)said goodbye then found that will not see forever

Jay fan
潮吹口爆糖 2016-11-28 17:19:32
1) Here comes contradiction because I deeply love you, do you know?

2) To be honest, I am not confident enough, so I just play some fireworks

3) They may know if they grew up with me

4) Really thanks that I loved a wrong guy at that day

5) Who are strong, still can't defend faster time

6) Don't think trees would become road in one day.
奶西遊記 2016-11-28 17:25:48
1) Here comes contradiction because I deeply love you, do you know?

2) To be honest, I am not confident enough, so I just play some fireworks

3) They may know if they grew up with me

4) Really thanks that I loved a wrong guy at that day

5) Who are strong, still can't defend faster time

6) Don't think trees would become road in one day.

沒髮做入 2016-11-28 17:42:44
1) Here comes contradiction because I deeply love you, do you know?

2) To be honest, I am not confident enough, so I just play some fireworks

3) They may know if they grew up with me

4) Really thanks that I loved a wrong guy at that day

5) Who are strong, still can't defend faster time

6) Don't think trees would become road in one day.

5. 郭富弱既城
沒髮做入 2016-11-28 17:48:12
1.)I am going to the north along the road, leaving the season with you

2.)Will you wait or leave

3.)I know you and me are not wrong

4.)said goodbye then found that will not see forever

1. 一路向西
3. 退後
艾殊利楊格 2016-11-28 18:21:21
1.)I am going to the north along the road, leaving the season with you

2.)Will you wait or leave

3.)I know you and me are not wrong

4.)said goodbye then found that will not see forever

Jay fan

潮吹口爆糖 2016-11-28 20:11:34
1) Here comes contradiction because I deeply love you, do you know?

2) To be honest, I am not confident enough, so I just play some fireworks

3) They may know if they grew up with me

4) Really thanks that I loved a wrong guy at that day

5) Who are strong, still can't defend faster time

6) Don't think trees would become road in one day.

5. 郭富弱既城

有丁的小女孩 2016-11-28 20:42:17
1) so thankful like you 10 years still haven't rest

2) No your permission I will keep loving you

3) When kite meets wind even though happily hurt

4) goodbye my dear who likely to accept this accident
卡樂b 2016-11-28 20:54:53
1) so thankful like you 10 years still haven't rest

2) No your permission I will keep loving you

3) When kite meets wind even though happily hurt

4) goodbye my dear who likely to accept this accident

1)很感激 喜歡我十年仍不休
2) 沒有得你的允許我都會愛下去
3)當風箏遇上風 即使快樂的痛
4)再見了我的寵愛 誰願接受這種意外
有丁的小女孩 2016-11-28 22:09:55
1) so thankful like you 10 years still haven't rest

2) No your permission I will keep loving you

3) When kite meets wind even though happily hurt

4) goodbye my dear who likely to accept this accident

1)很感激 喜歡我十年仍不休
2) 沒有得你的允許我都會愛下去
3)當風箏遇上風 即使快樂的痛
4)再見了我的寵愛 誰願接受這種意外

阿啊牙伢 2016-11-28 22:16:23
Face left face right
Let the body in the beat
No one will shy after drunk
屌又濕撚左喇 2016-11-28 22:17:46
Face left face right
Let the body in the beat
No one will shy after drunk

零屆拳王 2016-11-29 14:57:00
1.Even if I am allowed to open the anyway door, I come back after two seconds.

2.Give Alice but you're love Messi

3.Got her father's letter this day, 'blood cancer have taken her away' says in the letter

藍毛毛的演唱會 2016-12-05 21:18:08
1.Even if I am allowed to open the anyway door, I come back after two seconds.

2.Give Alice but you're love Messi

3.Got her father's letter this day, 'blood cancer have taken her away' says in the letter


懶到爆既天才 2016-12-05 21:30:49
1.Even if I am allowed to open the anyway door, I come back after two seconds.

2.Give Alice but you're love Messi

3.Got her father's letter this day, 'blood cancer have taken her away' says in the letter



1. 隨意門即使準我打開,兩秒後我就回來
無辜支那人 2016-12-05 21:32:16
teach master one hand covers the sky
all blend their knees at the holy temple
MySon葬父 2016-12-05 22:11:33
Maybe loving each other is difficult
核突佛 2016-12-05 22:17:12
Maybe loving each other is difficult

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