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洪欣(West) 2016-11-28 03:19:23
1) I am scared air go quiet suddenly

2)the happy and sad of practice love the thing we did is not simple

3) dream is watering hardworking love is pushing behind

1 突然好想你


2. JJ 修煉愛情

洪欣(West) 2016-11-28 03:26:16
1) before the light fade out i wish I could use my eyes too see you

2) turn my head and watch , how many feeling are gone?

3) I make it before you have get married

4) no matter how I call you I still find you in the world

5) in the story , a deeply tear will break the city

穿靴的貓頭鷹 2016-11-28 03:44:39
1. go out wander, do not tell my relatives
2. i am sad, cant say love no result
3. if thanks my luck, why not thanks i have you
4. but carelessly, always think of you
炒麵王菀之 2016-11-28 04:07:36
1. go out wander, do not tell my relatives
2. i am sad, cant say love no result
3. if thanks my luck, why not thanks i have you
4. but carelessly, always think of you

3.假如感激我運氣 不如多得有著你
4. 但一不小心總記起你

鯨留玉乳 2016-11-28 04:11:51
1) before the light fade out i wish I could use my eyes too see you

2) turn my head and watch , how many feeling are gone?

3) I make it before you have get married

4) no matter how I call you I still find you in the world

5) in the story , a deeply tear will break the city


3阿牛 成婚一刻之前才趕到
炒麵王菀之 2016-11-28 04:12:32
Get fucking away, stop again!

To throw a set of HiFi~ on street~~
鯨留玉乳 2016-11-28 04:18:16
1) before the light fade out i wish I could use my eyes too see you

2) turn my head and watch , how many feeling are gone?

3) I make it before you have get married

4) no matter how I call you I still find you in the world

5) in the story , a deeply tear will break the city


句。號 2016-11-28 04:19:25
who drink the alcohol that night thus i talk more,
and then you shake my hand to refuse me, our friendship get deeper
消失的賓周 2016-11-28 04:33:58
Can u continue cry with me laugh with me old with me
可惜我是巨蟹座 2016-11-28 04:51:32
Get fucking away, stop again!

To throw a set of HiFi~ on street~~

I please you don't again, 50 years old here act cute
句。號 2016-11-28 04:54:31
Can u continue cry with me laugh with me old with me

C級肥仔波 2016-11-28 05:21:55
This world hundreds million people like me your eyes have me
丁大如山倒 2016-11-28 08:18:55
1) before the light fade out i wish I could use my eyes too see you

2) turn my head and watch , how many feeling are gone?

3) I make it before you have get married

4) no matter how I call you I still find you in the world

5) in the story , a deeply tear will break the city



大腦生隧道 2016-11-28 08:32:32
1)she own my heart every min every sec

2)how many couples can keep how old are them

3)I told you all my lies and you believed it all

4)since when you know how to stay with group
Since when you know you can't without company

5)why don't you take the sadness feeling like it never exist

2. 幾多對持續愛到幾多歲


4 從何時你也學會不要離群

Yes baby

1. 月半小夜曲?


5係粵語歌黎 夕爺寫既詞

5 何不把悲哀感覺假設是來自你虛構?
當漢城沉沒了 2016-11-28 08:35:28
who drink the alcohol that night thus i talk more,
and then you shake my hand to refuse me, our friendship get deeper

那夜誰將酒喝掉 因此我講得多了 然後你搖著我手拒絕我
次子吾久勇 2016-11-28 08:40:47
If stupidly wait, someday finally can wait arrive
男校女生 2016-11-28 08:42:10
If stupidly wait, someday finally can wait arrive

如果痴痴的等 某日終於可等到
社大傳菜系教授 2016-11-28 08:47:39
1.if I listen sing eye will be red
2.give me two more minutes,let mEmory be ice
3.close eye u remember who, open eye who is next to u
http://4.do you love hello kitty?should no
5.make hard to you,no mark
6.where have rainbow, please tell me
7.why in my eye everyone like you,everyone is you


屌 if I listen sing
未哼好情歌 2016-11-28 09:20:20
1)keep temperature , speed , gentle and anger

2)do not say hi and bye till your hand find it

3)my heart feel guilty I don't know I can destroy your life so easily

1. 沙龍
3. 於心有愧



2. 不聚不散 只等你給另一對手擒獲
未哼好情歌 2016-11-28 09:33:10
1)keep temperature , speed , gentle and anger

2)do not say hi and bye till your hand find it

3)my heart feel guilty I don't know I can destroy your life so easily

1. 沙龍
3. 於心有愧



2. 不聚不散 只等你給另一對手擒獲
洪欣(West) 2016-11-28 12:16:19
1)keep temperature , speed , gentle and anger

2)do not say hi and bye till your hand find it

3)my heart feel guilty I don't know I can destroy your life so easily

1. 沙龍
3. 於心有愧



2. 不聚不散 只等你給另一對手擒獲

洪欣(West) 2016-11-28 12:16:39
1)she own my heart every min every sec

2)how many couples can keep how old are them

3)I told you all my lies and you believed it all

4)since when you know how to stay with group
Since when you know you can't without company

5)why don't you take the sadness feeling like it never exist

2. 幾多對持續愛到幾多歲


4 從何時你也學會不要離群

Yes baby

1. 月半小夜曲?


5係粵語歌黎 夕爺寫既詞

5 何不把悲哀感覺假設是來自你虛構?

洪欣(West) 2016-11-28 12:17:11
1) before the light fade out i wish I could use my eyes too see you

2) turn my head and watch , how many feeling are gone?

3) I make it before you have get married

4) no matter how I call you I still find you in the world

5) in the story , a deeply tear will break the city




岩 差4
洪欣(West) 2016-11-28 12:17:48
1) I am scared air go quiet suddenly

2)the happy and sad of practice love the thing we did is not simple

3) dream is watering hardworking love is pushing behind

1 突然好想你


2. JJ 修煉愛情


藍毛毛的演唱會 2016-11-28 14:38:19
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞