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carrijoel 2016-12-06 20:16:49
1. pick flower, grow building
2. can calm watch some time? wait few people come close
3. thousand men point at, who care pair or not
4. i am so common, you are also
超級靚的西多 2016-12-06 20:17:27

1. you tell me happy, day day happy, new love anytime arrive

2. still have event will be happening

3. my dear , love you, from that day, sweet is very easy.

4. your sky space only enough for me to cry, cannot dance

5. moon and shadow both good, leave which price higher

1 你叫我開心 天天開心

3.親愛的 愛上你 從那天起 甜蜜的很輕易

5 月與映相好 離別哪個代價高
carrijoel 2016-12-06 20:18:02

1. you tell me happy, day day happy, new love anytime arrive

2. still have event will be happening

3. my dear , love you, from that day, sweet is very easy.

4. your sky space only enough for me to cry, cannot dance

5. moon and shadow both good, leave which price higher

4. 你的天空宇宙只夠我流淚 不可跳舞
超級靚的西多 2016-12-06 20:19:48
1. pick flower, grow building
2. can calm watch some time? wait few people come close
3. thousand men point at, who care pair or not
4. i am so common, you are also

1 摘去鮮花 然後種出大廈
3 千夫所指裏 誰理登不登對
carrijoel 2016-12-06 20:20:24
1. pick flower, grow building
2. can calm watch some time? wait few people come close
3. thousand men point at, who care pair or not
4. i am so common, you are also

1 摘去鮮花 然後種出大廈
3 千夫所指裏 誰理登不登對

埃塞俄比亞的冬天 2016-12-06 20:20:52
1. Whatever bad or worst, please declare

2. Once sleep until natural wake up

3. Assume one day I left , please bury me in the spring

4. Ugly eight monster, if you always see will not surprise

5. Close close heart together, why say goodbye

6. See u future, so regard past don't know love
carrijoel 2016-12-06 20:26:20
1. light all off, kill my shadow
2. decide accept me ok? though my long night no flower
3. how are you, 3 words
4. seems a flower not red, like ice not cold
5. not thank you yet, cannot compare what you gave
路小雨 2016-12-06 20:26:38
1.Expect to spend a lifetime to know is your little

2.When time paused,your laugh open eyes,look so beautiful

3.Relative problem meets Relative problem

Spring should be very good if you still here
如廁不留痕 2016-12-06 20:31:58
1. light all off, kill my shadow
2. decide accept me ok? though my long night no flower
3. how are you, 3 words
4. seems a flower not red, like ice not cold
5. not thank you yet, cannot compare what you gave

3. 你好嗎 三個字
4. 像花雖未紅 如冰雖不凍
carrijoel 2016-12-06 20:33:43
1. light all off, kill my shadow
2. decide accept me ok? though my long night no flower
3. how are you, 3 words
4. seems a flower not red, like ice not cold
5. not thank you yet, cannot compare what you gave

3. 你好嗎 三個字
4. 像花雖未紅 如冰雖不凍

路小雨 2016-12-06 20:34:10
1. light all off, kill my shadow
2. decide accept me ok? though my long night no flower
3. how are you, 3 words
4. seems a flower not red, like ice not cold
5. not thank you yet, cannot compare what you gave

3. 你好嗎 三個字
4. 像花雖未紅 如冰雖不凍

1.曙光全部熄滅 殺掉我影子
carrijoel 2016-12-06 20:36:14
1. light all off, kill my shadow
2. decide accept me ok? though my long night no flower
3. how are you, 3 words
4. seems a flower not red, like ice not cold
5. not thank you yet, cannot compare what you gave

3. 你好嗎 三個字
4. 像花雖未紅 如冰雖不凍

1.曙光全部熄滅 殺掉我影子

如廁不留痕 2016-12-06 20:39:55
1.Expect to spend a lifetime to know is your little

2.When time paused,your laugh open eyes,look so beautiful

3.Relative problem meets Relative problem

Spring should be very good if you still here

春天該很好 你若尚在場
破心護 2016-12-06 20:41:42
1. light all off, kill my shadow
2. decide accept me ok? though my long night no flower
3. how are you, 3 words
4. seems a flower not red, like ice not cold
5. not thank you yet, cannot compare what you gave

3. 你好嗎 三個字
4. 像花雖未紅 如冰雖不凍

1.曙光全部熄滅 殺掉我影子

5還未答謝你 曾付出的跟你沒法比
carrijoel 2016-12-06 20:45:29
1.Use a song and a heart,to inquire for my future
2.ten thousand dreams include you,go to a shuttle together
3.life even breathing is for challenge
4.is my bad but not bad enough,who is the killer?
5.this big wheel,turn everyday

1. 用我一闕歌 一個心 來為我未來一一探問
carrijoel 2016-12-06 20:45:52
1. light all off, kill my shadow
2. decide accept me ok? though my long night no flower
3. how are you, 3 words
4. seems a flower not red, like ice not cold
5. not thank you yet, cannot compare what you gave

3. 你好嗎 三個字
4. 像花雖未紅 如冰雖不凍

1.曙光全部熄滅 殺掉我影子

5還未答謝你 曾付出的跟你沒法比
carrijoel 2016-12-06 20:46:03
1. light all off, kill my shadow
2. decide accept me ok? though my long night no flower
3. how are you, 3 words
4. seems a flower not red, like ice not cold
5. not thank you yet, cannot compare what you gave

3. 你好嗎 三個字
4. 像花雖未紅 如冰雖不凍

1.曙光全部熄滅 殺掉我影子

5還未答謝你 曾付出的跟你沒法比

路小雨 2016-12-06 20:51:44
1.Expect to spend a lifetime to know is your little

2.When time paused,your laugh open eyes,look so beautiful

3.Relative problem meets Relative problem

Spring should be very good if you still here

春天該很好 你若尚在場

等你在雨中 2016-12-06 21:01:35
1.Use a song and a heart,to inquire for my future
2.ten thousand dreams include you,go to a shuttle together
3.life even breathing is for challenge
http://4.is my bad but not bad enough,who is the killer?
5.this big wheel,turn everyday

1. 用我一闕歌 一個心 來為我未來一一探問

正確 btw依首歌d詞靚到喊出黎
carrijoel 2016-12-06 21:03:14
1.Use a song and a heart,to inquire for my future
2.ten thousand dreams include you,go to a shuttle together
3.life even breathing is for challenge
http://4.is my bad but not bad enough,who is the killer?
5.this big wheel,turn everyday

1. 用我一闕歌 一個心 來為我未來一一探問

正確 btw依首歌d詞靚到喊出黎

cannot agree more
等你在雨中 2016-12-06 21:03:49

1.Use a song and a heart,to inquire for my future

2.ten thousand dreams include you,go to a shuttle together

3.life even breathing is for challenge

http://4.is my bad but not bad enough,who is the killer?

5.this big wheel,turn everyday

4. 棟篤神探


5.這巨輪 又再一天一天轉


2. 十萬夢兒裡有你一起闖入穿梭機
屌我20都未到 點解會識

正確 我都未到20
等你在雨中 2016-12-06 21:21:59
再來 全部都係05年前ge無線劇集歌
1.After drink the bitter water,honey will give to me,medicine come disease out in the past
2.Always in my right and left,one people not enough,friends walk with me
3.Even the wind is ferocious,can't destroy smiling
4.Together with you,to bear the number still do not give up
5.I love you,I unconsciously loved you too much
***6.Love and thank,I am very care
7.You travel in my memory
8.My dream hang in the blue blue sky
垃圾推波仔 2016-12-06 21:55:01
1 if you are convenient, choose the last day of the week

2 you know, specially man, don't want pain cry involve you

3 hold year have how many song, give you day day broadcast

4 i will not told you know, acutually is which times, meet with him, can it be “green hat”

5 i only want, body health

6 too busy, cannot breath fresh air

7 i one mouth can eat your tears
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