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藍毛毛的演唱會 2016-11-27 14:34:27
1.if I listen sing eye will be red
2.give me two more minutes,let mEmory be ice
3.close eye u remember who, open eye who is next to u
4.do you love hello kitty?should no
5.make hard to you,no mark
6.where have rainbow, please tell me
7.why in my eye everyone like you,everyone is you

陳善盈 2016-11-27 14:38:18
1.if I listen sing eye will be red
2.give me two more minutes,let mEmory be ice
3.close eye u remember who, open eye who is next to u
4.you love hello kitty?should no
5.make hard to you,no mark
6.where have rainbow, please tell me
7.why in my eye everyone like you,everyone is you


1. 如果我聽歌可眼紅
3. 閉起雙眼⋯⋯身邊竟是誰
藍毛毛的演唱會 2016-11-27 14:38:45
1.if I listen sing eye will be red
2.give me two more minutes,let mEmory be ice
3.close eye u remember who, open eye who is next to u
4.you love hello kitty?should no
5.make hard to you,no mark
6.where have rainbow, please tell me
7.why in my eye everyone like you,everyone is you


1. 如果我聽歌可眼紅
3. 閉起雙眼⋯⋯身邊竟是誰

羅馬鬥獸場 2016-11-27 14:40:40
2.再給我兩分鐘 讓我把記憶結成冰
6. 哪裡有彩虹告訴我
國際火腿蛋 2016-11-27 14:40:49
1.if I listen sing eye will be red
2.give me two more minutes,let mEmory be ice
3.close eye u remember who, open eye who is next to u
4.you love hello kitty?should no
5.make hard to you,no mark
6.where have rainbow, please tell me
7.why in my eye everyone like you,everyone is you


1. 如果我聽歌可眼紅
3. 閉起雙眼⋯⋯身邊竟是誰

4 羅生門?
國際火腿蛋 2016-11-27 14:41:33
1.if I listen sing eye will be red
2.give me two more minutes,let mEmory be ice
3.close eye u remember who, open eye who is next to u
4.you love hello kitty?should no
5.make hard to you,no mark
6.where have rainbow, please tell me
7.why in my eye everyone like you,everyone is you


1. 如果我聽歌可眼紅
3. 閉起雙眼⋯⋯身邊竟是誰

4 羅生門?

藍毛毛的演唱會 2016-11-27 14:44:03
1.if I listen sing eye will be red
2.give me two more minutes,let mEmory be ice
3.close eye u remember who, open eye who is next to u
4.you love hello kitty?should no
5.make hard to you,no mark
6.where have rainbow, please tell me
7.why in my eye everyone like you,everyone is you


1. 如果我聽歌可眼紅
3. 閉起雙眼⋯⋯身邊竟是誰

4 羅生門?


藍毛毛的演唱會 2016-11-27 14:47:34
1.love me don't go if you say you dont love me
2.who come to love me no family children
3.hit sing, suddenly silence
靜晨 2016-11-27 14:47:53
藍毛毛的演唱會 2016-11-27 14:48:40

低學歷大學生 2016-11-27 14:48:47
2 再給我2分鐘 把我的眼淚結成冰
國際火腿蛋 2016-11-27 14:49:38
1.love me don't go if you say you dont love me
2.who come to love me no family children
3.hit sing, suddenly silence

潮吹口爆糖 2016-11-27 14:51:33
1) streets have too many people and cars, busy and noisy city is the most beautiful

2) people aren't living with feelings, who are stupid

3)same home owner please relax!

4) coffee cups can't even stand properly,ok fine!

5) I will go back, please don't let me cry

藍毛毛的演唱會 2016-11-27 14:52:44
1.love me don't go if you say you dont love me
2.who come to love me no family children
3.hit sing, suddenly silence

1. 愛我別走如果你說你不愛我
2. 誰人會愛我這種孤兒仔
3. 熱播的歌忽爾靜了

藍毛毛的演唱會 2016-11-27 14:53:01
5. 落力為你好得不到分數?

藍毛毛的演唱會 2016-11-27 14:55:19
1) streets have too many people and cars, busy and noisy city is the most beautiful

2) people aren't living with feelings, who are stupid

3)same home owner please relax!

4) coffee cups can't even stand properly,ok fine!

5) I will go back, please don't let me cry


潮吹口爆糖 2016-11-27 14:56:46
1) streets have too many people and cars, busy and noisy city is the most beautiful

2) people aren't living with feelings, who are stupid

3)same home owner please relax!

4) coffee cups can't even stand properly,ok fine!

5) I will go back, please don't let me cry



潮吹口爆糖 2016-11-27 14:56:56
1) streets have too many people and cars, busy and noisy city is the most beautiful

2) people aren't living with feelings, who are stupid

3)same home owner please relax!

4) coffee cups can't even stand properly,ok fine!

5) I will go back, please don't let me cry



藍白色狸貓 2016-11-27 15:00:00
1.if I listen sing eye will be red
2.give me two more minutes,let mEmory be ice
3.close eye u remember who, open eye who is next to u
http://4.do you love hello kitty?should no
5.make hard to you,no mark
6.where have rainbow, please tell me
7.why in my eye everyone like you,everyone is you


4 耿耿
6 彩虹
7 分身術
藍白色狸貓 2016-11-27 15:00:45
1.if I listen sing eye will be red
2.give me two more minutes,let mEmory be ice
3.close eye u remember who, open eye who is next to u
http://4.do you love hello kitty?should no
5.make hard to you,no mark
6.where have rainbow, please tell me
7.why in my eye everyone like you,everyone is you


4 耿耿
6 彩虹
7 分身術

4 自膠
藍毛毛的演唱會 2016-11-27 15:07:28
1.if I listen sing eye will be red
2.give me two more minutes,let mEmory be ice
3.close eye u remember who, open eye who is next to u
http://4.do you love hello kitty?should no
5.make hard to you,no mark
6.where have rainbow, please tell me
7.why in my eye everyone like you,everyone is you


4 耿耿
6 彩虹
7 分身術

4 自膠

藍毛毛的演唱會 2016-11-27 15:12:37
1.who come to love me,be careful to love wrong
2.to sum at this minute, i will heart light in this half year
3.in my life to meet you , spend all my lucky
3.i want to cry ,can you don't sleep
4.la la la la la la la la la la la la la mamm
5.make love skill become a lot of time,one night already become a lot
潮吹口爆糖 2016-11-27 15:13:38
1.who come to love me,be careful to love wrong
http://2.to sum at this minute, i will heart light in this half year
http://3.in my life to meet you , spend all my lucky
3.i want to cry ,can you don't sleep
http://4.la la la la la la la la la la la la la mamm
5.make love skill become a lot of time,one night already become a lot

3)我想哭 你可不可以暫時別要睡
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