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港炸姐 2016-12-06 13:35:57
1)you quick open your hand open your leg . go to the table and sign the paper to be a wife2)when the trend is love fresh when other people love lable3)you live happily i survive hardly4)i've sow uncountable heartbeat to trade a some money 5)never thought that we hated bitter gourd but today we miss the wisdoms

2 當潮流愛新鮮?
絲瞄白飯 2016-12-06 13:37:56
1)you quick open your hand open your leg . go to the table and sign the paper to be a wife2)when the trend is love fresh when other people love lable3)you live happily i survive hardly4)i've sow uncountable heartbeat to trade a some money 5)never thought that we hated bitter gourd but today we miss the wisdoms

2 當潮流愛新鮮?

咁5 一定係真想不到當初我們也討厭吃苦瓜
醫學院毒男 2016-12-06 13:49:16
1. Six day japan for you prepare, pretend mysterious, let you have a surprise
2. I will cook for myself now, I now can romance myself, it is lucky I can sleep I can live just like yesterday
3. Actually love pass by no half minuets
4. When I look at the mirror I very worry, the good thing I no power to own
5. I very miss you, I miss you, but I cheat myself
6. I hate myself when I miss you but I will feel pleasure

1. 六天日本為你準備

3. 其實愛情來過

2. 別來無恙
5. 我好想你

4. 自動棄權
破心護 2016-12-06 14:32:44

1. Pause and ask, ask Satan have pick the wrong sin person?

2. Moment that cannot go back, moment that cannot afraid.

3. Forgot to throw that gift to me

4. Teenager that laugh at you, flash in the watch back mirror.

5. No song, how dare say heart thing?


3. 忘掉投下那禮物給我

1 暫借問 借問撤旦有沒有錯點罪人
超級靚的西多 2016-12-06 14:34:57
1. Already one year with you, memory is still fresh<br/>2. Maybe on the day of birth I thought who treat me like a doll<br/>3. Bow and bye and get saluted<br/>4. The lesson learnt in childhood, no change in is respect <br/>5. Prosperous world why resist being kissed

4 安徒生的錯

1. Already one year with you, memory is still fresh
2. Maybe on the day of birth I thought who treat me like a doll
3. Bow and bye and get saluted
4. The lesson learnt in childhood, no change in is respect
5. Prosperous world why resist being kissed

1 永久保存
5 二十世紀少年


仲有2 3

2 也許出生當天本以為誰待我像公仔

3 鞠躬過就退位 起碼得到敬禮


傑特 2016-12-06 14:47:17
1.The day I skip school for you,the day flowers fall.

2.That day,I looked up a dictionary,search for what word,describe an ancient thing.

3.Butterfly without wings on the ground,full moon after fog.

4.Attack or defend,no tremble,need wine for camping.

4. 要攻要守,不顫抖,露營必須酒

1. 為你翹課的那一天 花落的那一天

另外兩首都係姐撚 唔知有冇人識
絲瞄白飯 2016-12-06 14:57:35

1. Pause and ask, ask Satan have pick the wrong sin person?

2. Moment that cannot go back, moment that cannot afraid.

3. Forgot to throw that gift to me

4. Teenager that laugh at you, flash in the watch back mirror.

5. No song, how dare say heart thing?


3. 忘掉投下那禮物給我

1 暫借問 借問撤旦有沒有錯點罪人


2號 Eason
4號 周國腎
絲瞄白飯 2016-12-06 14:57:54
1.The day I skip school for you,the day flowers fall.

2.That day,I looked up a dictionary,search for what word,describe an ancient thing.

3.Butterfly without wings on the ground,full moon after fog.

4.Attack or defend,no tremble,need wine for camping.

4. 要攻要守,不顫抖,露營必須酒

1. 為你翹課的那一天 花落的那一天

另外兩首都係姐撚 唔知有冇人識

小朋友大賓周 2016-12-06 14:59:47
If want to happy ,why need wait ?
垃圾推波仔 2016-12-06 15:11:06
1. Separate easily erase the past difficult
2. To become the best friend must have love
絲瞄白飯 2016-12-06 15:12:58
1. Separate easily erase the past difficult
2. To become the best friend must have love

1. 如果一手鋸開枯樹
絲瞄白飯 2016-12-06 15:13:25
1. Separate easily erase the past difficult
2. To become the best friend must have love

1. 如果一手鋸開枯樹

Granit_Xhaka 2016-12-06 15:13:42
1. Separate easily erase the past difficult
2. To become the best friend must have love

Granit_Xhaka 2016-12-06 15:14:46
If want to happy ,why need wait ?

垃圾推波仔 2016-12-06 15:20:19
1. Separate easily erase the past difficult
2. To become the best friend must have love

1. 如果一手鋸開枯樹


絲瞄白飯 2016-12-06 15:24:57

1. As if only talk one love
(首歌後面比多句i don't mind if there is no happiness)

2. I'm afraid have a crush on you and cannot fall back

3. Actually you wouldn't say even if I ask many

4. We know three thousand days

5. Any close friend, any couple, harmony, fright with each other, synchronised, believe, respect back off, strangers, miss each other, so how close and some how apart, and swing with the culture, and I'm not surprised.(一句勁長嘅歌詞
垃圾推波仔 2016-12-06 15:25:48
1. Is you do not miss me, even do not find me
2. Hope that we are like small water
3. Who say you are bad people dont decrease your attractive
4. Do not have feel how to love each other, brother only conceal
5. Is you, let the feeling not to be simple
6. Before really want to growth, but the time is too fast
7. Who also know, night night with her those love, but i am blind
8. No people can stop the big wheel with half second
9. Who will believe one world one lift this dialogue
絲瞄白飯 2016-12-06 15:30:21
1. Is you do not miss me, even do not find me
2. Hope that we are like small water
3. Who say you are bad people dont decrease your attractive
4. Do not have feel how to love each other, brother only conceal
5. Is you, let the feeling not to be simple
6. Before really want to growth, but the time is too fast
7. Who also know, night night with her those love, but i am blind
8. No people can stop the big wheel with half second
9. Who will believe one world one lift this dialogue

1. 是你不想我啦

8. 無人可以 讓亂倫停下半秒
M.Verratti 2016-12-06 15:30:44

1. As if only talk one love
(首歌後面比多句i don't mind if there is no happiness)

2. I'm afraid have a crush on you and cannot fall back

3. Actually you wouldn't say even if I ask many

4. We know three thousand days

5. Any close friend, any couple, harmony, fright with each other, synchronised, believe, respect back off, strangers, miss each other, so how close and some how apart, and swing with the culture, and I'm not surprised.(一句勁長嘅歌詞

4. 共你相識三千天
青,看風箏何必追 2016-12-06 15:31:51
But I will become the girl that you most concerned about
絲瞄白飯 2016-12-06 15:33:32
1. Is you do not miss me, even do not find me
2. Hope that we are like small water
3. Who say you are bad people dont decrease your attractive
4. Do not have feel how to love each other, brother only conceal
5. Is you, let the feeling not to be simple
6. Before really want to growth, but the time is too fast
7. Who also know, night night with her those love, but i am blind
8. No people can stop the big wheel with half second
9. Who will believe one world one lift this dialogue

1. 是你不想我啦

8. 無人可以 讓亂倫停下半秒

7. 誰也知夜夜與他那內情 可惜我盲左眼

9. 誰人又相信 一世一生這膚淺對白

垃圾推波仔 2016-12-06 15:34:34
1. Is you do not miss me, even do not find me
2. Hope that we are like small water
3. Who say you are bad people dont decrease your attractive
4. Do not have feel how to love each other, brother only conceal
5. Is you, let the feeling not to be simple
6. Before really want to growth, but the time is too fast
7. Who also know, night night with her those love, but i am blind
8. No people can stop the big wheel with half second
9. Who will believe one world one lift this dialogue

1. 是你不想我啦

8. 無人可以 讓亂倫停下半秒

1. 是你不找我啦
8. yes
垃圾推波仔 2016-12-06 15:35:34
1. Is you do not miss me, even do not find me
2. Hope that we are like small water
3. Who say you are bad people dont decrease your attractive
4. Do not have feel how to love each other, brother only conceal
5. Is you, let the feeling not to be simple
6. Before really want to growth, but the time is too fast
7. Who also know, night night with her those love, but i am blind
8. No people can stop the big wheel with half second
9. Who will believe one world one lift this dialogue

1. 是你不想我啦

8. 無人可以 讓亂倫停下半秒

7. 誰也知夜夜與他那內情 可惜我盲左眼

9. 誰人又相信 一世一生這膚淺對白


00年代 普通90後
垃圾推波仔 2016-12-06 15:35:56
1. Is you do not miss me, even do not find me
2. Hope that we are like small water
3. Who say you are bad people dont decrease your attractive
4. Do not have feel how to love each other, brother only conceal
5. Is you, let the feeling not to be simple
6. Before really want to growth, but the time is too fast
7. Who also know, night night with her those love, but i am blind
8. No people can stop the big wheel with half second
9. Who will believe one world one lift this dialogue

1. 是你不想我啦

8. 無人可以 讓亂倫停下半秒

7. 誰也知夜夜與他那內情 可惜我盲左眼

9. 誰人又相信 一世一生這膚淺對白


00年代 普通90後

7 9 yes
十蚊紙 2016-12-06 15:39:01
1. Is you do not miss me, even do not find me

2. Hope that we are like small water

3. Who say you are bad people dont decrease your attractive

4. Do not have feel how to love each other, brother only conceal

5. Is you, let the feeling not to be simple

6. Before really want to growth, but the time is too fast

7. Who also know, night night with her those love, but i am blind

8. No people can stop the big wheel with half second

9. Who will believe one world one lift this dialogue

1. 是你不想我啦

8. 無人可以 讓亂倫停下半秒

7. 誰也知夜夜與他那內情 可惜我盲左眼

9. 誰人又相信 一世一生這膚淺對白




00年代 普通90後

7 9 yes

2. 讓我們似細水長流?
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞