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芝士海蝦焗伊麵 2016-12-07 15:23:19
1.Just in the eyes of the whole world lost and go far away

2.Try all world thing cold hot bitter
situation,finally become a strong man

3.Swim eighteen thousand feet,still not enough,you are my opponent forever

4.Life is too short,put hand need bigger

5.When I get the whole universe,suddenly I miss you

6.Surrender!I don't have method

7.Everyone know four hundred feet like fire stick

8.Life even breathing is for challenge

9.Not request hot love,only want warm

10.Float cloud smile to people

3. 游過18萬尺後…
5. 在我得到整個宇宙突然懷念你
6. 投降吧我沒有辦法


1. 正當眼望全個世界丟低我在遠走
等你在雨中 2016-12-07 16:25:04
1.Just in the eyes of the whole world lost and go far away

2.Try all world thing cold hot bitter
situation,finally become a strong man

3.Swim eighteen thousand feet,still not enough,you are my opponent forever

4.Life is too short,put hand need bigger

5.When I get the whole universe,suddenly I miss you

6.Surrender!I don't have method

7.Everyone know four hundred feet like fire stick

8.Life even breathing is for challenge

9.Not request hot love,only want warm

10.Float cloud smile to people

3. 游過18萬尺後…
5. 在我得到整個宇宙突然懷念你
6. 投降吧我沒有辦法


1. 正當眼望全個世界丟低我在遠走

路小雨 2016-12-07 16:36:44
1.Invincible holy cloth,golden colour so beautiful

2.The most beautiful long hair didn't hold on my hand,I also drunk happy

3.You step by step change small I am strong,who dare to say

4.Red eye,looking at this lonely city

5.If you love wack,actually I'm beautiful

6.Even you know,also don't wanna know that is me

7.Still in our own universe,missed the spring
1over2absinc 2016-12-07 16:58:46
1.Invincible holy cloth,golden colour so beautiful

2.The most beautiful long hair didn't hold on my hand,I also drunk happy

3.You step by step change small I am strong,who dare to say

http://4.Red eye,looking at this lonely city

5.If you love wack,actually I'm beautiful

6.Even you know,also don't wanna know that is me

7.Still in our own universe,missed the spring

2. 最美麗長髮未留在我手,我也開心飲過洒
4. 紅眼睛幽幽的看著這孤城
carrijoel 2016-12-07 17:01:38
1.Invincible holy cloth,golden colour so beautiful

2.The most beautiful long hair didn't hold on my hand,I also drunk happy

3.You step by step change small I am strong,who dare to say

http://4.Red eye,looking at this lonely city

5.If you love wack,actually I'm beautiful

6.Even you know,also don't wanna know that is me

7.Still in our own universe,missed the spring

2. 最美麗長髮未留在我手,我也開心飲過洒
4. 紅眼睛幽幽的看著這孤城

7. …在各自宇宙 錯過了春天
路小雨 2016-12-07 17:09:39
1.Invincible holy cloth,golden colour so beautiful

2.The most beautiful long hair didn't hold on my hand,I also drunk happy

3.You step by step change small I am strong,who dare to say

http://4.Red eye,looking at this lonely city

5.If you love wack,actually I'm beautiful

6.Even you know,also don't wanna know that is me

7.Still in our own universe,missed the spring

2. 最美麗長髮未留在我手,我也開心飲過洒
4. 紅眼睛幽幽的看著這孤城

7. …在各自宇宙 錯過了春天

carrijoel 2016-12-07 17:12:19
1. only you, will call me most important in the crowd
2. want sky collect me, injury for you heavily
3. my love, don't change, miriam's husband scold me still no release
4. try put hair insect to shelf, for trick on girls
5. forest in forest, sweet in heart
6. is you, pull my hand fly
7. who is learning self strong, come find way
8. samuel or vieri can all in line-up
9. cannot explain hate, instead pain of cut skin
1over2absinc 2016-12-07 17:16:36
1. Snowing in June, everyone laughs sadly

2. God bless my lover. This day, tomorrow, the entire life, love him

3. When everything surround me like wind, is you who let me find the roots.

4. Night is so beautiful. even though it is dangerous, there are still someone burn the midnight oil with black eyes
究極邊緣人 2016-12-07 17:18:47
1. only you, will call me most important in the crowd
2. want sky collect me, injury for you heavily
3. my love, don't change, miriam's husband scold me still no release
4. try put hair insect to shelf, for trick on girls
5. forest in forest, sweet in heart
6. is you, pull my hand fly
7. who is learning self strong, come find way
8. samuel or vieri can all in line-up
9. cannot explain hate, instead pain of cut skin

2,寧願天去收我 也為你受重傷
carrijoel 2016-12-07 17:19:29
1. Snowing in June, everyone laughs sadly

2. God bless my lover. This day, tomorrow, the entire life, love him

3. When everything surround me like wind, is you who let me find the roots.

4. Night is so beautiful. even though it is dangerous, there are still someone burn the midnight oil with black eyes

1. 六月飛霜 個個笑得哀傷
2. 天佑我的愛人 這日明天一世把她寵愛
carrijoel 2016-12-07 17:21:48
1. Snowing in June, everyone laughs sadly

2. God bless my lover. This day, tomorrow, the entire life, love him

3. When everything surround me like wind, is you who let me find the roots.

4. Night is so beautiful. even though it is dangerous, there are still someone burn the midnight oil with black eyes

1. 六月飛霜 個個笑得哀傷
2. 天佑我的愛人 這日明天一世把她寵愛
3. 當身邊的一切如風 是你讓我找到根蒂
carrijoel 2016-12-07 17:23:04
1. Snowing in June, everyone laughs sadly

2. God bless my lover. This day, tomorrow, the entire life, love him

3. When everything surround me like wind, is you who let me find the roots.

4. Night is so beautiful. even though it is dangerous, there are still someone burn the midnight oil with black eyes

1. 六月飛霜 個個笑得哀傷
2. 天佑我的愛人 這日明天一世把她寵愛
3. 當身邊的一切如風 是你讓我找到根蒂
4. 夜太美 儘管再危險 總有人…熬著夜
1over2absinc 2016-12-07 17:23:30
1. Snowing in June, everyone laughs sadly

2. God bless my lover. This day, tomorrow, the entire life, love him

3. When everything surround me like wind, is you who let me find the roots.

4. Night is so beautiful. even though it is dangerous, there are still someone burn the midnight oil with black eyes

1. 六月飛霜 個個笑得哀傷
2. 天佑我的愛人 這日明天一世把她寵愛
3. 當身邊的一切如風 是你讓我找到根蒂
4. 夜太美 儘管再危險 總有人…熬著夜

carrijoel 2016-12-07 17:24:27
1. Snowing in June, everyone laughs sadly

2. God bless my lover. This day, tomorrow, the entire life, love him

3. When everything surround me like wind, is you who let me find the roots.

4. Night is so beautiful. even though it is dangerous, there are still someone burn the midnight oil with black eyes

1. 六月飛霜 個個笑得哀傷
2. 天佑我的愛人 這日明天一世把她寵愛
3. 當身邊的一切如風 是你讓我找到根蒂
4. 夜太美 儘管再危險 總有人…熬著夜

乜而加d小學雞咁快識 "burn midnight oil" 咩
carrijoel 2016-12-07 17:25:38
1. only you, will call me most important in the crowd
2. want sky collect me, injury for you heavily
3. my love, don't change, miriam's husband scold me still no release
4. try put hair insect to shelf, for trick on girls
5. forest in forest, sweet in heart
6. is you, pull my hand fly
7. who is learning self strong, come find way
8. samuel or vieri can all in line-up
9. cannot explain hate, instead pain of cut skin

2,寧願天去收我 也為你受重傷

Creampie達人 2016-12-07 17:30:32
Silver river's secret , blame on the bad people
路小雨 2016-12-07 17:32:26
Silver river's secret , blame on the bad people

銀河唯一的秘密 天際最強人物
1over2absinc 2016-12-07 17:33:34
1. Snowing in June, everyone laughs sadly

2. God bless my lover. This day, tomorrow, the entire life, love him

3. When everything surround me like wind, is you who let me find the roots.

4. Night is so beautiful. even though it is dangerous, there are still someone burn the midnight oil with black eyes

1. 六月飛霜 個個笑得哀傷
2. 天佑我的愛人 這日明天一世把她寵愛
3. 當身邊的一切如風 是你讓我找到根蒂
4. 夜太美 儘管再危險 總有人…熬著夜

乜而加d小學雞咁快識 "burn midnight oil" 咩

有可能識嘅 不過自 咗先
路小雨 2016-12-07 17:33:43
Silver river's secret , blame on the bad people

銀河唯一的秘密 天際最強人物

Sorry 將惡人重罰先岩
離家出走 2016-12-07 18:02:53
1. He is wearing a yellow shirt, then changes back to green shirt, then changes back to yellow shirt, but looks like a green shirt

1. In fact being a toxic dick alone is happier, you don't fucking say!

3. I'm a Siberian, the champion of the Winter

4. That bitch knows that keeping soldiers is better than marrying people
路小雨 2016-12-07 18:14:28
1. He is wearing a yellow shirt, then changes back to green shirt, then changes back to yellow shirt, but looks like a green shirt

1. In fact being a toxic dick alone is happier, you don't fucking say!

3. I'm a Siberian, the champion of the Winter

4. That bitch knows that keeping soldiers is better than marrying people

2.其實毒撚一個更開心 洗撚你講
3.我是一個西伯利亞人 冬天的冠軍
卡樂b 2016-12-07 18:23:03
1. He is wearing a yellow shirt, then changes back to green shirt, then changes back to yellow shirt, but looks like a green shirt

1. In fact being a toxic dick alone is happier, you don't fucking say!

3. I'm a Siberian, the champion of the Winter

4. That bitch knows that keeping soldiers is better than marrying people

2.其實毒撚一個更開心 洗撚你講
3.我是一個西伯利亞人 冬天的冠軍

1. 佢家下黃色衫
4. 條女很清楚收兵好過嫁人
鳩up王 2016-12-07 18:37:38
1.Invincible holy cloth,golden colour so beautiful

2.The most beautiful long hair didn't hold on my hand,I also drunk happy

3.You step by step change small I am strong,who dare to say

http://4.Red eye,looking at this lonely city

5.If you love wack,actually I'm beautiful

6.Even you know,also don't wanna know that is me

7.Still in our own universe,missed the spring

2. 最美麗長髮未留在我手,我也開心飲過洒
4. 紅眼睛幽幽的看著這孤城

7. …在各自宇宙 錯過了春天


路小雨 2016-12-07 18:42:02
1.Invincible holy cloth,golden colour so beautiful

2.The most beautiful long hair didn't hold on my hand,I also drunk happy

3.You step by step change small I am strong,who dare to say

http://4.Red eye,looking at this lonely city

5.If you love wack,actually I'm beautiful

6.Even you know,also don't wanna know that is me

7.Still in our own universe,missed the spring

2. 最美麗長髮未留在我手,我也開心飲過洒
4. 紅眼睛幽幽的看著這孤城

7. …在各自宇宙 錯過了春天



巴打識貨 第一首都識
碌鳩生野 2016-12-07 18:52:19
People if forget love,busy to contest with time
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