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飛小姐 2016-12-07 09:39:57
1. Sell and make ball skills, together with you write into diary

2. In my hug, no cold wind blows

3. Everyone's dream can achieve

4. Greyish-silver belt, purpleish red armour

5. World war blackens the universe

6. Invincible holy clothes

7. Schoolmates everyone find a seat, this is your open school ceremony

8. Only want only want real feeling to express

9. Elite soldiers all like winning

10. I want to hit you hard

(11. 你感覺到嘛?我們的意粉)


7. 同學各位

5. 世界大戰抹黑宇宙了
11. oh can you feel
樓主老母 2016-12-07 09:41:10
i go to school by bus

i know thaihand

my power is powerful
絲瞄白飯 2016-12-07 09:45:43
全首歌第一句 全部都係

1. Still not start, so no end yet

2. Once write on all floor lonely and hard feel

3. (呢首歌一開頭果段係英文嚟 下面呢句係中文段第一句)
Once with you because of work together fly far away

4. How to face, together walk pass days

5. Before look you nearly grad
飢餓藝術家 2016-12-07 09:51:29
全首歌第一句 全部都係

1. Still not start, so no end yet

2. Once write on all floor lonely and hard feel

3. (呢首歌一開頭果段係英文嚟 下面呢句係中文段第一句)

Once with you because of work together fly far away

4. How to face, together walk pass days

5. Before look you nearly grad

絲瞄白飯 2016-12-07 09:52:51
全首歌第一句 全部都係

1. Still not start, so no end yet

2. Once write on all floor lonely and hard feel

3. (呢首歌一開頭果段係英文嚟 下面呢句係中文段第一句)

Once with you because of work together fly far away

4. How to face, together walk pass days

5. Before look you nearly grad


carrijoel 2016-12-07 10:16:52
1. I have no brave to talk you the past
2. cannot compare my beloved at ear side, sing soft and light
3. time can change, world can change
4. take up victory belief and power, with hot blood attack grass
絲瞄白飯 2016-12-07 10:17:46
1. I have no brave to talk you the past
2. cannot compare my beloved at ear side, sing soft and light
3. time can change, world can change
4. take up victory belief and power, with hot blood attack grass

1. 我再沒勇氣向你講💩
等你在雨中 2016-12-07 10:26:51
1. I have no brave to talk you the past
2. cannot compare my beloved at ear side, sing soft and light
3. time can change, world can change
4. take up victory belief and power, with hot blood attack grass

等你在雨中 2016-12-07 11:14:29
1.Just in the eyes of the whole world lost and go far away

2.Try all world thing cold hot bitter
situation,finally become a strong man

3.Swim eighteen thousand feet,still not enough,you are my opponent forever

4.Life is too short,put hand need bigger

5.When I get the whole universe,suddenly I miss you

6.Surrender!I don't have method

7.Everyone know four hundred feet like fire stick

8.Life even breathing is for challenge

9.Not request hot love,only want warm

10.Float cloud smile to people
carrijoel 2016-12-07 11:17:32
1.Just in the eyes of the whole world lost and go far away

2.Try all world thing cold hot bitter
situation,finally become a strong man

3.Swim eighteen thousand feet,still not enough,you are my opponent forever

4.Life is too short,put hand need bigger

5.When I get the whole universe,suddenly I miss you

6.Surrender!I don't have method

7.Everyone know four hundred feet like fire stick

8.Life even breathing is for challenge

9.Not request hot love,only want warm

10.Float cloud smile to people

3. 游過18萬尺後…
5. 在我得到整個宇宙突然懷念你
6. 投降吧我沒有辦法
貧道法號耶穌 2016-12-07 11:59:16
1. Sell and make ball skills, together with you write into diary

2. In my hug, no cold wind blows

3. Everyone's dream can achieve

4. Greyish-silver belt, purpleish red armour

5. World war blackens the universe

6. Invincible holy clothes

7. Schoolmates everyone find a seat, this is your open school ceremony

8. Only want only want real feeling to express

9. Elite soldiers all like winning

10. I want to hit you hard

(11. 你感覺到嘛?我們的意粉)


7. 同學各位

5. 世界大戰抹黑宇宙了
11. oh can you feel

4, 8, 9都可能有啲難度 雖然係兒歌
1over2absinc 2016-12-07 12:06:11
1.Expect to spend a lifetime to know is your little

2.When time paused,your laugh open eyes,look so beautiful

3.Relative problem meets Relative problem

Spring should be very good if you still here

春天該很好 你若尚在場


2. 停頓時,在你笑開的眼眉,望穿秋水之美
1over2absinc 2016-12-07 12:07:55
Snow White are very few,but there are too many Dwarf,already six!!!!!!!!!

Wet then blow it love,just let it go

Hope tomorrow,can no longer crazy for you

1. 白雪公主不多 認命扮矮人的有太多個 早有六個

3. 願明天 能不再為妳痴纏

2. 濕了便吹一吹,愛情由它去
邀你老母共進餐 2016-12-07 12:17:32
You hands up, you nod, you say choose me choose me
黑暗炸雞 2016-12-07 12:21:03
1. Sell and make ball skills, together with you write into diary

2. In my hug, no cold wind blows

3. Everyone's dream can achieve

4. Greyish-silver belt, purpleish red armour

5. World war blackens the universe

6. Invincible holy clothes

7. Schoolmates everyone find a seat, this is your open school ceremony

8. Only want only want real feeling to express

9. Elite soldiers all like winning

10. I want to hit you hard

(11. 你感覺到嘛?我們的意粉)


7. 同學各位

5. 世界大戰抹黑宇宙了
11. oh can you feel

4, 8, 9都可能有啲難度 雖然係兒歌

4.灰 銀色腰帶 紫 紅色盔甲
1over2absinc 2016-12-07 12:25:46
1. Sell and make ball skills, together with you write into diary

2. In my hug, no cold wind blows

3. Everyone's dream can achieve

4. Greyish-silver belt, purpleish red armour

5. World war blackens the universe

6. Invincible holy clothes

7. Schoolmates everyone find a seat, this is your open school ceremony

8. Only want only want real feeling to express

9. Elite soldiers all like winning

10. I want to hit you hard

(11. 你感覺到嘛?我們的意粉)


7. 同學各位

5. 世界大戰抹黑宇宙了
11. oh can you feel

4, 8, 9都可能有啲難度 雖然係兒歌

4.灰 銀色腰帶 紫 紅色盔甲

9. 精兵都好勝(keroro 軍曹
A.Santos 2016-12-07 12:29:05
One two three, too bored or too much
1over2absinc 2016-12-07 12:32:25
One two three, too bored or too much

鳩UP熊貓 2016-12-07 12:33:56
1.Just in the eyes of the whole world lost and go far away

2.Try all world thing cold hot bitter
situation,finally become a strong man

3.Swim eighteen thousand feet,still not enough,you are my opponent forever

4.Life is too short,put hand need bigger

5.When I get the whole universe,suddenly I miss you

6.Surrender!I don't have method

7.Everyone know four hundred feet like fire stick

8.Life even breathing is for challenge

9.Not request hot love,only want warm

10.Float cloud smile to people

3. 游過18萬尺後…
5. 在我得到整個宇宙突然懷念你
6. 投降吧我沒有辦法

4. 人生太短 出手要更大
貧道法號耶穌 2016-12-07 12:42:41
1. Sell and make ball skills, together with you write into diary

2. In my hug, no cold wind blows

3. Everyone's dream can achieve

4. Greyish-silver belt, purpleish red armour

5. World war blackens the universe

6. Invincible holy clothes

7. Schoolmates everyone find a seat, this is your open school ceremony

8. Only want only want real feeling to express

9. Elite soldiers all like winning

10. I want to hit you hard

(11. 你感覺到嘛?我們的意粉)


7. 同學各位

5. 世界大戰抹黑宇宙了
11. oh can you feel

4, 8, 9都可能有啲難度 雖然係兒歌

4.灰 銀色腰帶 紫 紅色盔甲

貧道法號耶穌 2016-12-07 12:44:38
1. Sell and make ball skills, together with you write into diary

2. In my hug, no cold wind blows

3. Everyone's dream can achieve

4. Greyish-silver belt, purpleish red armour

5. World war blackens the universe

6. Invincible holy clothes

7. Schoolmates everyone find a seat, this is your open school ceremony

8. Only want only want real feeling to express

9. Elite soldiers all like winning

10. I want to hit you hard

(11. 你感覺到嘛?我們的意粉)


7. 同學各位

5. 世界大戰抹黑宇宙了
11. oh can you feel

4, 8, 9都可能有啲難度 雖然係兒歌

4.灰 銀色腰帶 紫 紅色盔甲

9. 精兵都好勝(keroro 軍曹

Kero Kero Kero

第8我諗要有返啲年紀先會知 除非鍾意個系列鍾意到連劇場版嘅粵語版主題曲都知
等你在雨中 2016-12-07 12:46:36
1.Just in the eyes of the whole world lost and go far away

2.Try all world thing cold hot bitter
situation,finally become a strong man

3.Swim eighteen thousand feet,still not enough,you are my opponent forever

4.Life is too short,put hand need bigger

5.When I get the whole universe,suddenly I miss you

6.Surrender!I don't have method

7.Everyone know four hundred feet like fire stick

8.Life even breathing is for challenge

9.Not request hot love,only want warm

10.Float cloud smile to people

3. 游過18萬尺後…
5. 在我得到整個宇宙突然懷念你
6. 投降吧我沒有辦法

4. 人生太短 出手要更大

等你在雨中 2016-12-07 12:47:55
1.Just in the eyes of the whole world lost and go far away

2.Try all world thing cold hot bitter
situation,finally become a strong man

3.Swim eighteen thousand feet,still not enough,you are my opponent forever

4.Life is too short,put hand need bigger

5.When I get the whole universe,suddenly I miss you

6.Surrender!I don't have method

7.Everyone know four hundred feet like fire stick

8.Life even breathing is for challenge

9.Not request hot love,only want warm

10.Float cloud smile to people

3. 游過18萬尺後…
5. 在我得到整個宇宙突然懷念你
6. 投降吧我沒有辦法

芝士海蝦焗伊麵 2016-12-07 15:17:23
再來 全部都係05年前ge無線劇集歌

1.After drink the bitter water,honey will give to me,medicine come disease out in the past

2.Always in my right and left,one people not enough,friends walk with me

3.Even the wind is ferocious,can't destroy smiling

4.Together with you,to bear the number still do not give up

5.I love you,I unconsciously loved you too much

***6.Love and thank,I am very care

7.You travel in my memory

http://8.My dream hang in the blue blue sky


3. (烽火奇遇結良緣)風吹得再兇 吹不散笑容


4. (先生貴)跟你一起 承受了幾多仍不放棄

正確 e句譯得有d怪,不過巴打好勁咁都估到

2. (與朋友共)常在我左右 一個人不夠 朋共友相伴著行
7. (再生緣-記得忘記)你在我記憶旅行


吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞