IT界討論區:(23) 祝大家今年人工review過10%

1001 回覆
5 Like 0 Dislike
2018-03-20 23:27:45
2018-03-20 23:38:47
2018-03-20 23:41:59
計埋B仔我都叫有32.5K ge
2018-03-20 23:42:03
2018-03-20 23:44:14
2018-03-21 00:54:53
2018-03-21 00:56:56
2018-03-21 01:01:50
2018-03-21 01:36:33
2018-03-21 01:36:43
2018-03-21 01:36:56
2018-03-21 01:37:08
2018-03-21 01:38:01
2018-03-21 01:38:30
2018-03-21 01:40:11
2018-03-21 02:59:09
2018-03-21 08:15:32
2018-03-21 08:27:47
2018-03-21 08:29:45
2018-03-21 09:03:04

Cogs - New tech opportunities - Hong Kong

Dear xxx, Please excuse my direct LinkedIn approach. I am specialist Tech Recruitment Consultant who assists global advertising agencies and brands in acquiring digital talent across Asia. I have recently picked up a number new tech opportunities that might be of your interest. They are innovative product companies, corporates, startups, creative agencies, etc May I invite you to meet up at our office in Central to having a more detail chat about your experience and how Cogs can help you with your next move? What about: Date: 21st / 22nd March (Wednesday/ Thursday) Time: 10am/ 11am /4pm / 5pm (Hong Kong time) Our address is: 8/F, 30 Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong Please feel free to ring me or drop me a message for more information. Thanks, Ken Ken Lam Managing Consultant / 3579 4470
CogsAgent係好撚on9下下都叫你係office hour去佢度飲咖啡,佢都on撚9

我覺得條撚樣最撚仆街係連你D資料睇都未睇就話你好適合叫你office hours上去見
2018-03-21 09:18:03
2018-03-21 09:18:06
老細明明滿座都要renew jobsdb
agent同時multi targeting
只係唔明點解要人office hour上去
係咪上左就一定有match 先
2018-03-21 09:25:13
banking 3年已經係sap level, 一定過30k
金融界三年都上到 asso level

我最近收過嘅agent call都好多大企例如swire 恒隆呢啲地產都出 3xk請兩三年經嘅人
2018-03-21 09:37:56
2018-03-21 09:39:05
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞