BNO與其去做慈母 不如加入英軍

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2018-06-07 03:35:09
想問bno 係uk 讀書student visa住左5年可唔可以apply army officer role?
2018-06-07 03:37:32
It has to be BC. No exception
2018-06-07 03:44:08
sigh wanted to join as an army officer after graduation. looks like ain't gonna work.

thanks for replying
2018-06-07 04:35:04
I dun think any armed forces would allow you to be an officer without being a BC lol..
Sorry about that
You can try to get your citizenship first and join it?
2018-06-07 05:13:27
well afterall it's a very sensitive job so it kinda makes sense lel

only interested in managerial role coz my intention is to use it as a stepping stone

will go to army center to see if there's any chance but if not then probably find another path
2018-06-07 09:10:08
HKPF inspector haha
I am gonna apply for London detective constable after uni and reserve army officer alongside.
Hope you will be alright
2018-06-08 01:28:38
I am gonna apply for London detective constable after uni and reserve army - don't know whether you still want to be a detective constable in London after you watch the link below -
2018-06-23 16:02:13
去咗uotc嘅summer camp
2018-06-23 21:26:34
2018-06-24 02:40:59
2018-06-24 02:54:19
會有village clearance attack
2018-06-24 02:58:20
去Normandy 有乜做
2018-07-04 06:44:04
2018-07-04 08:27:59
想問有色弱做唔做到RN ?
2018-07-05 11:39:49
2018-07-05 11:51:18
D鬼佬槍都唔洗 拎碌撚都打死連登仔
2018-07-08 06:04:30
睇 role
2018-07-08 06:21:59
Is there gonna be a problem if the applicant is only 5 ft 2 ?
2018-07-08 07:31:18
個網runtime error 左....
2018-07-08 07:35:58
有冇話例如咩role一定唔得 咩ROLE係可以?
2018-07-10 22:25:29
TG 個位巴打, 我到左英國啦

HKG3 巴打仲係唔係到 有野想問下
BNO 係唔係可以做crown service? 有見過人講話可以報但一定唔請
我搵左勁耐都搵唔到咩工係crown service
佢又唔會直接講crown service有邊D, 攪到我都唔肯定邊D係
2018-07-10 23:03:47
Official Secrets Act 1989
(a) a Minister of the Crown;
[(aa) a member of the Scottish Executive or a junior Scottish Minister;]
[(ab) the First Minister for Wales, a Welsh Minister appointed under section 48 of the Government of Wales Act 2006, the Counsel General to the Welsh Assembly Government or a Deputy Welsh Minister;]
(b) . . .
(c) any person employed in the civil service of the Crown, including Her Majesty's Diplomatic Service, Her Majesty's Overseas Civil Service, the civil service of Northern Ireland and the Northern Ireland Court Service;
(d) any member of the naval, military or air forces of the Crown, including any person employed by an association established for the purposes of [Part XI of the Reserve Forces Act 1996];
(e) any constable and any other person employed or appointed in or for the purposes of any police force [(including the Police Service of Northern Ireland and the Police Service of Northern Ireland Reserve)][or of the Serious Organised Crime Agency];
(f) any person who is a member or employee of a prescribed body or a body of a prescribed class and either is prescribed for the purposes of this paragraph or belongs to a prescribed class of members or employees of any such body;
(g) any person who is the holder of a prescribed office or who is an employee of such a holder and either is prescribed for the purposes of this paragraph or belongs to a prescribed class of such employees.

咁Army 都算係crown service?
消防又算唔算係crown service?
2018-07-14 18:23:44

2018-07-17 23:27:34
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞