BNO與其去做慈母 不如加入英軍


526 回覆
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精流不息 2018-01-06 19:54:43
But did he graduate from Sandhurst or just graduated from uotc
heater 2018-01-06 20:12:09
he joined the university unit first, then passed out in Sandhurst
精流不息 2018-01-06 21:18:06
If i were him i m gonna cry like a bitch
丹素華盛頓 2018-01-06 22:33:12
I wouldn't be surprised
I had thought about joining FFL or UK army before
And I'm pretty sure I have read in somewhere that BN(O) holder wouldn't be able to join in any officer rank
精流不息 2018-01-07 00:07:09
我真係好好奇佢點pass out呀
heater 2018-01-07 00:41:56
HKG3 2018-01-07 00:42:22
The MOD mistaken his BN(O) passport as a British Citizen passport?
精流不息 2018-01-07 05:29:14
咪撚搞啦屌 2018-01-07 11:14:41
Hi guys. I have been training for regular soldier role since October. I bascially can finish the tests for soldiers (not officers, they are different) at best effort. What my concern is whether i can make it through the 28-week training. So I plan to train more for the 1.5 miles running (plus 800m warm up before that as it is the requirement) and working on muscle hypertrophy. After all I don’t wanna get bullied in the army. (Of course, british english listening skill as well)

I plan to fly to UK in 2019. Looking for training buddy and ,if my schedule suits you, a travel buddy, and we can apply together in 2019. Please pm me or reply this comment if you are interested
hi bro, mind if you share your tg? feel free
精流不息 2018-01-07 23:30:28
你地覺得no.1 dress uniform 定 no.2 靚仔d?


個人覺得officer 著 no.2 正d
Sam browne belt
HKG3 2018-01-09 00:58:24
BN(O) holder wouldn't be able to join in any officer rank - Non-commission officers can get promotions to become commission officers in the UK. Dominic Troulan, the latest recipient of the George Cross, was a NCO before getting promoted to be a captain (上尉) and ended his army career as a Major (少校).
丹素華盛頓 2018-01-09 09:58:37

HKG3 2018-01-11 02:12:53
Well, you win some, you lose some!

At lease you can get British Citizenship after 5 years' service in the British Armed Forces.
咪撚搞啦屌 2018-01-11 10:03:05
I wouldn't be surprised
I had thought about joining FFL or UK army before
And I'm pretty sure I have read in somewhere that BN(O) holder wouldn't be able to join in any officer rank
BN(O) holder wouldn't be able to join in any officer rank - Non-commission officers can get promotions to become commission officers in the UK. Dominic Troulan, the latest recipient of the George Cross, was a NCO before getting promoted to be a captain (上尉) and ended his army career as a Major (少校).

Well, you win some, you lose some!

At lease you can get British Citizenship after 5 years' service in the British Armed Forces.

Gotta enjoy being a soldier at least you can get promoted to sergeant.
HKG3 2018-01-13 16:51:10
HKG3 2018-01-25 01:47:03
Another push!
一23四 2018-01-25 02:31:00
HKG3 2018-02-01 02:44:33
Hong Kong Police Pass Out Of British Army Parade Training
HKG3 2018-02-04 18:32:56
精流不息 2018-02-06 08:50:26
我見過 captain white
HKG3 2018-02-10 00:45:45
制服團體﹕中聯辦促轉中式步操 惹「去殖化」憂慮 青少年軍陳振彬﹕只協助非要求

HKG3 2018-02-16 03:09:21
Behind The Uniform: Making The British Military Look Impeccable | Forces TV

When George Cross winner WO1 Kim Hughes needed a new set of uniforms, he had them made to measure. The work was done at a very traditional company in a very traditional Army town. We follow him through this fascinating process and hear the rather unfortunate reason he needed the new uniforms at all...
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