BNO 確認可以用英國人身份加入英軍
之前有介紹, BNO 申請英軍嘅嘢,有讀者轉介一封,英國國防部根據Freedom of Information Act作出嘅官方回覆,如果 BNO 想從軍,報效國家,係可以一如居英權BC咁樣申請嘅。
BNO 係可以用英國人身份入英軍嘅
British National (Overseas) passport holders are eligible to join the British Army. They are therefore not subject to the same residency rules that apply to citizens of the Commonwealth. However, minimum UK residency periods may apply in order to meet mandatory security clearance requirements. The length of residency involved may depend on how long British National (Overseas) holders have been in the UK for on a continuous basis, and under what arrangements.
件事好清楚, BNO可以加入英軍,居留條件上一如英國公民嘅做法,唔係跟英聯邦公民做法。如果你怕IA 1971 immigration control嘅問題,根據IA 1971,英軍現役人員係不受immigration control。
不過我個人都會建議,你申請YMS Tier-5簽證入英國,然後至申請,至少會比較容易符合喺居留年期嘅要求,提高你成功申請嘅機會率。一如如果你係英國公民,如果想申請英軍,應該及早返回英國居住,並喺英國居住期間加入英軍,唔好喺香港申請咁麻煩,亦費時你喺香港申請嘅information俾港共政府攞到。
所以 BNO想從軍,可以放心申請。