BNO與其去做慈母 不如加入英軍

526 回覆
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2018-03-27 13:39:49
2018-03-27 13:55:02
army嗰面online嘅回覆係given你係bno, 喺你入班前要居住英國3年做security check先。唔知navy有冇呢個requirement
2018-03-27 14:02:00
所有aremed forces 都要security check
具體都係case by case咁
2018-03-27 22:53:21
2018-03-29 01:24:05
Unless you are also a Commonwealth citizen (英聯邦公民).
2018-03-29 01:25:08
Wish you the best of luck!
2018-03-29 16:31:25
Best Luck!! Is this the one which consists of 4 papers?
2018-03-29 16:33:22
正確 一共120條mc
2018-03-29 17:31:17
C Hing which role did you apply?
2018-03-29 17:44:26
ws rating
2018-03-29 18:21:22
真係想去嘅就行動啦 !
個代 BNO 持有人一年比一年老
離開嘅成本愈嚟愈大 體能又愈嚟愈差

努力去參軍嘅人起碼有付出 值得欣賞
唔似得 d 望天打卦成日想坐係度自動變英藉嘅人

路其實係有 但你要付出囉
2018-03-30 01:45:56
真係想去嘅就行動啦 !
個代 BNO 持有人一年比一年老
離開嘅成本愈嚟愈大 體能又愈嚟愈差
- you need to start your Army training by the age of 33.

努力去參軍嘅人起碼有付出 值得欣賞
唔似得 d 望天打卦成日想坐係度自動變英藉嘅人

路其實係有 但你要付出囉
- well said, it is better for you to find your own way to get British Citizenship then waiting for it to come from above.
2018-03-30 06:39:45
Btw 你唸住做幾多年
我會想做Royal military police officer
2018-03-30 08:05:30
識做 一定做 Royal Marines
2018-03-30 08:32:25
2018-03-30 14:49:47
過到interview 都未必過到eye test(有近視) security check

2018-04-01 17:05:33
If I am you, I would stay until you got British Citizenship. You will need at lease five years' service to get British Citizenship (4 years for Indefinite Leave to Remain 永久居留 and you can apply for British Citizenship a year after having Indefinite Leave to Remain). I would go for British Citizenship as your UK Indefinite Leave to Remain will be cancelled if you stayed outside of the UK for more than 2 years while citizenship is forever!

See UK immigration rule 276O for details -

276O. The requirements for indefinite leave to remain in the United Kingdom as a foreign or Commonwealth citizen discharged from HM Forces are that the applicant:
(i) has completed at least four years’ service with HM Forces; and
(ii) was discharged from HM Forces on completion of engagement; and
(iii) was not discharged from HM Forces more than 2 years prior to the date on which the application is made unless they are applying following a grant of limited leavebto remain under paragraph 276QA; and
(iv) is not in the UK in breach of immigration laws except that, where paragraph 39E of these Rules applies, any current period of overstaying will be disregarded; and
(v) does not fall for refusal under the general grounds for refusal.
2018-04-01 18:29:20
2018-04-01 20:43:17
2018-04-01 23:23:06
我唔係喺England 讀書
不過遲下northern night 可以見到嘅
2018-04-01 23:25:18
問下d northern otc先
2018-04-01 23:59:57
2018-04-02 02:06:54
估唔到原來入面咁多人 - you need to remember that some universities share an UOTC unit

The City of Edinburgh Universities Officers’ Training Corps provides a unique opportunity for students at all four of Edinburgh’s universities (Edinburgh, Herriot-Watt, Napier and Queen Margaret). The society focuses on personal development and leadership through a varied, progressive and challenging programme of military and adventurous training, sport and intellectual challenges.
2018-04-12 03:06:37
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞