“But I just can’t let go,” someone says. “How do I choose balanced or single-ended? Come on, there has to be more than one step of ‘just say **** it!’”
Okay. Fine. Let’s go a bit deeper. But again, these are not rules. Feel free to experiment. You’re not going to be graded on this.
Go for balanced if:
You need the noise rejection for long cable runs. Trying to run RCAs 25 or 50 or 100 feet? Yeah, maybe you really need to go XLR balanced. Real balanced.
You’re going to be working with a lot of pro gear in the mix. Pro stuff is usually XLR balanced. Best to keep it there if that’s what you’re working with.
If you know what kind of balanced it is, how it works together, and you like the way it sounds.
Stay away from balanced if:
You want least cost for quality. SE does have an advantage in simplicity, so if you’re going for simple, and you want high quality, you have a better shot of getting it from SE.
You want pretty much universal compatibility with consumer audio gear. Let’s face it, pretty much everything can accept RCA inputs. Balanced-only gear is scarce in the consumer audio space.
You want it small. Connectors and circuitry can both be smaller on the SE side, so if you’re looking for small, you’re also probably looking at SE.
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