撩鼻屎成名怨婦界KOL suenn wong 討論區 (5)

770 回覆
32 Like 0 Dislike
2024-05-31 11:53:49

2024-05-31 11:55:56
調返轉 如果佢啲女咁樣影佢實鬧到仆街
2024-05-31 11:56:33
2024-05-31 12:08:55
幾時影都冇分別 冇瘦過
2024-05-31 14:01:32
希望大家用返之前template 寄電郵俾總公司
再投訴香港分公司唔理公司印象 搵酸黃賣廣告

2024-05-31 14:09:29
2024-05-31 15:22:51
衣着又成日跟Ka yan 好撚嘔心
2024-05-31 22:16:00

又有廣告 不知所謂
一個日日出街吃喝玩樂 只係識攞兩個女笑同利用佢哋


2024-05-31 23:12:15
2024-05-31 23:36:01
2024-06-01 03:04:18
2024-06-01 03:30:04
希望大家send 去Hadalabo

Subject: Concern Regarding Sponsorship of KOL @suennwong for Hadalabo Event

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to express my concern about the decision to sponsor KOL @suennwong for today's Hadalabo event in Hong Kong.

Hadalabo is widely recognized as a high-end luxury skincare and cosmetic brand that caters to individuals with discerning tastes and a pursuit of perfection and elegance, particularly targeting the global female demographic. However, @suennwong does not align with the image of Hadalabo, especially given the extensive negative discussions about her behavior on a popular Hong Kong forum. Reports indicate her rude interactions with viewers, use of offensive language, neglect of her daughters, poor table manners, lack of control over her body weight and skin condition as a beauty influencer, and most shockingly, a lack of hygiene (including an incident of nose picking during a live session on her now-closed Instagram online boutique). These claims are supported by photographic and video evidence (please refer to the attached link).

The forum thread has gained significant traction, with numerous netizens expressing strong disapproval of @suennwong, suggesting that she is overrated and losing popularity. Her self-presentation is far from the attributes of "fresh," "elegant," "graceful," or "neat" that your brand embodies. Furthermore, considering that your current product line in Hong Kong is related to children, her irresponsible behavior as a mother, exploiting her daughters for social media and financial gain, is particularly concerning. She frequently uses her children to attract attention, even resorting to the use of inappropriate language in front of them. As a customer, I fail to comprehend why the Hong Kong public relations team continues to send products to influencers who have compromised their integrity. I am deeply disappointed with your company, and if Suenn Wong is once again chosen to represent your brand in the future, I, along with many other customers, will reconsider purchasing your products. A significant portion of the audience has expressed strong opposition to any products promoted by @suennwong, including those from your brand. I understand that she may have been invited to today's exclusive event prior to these revelations, and the PR team may not be aware of her scandal. I sincerely hope that you take the time to review the provided evidence and make more judicious decisions in selecting sponsored KOLs in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,
2024-06-01 03:36:30

麻煩幫手send俾Royal Caribbean International (RCI) / Royal Caribbean Cruise Line

Subject: Concern Regarding Sponsorship of KOL @suennwong for Royal Caribbean Cruise Line and Royal Caribbean International Event

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to express my concern about the decision to sponsor KOL @suennwong for today's Royal Caribbean International event in Hong Kong.

Hadalabo is widely recognized as a high-end luxury skincare and cosmetic brand that caters to individuals with discerning tastes and a pursuit of perfection and elegance, particularly targeting the global female demographic. However, @suennwong does not align with the image of Royal Caribbean International, especially given the extensive negative discussions about her behavior on a popular Hong Kong forum. Reports indicate her rude interactions with viewers, use of offensive language, neglect of her daughters, poor table manners, lack of control over her body weight and skin condition as a beauty influencer, and most shockingly, a lack of hygiene (including an incident of nose picking during a live session on her now-closed Instagram online boutique). These claims are supported by photographic and video evidence (please refer to the attached link).

The forum thread has gained significant traction, with numerous netizens expressing strong disapproval of @suennwong, suggesting that she is overrated and losing popularity. Her self-presentation is far from the attributes of "fresh," "elegant," "graceful," or "neat" that your brand embodies. Furthermore, considering that your current product line in Hong Kong is related to children and groups of families, her irresponsible behaviour as a mother, exploiting her daughters for social media and financial gain, is particularly concerning. She frequently uses her children to attract attention, even resorting to the use of inappropriate language in front of them. As a customer, I fail to comprehend why the Hong Kong public relations team continues to send products to influencers who have compromised their integrity. I am deeply disappointed with your company, and if Suenn Wong is once again chosen to represent your brand in the future, I, along with many other customers, will reconsider purchasing your products. A significant portion of the audience has expressed strong opposition to any products promoted by @suennwong, including those from your brand. I understand that she may have been invited to today's exclusive event prior to these revelations, and the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line PR team in Hong Kong may not be aware of her scandal. I sincerely hope that you take the time to review the provided evidence and make more judicious decisions in selecting sponsored KOLs in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,
2024-06-01 20:28:17
2024-06-01 23:56:22

2024-06-03 10:07:27
佢7日cheat days喎
2024-06-03 13:25:41

2024-06-03 14:01:10
2024-06-03 14:41:48
2024-06-03 20:05:33
2024-06-03 20:48:15
依家係出story呀YouTuber KOL
Proofread 下有幾難呀

2024-06-04 03:51:55
要睇埋啲心靈雞湯 仲要話俾人知
2024-06-04 12:56:20
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞