好似twitter某條友講, 其實action方面好玩就收貨架喇. 劇情如果真係好咪當bonus.
Nikke我無玩但聽過唔少人讚故事比想像中出色, 所以都可以稍為期待一下咁樣.
From what my friends have told me NIKKE has surprisingly great writing, so I'm hoping Stellar Blade does too. Either way I think if the action combat is good throughout that will be enough. Bayonetta's story wasn't anything incredible but the gameplay still holds it up.
我覺得Action game最重要都係好玩, 單係好玩已經夠令隻game值回票價.
故事既話貝姐除左第二集比較有爆點外, 第一集都係普普通通, 第三集我覺得係差果D, 有D人設崩壞.
Nier automata就相反.
gameplay方面dod1同2勉強叫響果個時代合格, dod3同replicant d gameplay其實真係唔好玩.
反而係劇情方面除左dod2外其他果幾隻都令人深刻, 隻隻玩出血淚.