Take is less serious. 當係移居唔係移民會好好多,即係成世人留留長,花幾年時間試下去外國生活is a life enriching experience (有小朋友另計)。我會覺得心態都幾關鍵。
推川Yuri2024-07-17 01:16:04
絲打你好嗎2024-07-17 03:47:27
我自己都30出頭,中間亦試過讀master 轉行,settle 咗幾年先又再過嚟。所以我諗我都明「重新嚟過」或者「無咗幾年」嗰種感覺,仲要試咗兩次添。
But still I would say 呢種心態still necessary if you really wanna try to settle in a new place but not confident enough at this moment.
過多幾年可能經濟條件會再好少少,再多少少選擇,但無呢個adventure/ risky mindset and take it less serious, treat it as a journey, 一樣好快番轉頭。Mindset is the key! 如果「嗰幾年嘅時間」 risk 唔起嘅,我都會覺得better stay rather than leave ahhh。當然以上所有前設係無小朋友。