Cities: Skylines 系列自由度最大建城遊戲(18) 新作C:S2已10月24日發售

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2023-11-10 18:44:47
60000人暫時都順 3070ti 12900k 32gb 手提電腦
2023-11-10 18:46:44
3070ti i5 16gb 到120k 開low 都叫有30 Fps

2023-11-10 20:47:45
For developers: This information can be found in the Game.dll file under the Game.Simulation namespace. The class name is RentAdjustSystem. Feel free to take a look yourselves and let me know if I missed anything!
Factors affecting rent:
The game considers a wide variety of factors when determining the rent price for a given building. This is a simplified list of factors, but it goes even deeper than this when actually crunching the numbers.

Commute time (lower time = higher rent)
Travel time to shopping (lower time = higher rent)
This means that mixed use buildings are going to have higher rents due to this alone!
Household happiness, health, and wellbeing (higher values = higher rent)
Tax rate (lower tax = lower rent)
Side note: Children reduce the tax rate of the household! Currently, birth rates are controlled by random chance, but a fun mod might allow citizen happiness to affect the birth rate chance!
Highest household education level (higher education = higher rent)
Service coverage (police, healthcare, communication, education, garbage, entertainment, welfare) (higher coverage = higher rent)
Dwelling unit size (lot size * floors / units) (higher size = higher rent)
This means that zoning high density alone may not be enough to help. Consider zoning smaller lots to force smaller dwelling units, but be careful that units don't get too small, because this has a negative effect on happiness.
Land value (higher value = higher rent)
Urban blight (nearby crime, abandonment, pollution, homelessness) (more blight = lower rent)
Building level (higher level = higher rent)

What triggers high rent warnings:
The game calculates the maximum affordable rent on a per-tenant basis throughout the building. The game then compares the asking price for the unit with the maximum affordable rent each tenant can afford. Rent is considered excessive if 70% or more of renters in the building cannot afford to pay the rent, triggering a high rent warning to appear above the building until this condition no longer exists, either by abandonment or an increase in affordability.
2023-11-10 20:49:10
For industry zones, the game calculates rent based on half of the value of the building's upkeep costs and consumption costs (electricity, water, sewage, garbage, etc). It then calculates the maximum rent the company can afford based on its efficiency, revenue from sold goods (based on market prices and actual orders), overhead (such as taxes, wages, and transportation) then compares the rent with the maximum the company can afford.
The rabbit hole goes deeper when you get into what makes a company profitable in the first place! The simulation considers the actual price of the goods sold for the company, and has an actual goods market underpinning all of this, with local businesses placing real orders for real goods to be delivered at real market prices. This factors in many things such as the cost of resources, labor, transportation, and demands for the goods sold.
2023-11-10 20:53:43
It took some more digging in the code and found the logic that causes companies to go bankrupt and leave town. There are two primary criteria that will cause a company to go bankrupt:

Total net worth of the company is less than -$50,000
Estimated daily profit of the company is lower than the rent

Only if both conditions are met will a company actually move out of your city! What's likely happening here is that your businesses are struggling to pay rent, but aren't hitting that magic -$50,000 net worth.
Net worth is calculated by summing up the value of the company's assets. This includes all of the company's owned trucks, stored resources, and unsold goods.
I had thought at first that the game wasn't considering the value of cash-on-hand, but later discovered that it does, as money is considered a "resource" that contributes to the net worth calculation. Cash-on-hand can be a negative value, so that's not the cause.
This might just be an imbalance of the value of a specific asset such as trucks, stored resources, or unsold goods. If a company is struggling to sell enough product to make rent, but has a ton of inventory on hand, it might be enough to keep that company above the net worth threshold even though they are clearly unable to pay rent.
2023-11-10 20:56:25
Citizens graduate based on periodic evaluation of a probability formula that compares a random number against the probability of graduation on a scale from 0 to 1. If the random number is lower than the graduation probability, the student graduates. Graduating citizens receive their degree and are promoted to the next level of education, where they become eligible to enroll in higher level schools.
Citizens who have a low probability of graduation are more likely to fail out of school. Failure happens when the probability formula's random number winds up being higher than the graduation probability. These failures are tallied and tracked on the student's record, and are considered if they apply to school again. Each consecutive failure reduces the chance that the student will be readmitted to school. After three failures in the same level of education, the student becomes ineligible to enroll again. It appears that the failure counter resets to 0 if the student graduates.
A citizen may drop out of school for factors unrelated to their grades. This simulates students who have external factors affecting their ability to continue going to school, such as poverty, commute time, age, work conflicts, etc. Dropouts are not tracked and do not count as failures. A student who drops out is returned to the population of "applicants" and will be considered for enrollment again without additional penalties.
2023-11-11 00:07:29
如果要解決high rent warning, 係咪要特登起D區係遠離service同商業區?
2023-11-11 00:27:57
2023-11-11 02:15:52
2023-11-11 10:17:20
2023-11-11 12:08:38
2023-11-11 14:56:23
2023-11-11 14:59:18
2023-11-11 15:53:40
2023-11-11 15:54:27
2023-11-11 15:56:19
其實如果可以用埋地形去分好似會再make sense啲,現實世界都係隔座山隔個海其實已經係唔同社區,就算有馬路連住但都已經唔係同一回事,不過要dev又要諗埋點樣量化地形呢啲嘢
2023-11-11 15:58:33
架車個status永遠都係「正在登上載具」,而我trace返架車個owner係喺十個街口外行緊街,個住址都係not even close to嗰架車
2023-11-11 18:04:53
2023-11-11 19:23:23
2023-11-11 21:53:28
D bug 多到要暫時棄玩
2023-11-11 22:12:43
2023-11-11 22:15:16
旅遊區到底要點搞 執哂全部野去機場 碼頭隔離都無咩用
飯店 酒店又唔出比我 -10% 稅都唔開
2023-11-12 00:08:53
請教下點解有時click咗完塊地都唔起野?e.g. Click完高密度住宅但塊地都唔見起緊樓,睇番地皮個頁又見到個堆格仔真係變咗綠色...
2023-11-12 00:29:15
2023-11-12 01:10:33
見2代好似好正,n年前買左1代 依家先岩岩開始玩

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞