Cities: Skylines 系列自由度最大建城遊戲(18) 新作C:S2已10月24日發售

1001 回覆
5 Like 3 Dislike
2024-02-25 08:28:18
2024-02-25 11:27:17
又要睇下有冇mod fix
個個城開左高密度office 就end game
2024-02-25 13:27:46
唔想用街外mod 驚整壞啲save

然後隻濕鳩paradox mod 又十世都未出,所以棄鳩咗算
2024-02-25 15:01:14
vanilla 真心唔掂
特別係冇anarchy 起路俾error 搞到
2024-02-26 11:01:46
2024-02-26 17:24:51

2024-02-26 17:29:08
2024-02-26 17:34:11
無買2 繼續玩1
2024-02-26 18:09:44
2024-02-26 19:16:06
2024-02-26 22:05:22
玩返1 唔識起路
2024-02-26 22:30:08
1 咪又係靠mod 執屎

不過睇慣2 個color tune 睇唔慣返1
2024-02-26 22:40:59
And I believe the more interesting part is the larger changes that we are looking into now, based on the community feedback:
- Land Value and Zone Suitability
- Education system, specifically kids and teens
- More transparency in the economic system
- Balancing subsidies and service importing
- Balancing negative happiness modifiers with lack of basic utilities (water, sewage, electricity)
2024-02-26 22:41:47
There have also been many questions about the patch cadence and why we moved away from weekly patches. Weekly patches are too heavy for us to keep up with and the issues we are working on need more time than just a few hours or days to fix. We’re a small team of 30 developers and we have to plan the work in a way that creates the fastest results. So instead of spending a big part of the week working on the build deliveries and QA rounds, we can use that time to work on the fixes themselves. For the Ultimate Edition, the DLCs already have a rough schedule so we’ll have good opportunities to patch the game at the same time. This doesn’t mean that we never patch the game between the DLC releases. The goal is to improve the game as quickly as possible and when we have a solid patch ready and tested it will be released.
2024-02-26 22:42:38
During the project we faced, and still continue to face, technical difficulties that affect the speed and quality of the development, especially performance. We simply ran out of time as the focus had to shift from modding support to all hands on deck to fix the performance. All this work is still ongoing.
2024-02-26 22:43:19
Q: More animations to come? Construction, firemen, etc
A: Yes, in the future we’ll be adding more animations to bring details and life to the cities!
Q: When will we have cycle paths on CSII?
A: I don’t know when we’ll get around to them, but Cities: Skylines II will have bikes and bike paths.
Q: Will you add more types of buildings or special buildings?
A: Yes, there will be more buildings both free and paid for the game in the future. If there is something specific you hope to see, we’d love to hear it!
Q: Will we get actual quays like the ones in CS1?
A: This sounds like it would fit great with the harbor-themed Bridges & Ports DLC coming later this year!
Q: When will we get props?
A: Adding the props to the menus for free placement in the game has come up as a request quite often. This is not something we are actively looking into at the moment, but will be added to the wishlist!
Q: When will the land value issue finally be fixed?
A: In the next update we’ll have part of it fixed, but the issues that are tied to the economy will take a bit longer to be resolved still.
Q: Will there be more biomes like wetlands/jungle or more desert like Texas?
A: Yes, we plan to add more maps with different biomes and also assets for you to create your own.
2024-02-26 23:37:24
Paradox Mods is handled by Paradox staff, not our developers. It doesn't take away from the work we do on the game.
2024-02-27 20:48:58

有冇人知點樣整呢d路牌?cityskyline 1玩家
2024-02-28 14:35:46
7600X 64GB RAM 4070
終於玩到220K人口 遊戲速度應該得番0.1% (4個鐘都行唔到一個月) 都係放棄

當年一代用太多mod 成日update之後都有堆唔相容然後要重開save
搞到後期都係vanila + 少量熱門mod算

Vanila黎講 二代係比一代userfriendly, eg 內置Parallel road tool, 可以同一個地方擺兩層路, 道路連接點生成Gen得靚左, 唔洗拉電/水, 一鍵生網格, 特殊資源簡單化左, etc.
1. 地價相關 (辦公室同高密度住宅都唔係點Gen到)
2. 貨運火車站: AI 永遠只會用火車站入面最近個個貨倉,唔會用下其他,點搞都會塞車
3. 工業收入有BUG
4. 巴士明明唔係總站但某幾個站都係等勁耐先行,搞到塞晒 (國際機場個兩個巴士站又無得改位置,我成條路都塞死左...)
5. 國際機場明明都有貨運機場供運貨,但使用率比貨運火車站差得太遠,近乎1:49既比例
6. 明明每月遊客都不少,但我成個城商業區都係得一兩間飯店
7. 最重點係人口一多,佢就會自動減遊戲速度

1-6都算 都係少問題

最後貼張玩到一半既地圖 大量位置未使用 大量位置未執好 希望不久將來可以繼續玩落去
2024-02-28 14:46:34
2024-02-28 16:11:29
2024-02-28 16:23:38
無睇新聞好耐 宜家最新version仲lag 唔 lag?
2024-02-28 16:54:31
多bug 到爆炸
2024-02-29 20:59:37
一早就話2 lag到臭係垃圾game

2024-02-29 22:14:14
3rd party mod 救都救唔到幾多
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞