Cities: Skylines 系列自由度最大建城遊戲(18) 新作C:S2已10月24日發售

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2023-12-10 20:28:57
咩料 痴線 更新完入game碼頭一帶變左水浸 次次更新都要執屎咪有排玩 又要拆郵局 貨櫃碼頭 機場
2023-12-10 20:34:08
2023-12-10 20:41:43
真係冇玩過Cs1 最近都係手機simcity
2023-12-10 22:58:15
2023-12-11 15:36:00
2023-12-11 15:43:08
每次見到起墓園都重係 lag 就即刻熄game
岩岩重係 discord 話放哂假, 到出年先更新
2023-12-11 16:31:41
2023-12-11 16:32:04
邊到有xgp ?
2023-12-11 19:02:14
2023-12-11 21:52:49
2023-12-12 15:52:27
It’s time for the last CO Word of the Week this year. Next week we’ll start our holidays and will be away for a few weeks. But before the holidays there’s still time for the last patch, which is planned to go out this week. We will of course have full patch notes for you when it releases, but in the meantime, I can give you a sneak peek at what’s included. On the performance side of things, the patch adds the level of detail models for characters and improves the geometry layout for all assets. This won’t be the last update to performance, it takes us one more step towards our goals.
As promised, we’ve also managed to include a bunch of gameplay fixes and improvements. The patch changes how money is calculated and shown in your city. We hear your feedback and hope these improvements make the budget more transparent and easier to determine what new services your city can afford. We’re grateful for all the feedback you have shared, and we’ll continue to keep an eye on things to understand how things feel after the patch. We’ve also improved how vehicles change lanes, fixed situations where the resource amount stored would end up as a negative value, and added the line color to ships and cargo trains so you can easily see which lines they belong to.
The patch also includes a little holiday gift in the form of two new maps that were the result of internal testing of the Map Editor. There are still a few things missing from the Map Editor for it to be fully functional, like proper preview images showing off your amazing new maps, but we’re making good progress.
2023-12-13 14:19:38
2023-12-15 01:14:00
Added LODs for characters and selected assets
Optimized geometry layout for all assets
Decreased Virtual Texturing pressure with assets that don't use emissive maps
Disabled VSync for default settings
Disabled volumetric lighting calculations where it was mostly invisible
Improved lane-changing behavior for vehicles
Fixed: Traffic accidents that last forever (and improved resolution of the accidents)
Improved cargo air transport by:
Increasing airplane cargo capacity from 50t to 100t
Increasing airport cargo terminal capacity from 100t to 720t
Adding all resource types to Airplane Outside Connections
Not allowing cargo terminals to store garbage resource
Storage fixes:
Improved storage buildings to consider both current storage and future storage (to include cargo already on its way)
Fixed: Cargo terminals import garbage
Fixed: Companies can buy the input resource from commercial companies
Fixed: Export can happen when output resource amount is below 0
Fixed: Resource amount might become negative when transport vehicle loading a large amount of resource (negative amounts reset to 0 in existing saves)
Fixed: Airport can import goods from Road Outside Connection when there is no air cargo route
Economy fixes & improvements:
Replaced money buffering system with a new system that directly deducts the money (city’s income should be more predictable now)
2023-12-15 01:15:24
Added line color to passenger ships, cargo ships, and cargo train engines
Improved quality of character model variations
Fixed: Visual glitches with metallic/smoothness maps on character clothes
Fixed: Light props on Grand Bridge float in the air after connecting a road
Improved lights on forest machinery
Improved propping for several buildings
Fixed: Spawn point for cargo trucks is not inside the warehouse as expected
Fixed: International Aiport roads are not inverted with left-hand traffic
Fixed: Crosswalk looks broken when pedestrian path bridge is connected to ground pedestrian path through a road
2023-12-15 09:06:28
有冇人知點解 工業需求爆哂格 但係起工業建築又會話empty and available for rent


㩒入去個需求睇加加減減個表剩係得高技術勞工係減 其他全部加

感謝 同埋住宅需求又係零
2023-12-15 09:22:18
computing power到左定點,開3倍無快過
2023-12-15 10:04:37
終於肯fix d 重要問題

2023-12-15 10:06:49
睇imperatur 條片個update 要5GB幾/6Gb
2023-12-15 10:09:11
2023-12-15 10:36:24
可能改咗 3D model 所以咁大
2023-12-15 10:38:02
有30fps 冇快已經算好。好似好多人到嗰個人口已經會窒,或者時間再郁得慢啲。
2023-12-15 10:59:00
2023-12-15 10:59:19
2023-12-15 11:12:29
2023-12-16 01:01:02
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞