Green Cities
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唔熟 CO DLC model 嘅你: Road editor 係個 game feature 99%會跟另一個free update出嚟
Story to Story, Building to Building, Street to Street:
New Eco-Friendly Buildings, New specialization buildings, new alternative service buildings, new unique buildings, electric cars, new parks -- 350 new assets in all giving a unique new look to Cities: Skylines
I Wish I Was Special, You’re So Very Special:
New specialized options for all city zones, plus leveled-up specializations for the first time in Cities: Skylines
So What So What So What’s the Scenario:
3 new scenarios, 4 new policy options, and a new Monument to make your friends Green with envy
Why Do Birds Suddenly Appear More Stylish:
Of course we’ve included a new hat for Chirper