[歐美H game]推介(8)

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2023-07-02 15:20:16
啱啱先發現waifu academy上星期有announce update progress
2023-07-02 15:25:15
2023-07-02 15:28:21
0.10 Update ETA

”Hello everyone

We are working on the update very last bits, all renders are made more than 800, and more than 30 sexy animations too.
But I underestimated the time to make the whole new script works, and the time required to write the dialogue for all the various outcomes we created in renders.

I said it in pervious post, we remade the Game introduction, Modernized the UI for better visual, we Reworked the entire script to make the Karma System viable and for you to follow the result of your choices. We also Added the Map, for you to have a better feeling of browsing in a game, the map will be opened more later on.

But it took times and didn't go without some issues :/ (big thanks to galewind who still work on this) So Im asking you to give us at least two more weeks, to finish this up, and to test it to be sure everything works perfectly.

You guys will also have to "Start" over, since it's a total new script... But DONT panic, after you decided your name and played the new intro, you will be asked with a new choice that allow you to fastforward to the Update new content directly.

This update will set a new and better base for us to work on, and don't worry beside the "features" the content is here.

Thanks for your support and thrust!


2023-07-02 15:32:04
2023-07-02 16:31:20
2023-07-03 15:24:51
想問下Treasure of Nadia重唔重Visual Novel成份?
2023-07-03 15:30:15
2023-07-03 16:18:40
[0.6] - Progress Report

Hello everyone!

I sincerely hope everybody is doing great!


Okay okay

First of all, I'll talk about dates since it's what will interest some people the most.

You know that I only announce the definitive release dates for each tier a few days before the first official release to ensure there won't be any delays.

However, I can say that, right now, I'm aiming for the week of July 24. These last few scenes are taking me more time than I initially expected due to some complications, but if nothing stops me from maintaining my current progress during the next few weeks, I should be able to finish everything on time.

As you know, I like to release the update as polished and bug-free as I can, from the highest tier to the last!

About its content, you can expect several hours of new gameplay, with tons of different moments and scenarios. This update is probably the largest one so far. I'm currently sitting at 1190 renders, and I still have a few more to do. I estimate the final build will have over 1400 renders. The script is already past 10,000 lines of code as well!

There will be 4 new fully animated lewd scenes (as long as you're in all paths).

Who will be the lucky ladies, you wonder? Ah, you'll soon find out

Also, if you enjoy Eternum's story and its lore, you're in for a treat! Grab your crazy theory notes and start getting ready to immerse into Eternum once again

The plot thickens...

Sooo... TL;DR, if everything goes smoothly, we're less than a month away from enjoying Eternum 0.6 I'll also post one last batch of previews before the release, so stay tuned for that!

Don't forget that I'm always available to address any questions you may have. Feel free to reach out to me through the comments or a private message, and I will ALWAYS respond.

Thank you for all your support and for being so awesome

See you soon!

Forever grateful,


2023-07-03 16:21:17
2023-07-03 16:22:10
pale carnations
Hey all, TD here with a dev diary.
All told, production currently sits at 1,283 static images, 22 animations, and 37,050 words.
Progress hit a bit of a snag the week before last due to some neck pain issues that saw GIL incapacitated for a few days, but knock on wood, everything is currently right as rain. This is something that usually rears its head two or three times a year, but never this bad. In response, GIL got a spiffy new office set-up with an elevator desk and ergonomic chair to improve his posture and comfort. He can now make smutty images standing up.
Other than that, not really much new to report. We're plugging away at Veronica's path. The current (most complicated) leg took longer than we anticipated, but it is behind us as of today. It was a big scene with many background extras and other moving parts, so every static took a lot of adjustments to make alive. The result should speak for themselves, though. GIL's attention to detail never ceases to astound me, and I'm basically the luckiest writer around to work with him.
The next two parts are relatively simple, although they will have their challenges. Hopefully, we'll complete Veronica's portion of the update this month. Fingers crossed. Then we'll decide whether to call the update here or push on for a two-day update.
As always, thank you all for your support and please look forward to Ch4Up3.
2023-07-03 19:04:22
Deviant anomalies 上咗 abandon tag 咁有potential 嘅驚咁就收咗皮
2023-07-03 19:24:09
2023-07-03 19:36:32
2023-07-03 19:47:47
2023-07-04 13:46:33
2023-07-05 16:38:47
成4個月 劇情又拖模型得lauren有性趣 差啲準備棄坑
2023-07-05 19:47:31
當初開完玩左1,2章之後棄,抄being a dik又抄得差過人我唔好去玩原版
2023-07-06 12:10:27
BAD 等太耐
2023-07-07 11:16:09

2023-07-07 11:34:34
2023-07-07 11:43:54
好耐無入黎 通常都上F95搵game多
netoria tactics revolution


H game溝火紋玩法
非常好玩 故事都好正
2023-07-07 11:49:59
2023-07-07 11:57:47
Renpy 用開果d依家已經開始睇到悶
另外純愛嘅話會無咩好睇 你當好過夏色泡影少少咁
2023-07-07 12:16:29
2023-07-07 20:47:43
同埋SAO NTR作者之前既作品

發現SAO NTR已經係做得最好果隻
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞