[歐美H game]推介(8)

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2023-06-05 00:36:03
2023-06-05 00:49:52
tune in to the show

Hey everyone, it's time for another weekly update!

Some good news today - the entire script of Episode 4 is now finished! Regarding the word count, Episode 4 will be the biggest update yet (I'm not counting Episode 1 cause that one was way too wordy for no good reason).

I also made 140 renders this week, getting the overall amount of renders in Episode 4 to over 600. There are still some renders left to be done, I'm guessing around 50 or so. Apart from them, 4 animations are left to be created and rendered. Overall, I think I should be able to have everything ready for release next weekend unless something unexpected happens.

So, what can you expect from Episode 4 when it's released?

- in-game days 5 and 6

- around 650 renders

- 10 new animations

- over 16,000 words

- new music tracks

- a few quality-of-life improvements, e.g. the ability to name save files.

I'm really excited to finally release the update. Honestly, I've been working like crazy the last couple of weeks and I can feel myself starting to get tired mentally. I'll take a couple of days off to recharge after the release.

From other things, make sure to vote in the monthly wallpaper poll for June! Currently, Diana seems to be winning, so maybe we'll get the first wallpaper with her this month

Anyway, that's all for this week's post. Hopefully, by the next weekly update post, Episode 4 will already be available.

Thank you so much for your support and reading, I hope your week has been great,

2023-06-05 04:40:02
好撚鍾意藍頭妹呢D樣 J撚到傻
2023-06-05 05:17:42
2023-06-05 12:57:22
twisted memories更新
2023-06-05 12:58:40
呢排想玩返2d cg/真人文字game多過3d
2023-06-05 13:11:37
2023-06-05 13:41:27
真 確立關係前嗰段時間最好睇
2023-06-05 20:23:59
2023-06-06 02:59:04

2023-06-06 14:21:12

得閒再刮下自己之前係itch io玩過咩
2023-06-07 01:39:08
2023-06-07 02:13:54
2023-06-08 16:09:41
2023-06-08 19:33:33
想問有冇啲角色豐滿啲 似Tentacular R4個女主咁 揾極都冇
2023-06-08 23:09:58
2023-06-08 23:14:13
Prince Joyce 好似誇啲後面夠突就得 我平時都係玩開真人畫風
2023-06-08 23:15:49
2023-06-09 00:12:17
a mother's love
forbidden passion
friends in need
heart problems
monkey business
my best deal
shut up and dance
2023-06-09 22:43:20
My Bully is My Lover [Chapter 1 - Episode 2] for Intimacy tiers!

Here are the release schedule and changelog:

The update should be up for:
Passion tiers - after 4 days - June 9 (UTC+8)
Attraction tiers - after 7 days - June 12 (UTC+8)
Sparks tiers - after 10 days - June 15 (UTC+8)
Public - after 12 days - June 17 (UTC+8)
2023-06-10 01:37:58
2023-06-10 02:09:57
2023-06-10 02:44:30
搵第隻game download果時google到出黎,仲係一字不漏照COPY果種
2023-06-10 19:12:49
仆街大陸仔Mon post?
2023-06-12 20:30:24
[0.6] - Sneak peek #3

Hello everyone!

I thought it was a good time to share some more previews... I hope you feel the same

This time, the set consists of some slice-of-life renders. They might not be as exciting as the others, but I don't want to reveal too much and spoil any surprises or jokes from the update!

Development is still going well, making good progress and working on some really cool surprises I can't wait to show you all!

The 4th and final sneak peek will include previews of the last (and biggest) part of the update. If you've seen the image of the Progress Bar, you can imagine what kind of server we'll be visiting in Eternum

Aaaand that's it for now!

We're getting closer and closer to the release every day! (as you know, we're currently at 75%) I'll post some new wallpapers and a final devlog in the coming weeks, so stay tuned and don't miss it!

THANK YOU for supporting me and making this project possible

I love you all


P.S. Nobody punched Alex on the nose, no worries, she just has a cold.
Someone will have to take care of her...

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞