[歐美H game]推介(8)

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2023-06-22 17:53:40
2023-06-22 19:58:07
2023-06-22 22:13:39
2023-06-24 02:52:45
Here I am, Day One.

Hello everyone, OrbOrigin here. I feel like it has been such a long time, yet so short too. I am not sure how to even begin with this post, haha. I hope everyone has been eating and doing well.

As you may already guessed from the title above; yes, I have returned. I am happy to say that starting today, I have returned to my office to finally resume production on A Mother’s Love. Again, to clarify, this is an office return -- meaning there will be no Part 12 available yet. I will need time to write and create Part 12.

It has been nearly two years since my hiatus and I will admit that I do feel a bit out of practice running my Patreon page, and for the most part the way I run things will remain the same. However, I would like to address slight changes that will be happening, and maybe get some feedback from you all.

As many of you may know, and if you didn’t, I have been living by myself. There are responsibilities that I have to do outside of production, and it will affect the time that I put into A Mother’s Love. In other words, I will end up with fewer updates compared to how it was before. But no worries, just like before, if I were to surpass a certain time period, whether it be two or three months, I will stop the billing cycle until the update is ready. I just think it is important to address this slight change in my production because I don’t want to give the impression of monthly updates with my return and disappoint anyone.

Speaking of the billing cycle, I’ve also decided to keep the billing paused until it hits August. The reason is because I doubt I will have much to offer in those times and believe it is only fair as I will be using the 2nd half of June and the whole month of July to slowly adjust back into work.

The tiers will remain the same as well, and I will resume their benefits in August too. I sure hope you are all excited to see more Fan Signs and GIFs of Nicole Heavens! One thing I would like to talk about is the WIP benefits for Earth-Child Tier. I was thinking that instead of showing the WIP screenshots that I normally do, maybe I could show some of the WIP scripts as well. Maybe a line or two of dialogue or something? Let me know what you think, and if you guys like that idea I could try to add that into the benefit for Earth-Child Tier. (I think I may have done something similar in the past, but I got feedback that it was too much of a spoiler? Please do let me know as I don’t actually remember.)

As for those who are interested in my personal life and how I am doing, I am feeling fine. I am no longer heavily stressed out like I was before, and I felt that I was able to properly grieve for the first time ever since my Father had left. I’m still working on my physical health, but my mental health has become more stable, and although there are still times where it frightens me to think where life would take me next, I do know that I am in a lot better state as a whole than I was ever before. Without a doubt, all I want to do is resume A Mother’s Love. As for the lawsuit, it has been dismissed. Neither side has won or lost, and I truly hope that’s the end of it.
2023-06-24 02:53:17
Last but not least, I want to thank everyone who’s shown support and was extremely nice and kind to me for the last two years. I know there were times where it seemed A Mother’s Love was never ever coming back, and I know I am not the best at communicating with you all and I deserved all the hateful and doubtful comments, but all your positive messages are what kept my light lit. The faith you’ve all shown me is truly remarkable, I cannot express it enough. I will do the best I can and continue to live up to your trust that you all have given me so I deserve it. Thank you all very much from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you all for taking a moment of your time to read this long post, and I hope we all continue this new journey together for more ongoing years, not just for A Mother’s Love, but for future stories and projects too. As usual, see you soon.

PS. Special thank you to Raminita for her amazing work as she provided me with yet another banner for my Patreon page. It is such an honor and privilege. Please, show her some love as none of the banners wouldn't have existed without her.

A mother's love,終於返黎啦
2023-06-24 03:08:07
Hey patrons! Here with another update regarding Day 16 (v0.23). All of the stills have been rendered along with all of the animations. Right now is the home stretch which includes optimization and testing. That means that the next update is finally around the corner! Expect the release to be sometime around the end of June. Thanks for your patience, because it will include a lot of content. I'll explain the details of what's included during the actual release post.

In addition to the upcoming patch, I also wanted to let you all know of a slight change to the pledging tiers. On the day of v0.23's release, the $3 fan tier will be removed/rolled into the $5 superfan tier. I planned to do this during the release of Day 15, but simply forgot (oops!). That change will be going into effect soon now. However, for those of you that are currently pledging at the fan tier, you can continue to at the current rate without any changes, as my way to thank the original supporters. You just won't be able to start new pledges (or switch back) at the $3 tier in the future.

Until then!

2023-06-24 03:28:10

2023-06-24 03:29:46

2023-06-24 03:43:10
The MurMur remake is coming to a finishing line. The biggest part of the work, most scenes and animations, are done. 30 animation videos, is crazy to think about for me, as much as how long it took to get to this point.

I just completed reworking the 0.3 part of the game, as you can see from the status. It includes renders, animations, rewrites and recoding of everything till that point.

Now, what's left to do?

Everything after 0.3 content, to make some rewrites and recoding to make the game play and feel the same all along, since now, one particular image is linked to three lines of text on average. And not to just one like before. If you don't understand what I mean, please read my previous posts about the remake.

I also need to reshoot 2 more scenes in 0.4 mostly to improve the animations there. Those scenes are:

Time with Liz in the gym - bad background and lighting leave me no choice but to redo this scene, though I wanted to only improve the animation before
Time with Helen in the pool - I wanted to improve this scene background and animation, and I already have the scene improved from the pool scene in 0.3

But I don't need to completely redo these scenes like I did with 0.1 and 0.2 for example, which means it will be faster. So, keeping all the work I left to do in mind, I don't think it will take me too long.

As always, I can't say how long and when the update is coming out. Hopefully, soon enough for me to finally move on to the next story update. Every night I go to bed thinking about how to continue the story and what scenes to shoot in the future, haha...

Anyway, thank you everyone, for your patience and immeasurable support. Then I have more info about the update, I'll make a post with the dates of the release.
Your DD

終於就重整完,相比之下false hero重整十世都未搞掂
2023-06-24 03:51:18
projekt passion上steam
2023-06-24 03:58:06

Hey everyone,

We are terribly sorry for not being so active lately. My partner had to take a three-week break due to the election in Turkey. He had to go to his hometown in order to vote and had to wait for another two weeks for the second part of the election.
Other than that, we've been busy with the new version and have been working non-stop. To be honest with you, it's been a somewhat challenging couple of weeks for us to be creative. I'm not trying to make excuses, but the last couple of months haven't been easy.
I don't want to bore you with details, but our country's current political and economic situation has taken a toll on both me and my partner. We are doing our best to focus on our job and complete as much work as possible.
We are a little behind schedule, but we've been working extra hard for the last couple of days, and we hope to finish this version before the end of this month. However, this is not a confirmed release date. It may be delayed by one or two weeks.
We will regularly share a few preview images along with progress reports to keep you updated on the next version's progress. Once again, we are so sorry for the delay. We truly appreciate your patience and support.
2023-06-24 14:52:18
2023-06-26 10:58:39
A Mother's Love 回歸真係好消息,故事寫得幾好;雖然主要得兩個女角,但阿媽依個角色做得太好,不論外表同性格。

可惜依隻game,H-scene "動作"唔多,以文字描寫為主,真係睇小說咁。
2023-06-26 12:08:46
John個秘書同護士呀姨有機會做side character
2023-06-26 19:06:48
once in a lifetime既作者Caribdis自己講完左eternum之後應該會整新game而唔係續oialt同eternum,所以oialt既後日談應該都冇咩機會整
2023-06-27 02:29:50
2023-06-27 02:57:25

冇配音 不過要唔要試下acting lessons先?
2023-06-27 03:06:27
2023-06-27 10:26:10
2023-06-27 12:29:11
color of my sound更新
2023-06-27 17:10:51
rerudy模型打光可以同my bully is my lover比,雖然故事想搞造搞笑氣氛但有時真係笑點幾高下
2023-06-30 17:26:36
2023-07-02 14:56:15
monkey business終於完左
2023-07-02 15:01:31
College King 2 而家最新情況係點?見佢Episode 2 咁多劣評唔敢追
2023-07-02 15:06:17
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞