[歐美H game]推介(8)

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2023-11-16 15:51:24
2023-11-16 16:42:56
2023-11-16 22:11:52
HS模我見過整得最唔倒模嘅應該係Pale carnation,啲皮膚/頭髮質感同普通嗰啲係唔同,人樣都好有特色,唔知佢點整
2023-11-16 22:21:30
Superhuman 而家已經係我f95期待更新程度嘅驚,隻驚劇情同lore太撚正,我對h scene已經係dgaf 嘅態度,忍唔住入埋discord討論劇情
2023-11-16 22:31:22
靚材質同較好濾鏡,呢兩樣eternum同pale carnation比一D都唔差,整得唔好既話個人物就會顯得好油特別係濕身果時好似浸左油咁
2023-11-16 22:33:53
2023-11-16 22:38:17
Btw 最近搵到一隻幾正,Kingdom of subversion,日系畫風rpg驚,2dcg手繪有動畫,唔係daz hs 倒模

劇情有啲似我推介過嘅hero party must fall,都係主角臥底透過corrupt/NTR內部瓦解敵人,雖然劇情同corruption 描寫比唔上HPMF,但優點係cg 幾靚,同埋女角有唔同種族(Dragonkin, Furry. Etc.)滿足異種族性癖
2023-11-16 22:42:08
Eternum Luna係泳池嗰幕啲光線反射係靚到dum 一聲,但平時皮膚質感同其他驚好似無乜分別
2023-11-16 22:45:45
2023-11-16 22:49:55
好多game都唔可以放大黎睇一放大就模糊或者皮膚粗糙,可能係關建模事而班dev通常都係普通1080p就算因為唔洗浪費咁多時間gen(4K gen一張可以用幾張1080p既時間),你玩咩4K果堆大到牛屎咁既game建模光線就靚好多
2023-11-16 22:52:25
係,開頭校園生活嗰度悶啲,去到mafia arc之後就劇情開始keep住起伏跌宕無冷場,去到打 raven knight嗰度直情係成隻驚高潮,全世界新聞直播睇住人類軍隊用盡現代武器都俾隻怪物屠殺,要靠佢哋不齒嘅vigilante主角救場,啲場戰鬥真係燃到打冷震
2023-11-16 22:53:40
我對furry無感,鍾意隻dragonkin milf同隻Goblin多啲
2023-11-16 23:20:04
2023-11-17 00:55:36



2023-11-17 01:33:50
如果真係戰鬥描寫得咁好既個dev可以諗下直接del咸放上steam睇下賣唔賣得,行當年fate stay night同muv luv舊路咸game出身唔靠咸大賣
2023-11-17 13:04:20

我點解會覺得隻驚寫得好,其中一個地方就係consistency,佢嘅邏輯係established嘅世界觀裏面係好自圓其說到,就算戰力吹到咁誇張,你都唔會搵到bug同覺得無真實感,例如你問lv5咁勁反叛點算,HERO點解無征服世界.etc. 劇情上都解釋得到
2023-11-17 13:20:56
就算上都應該要完咗先上 fate嘅成功唔係咁容易copy,20年前就玩性轉古人同branching storyline,係行得前嘅
2023-11-18 01:00:49

Final Status update Episode 10
All right, here we go. It's time for the final status update for episode 10.

Special Announcement
Today, I'm pleased to announce a collaboration with a punk rock band named Dirty Toy Company.

Dirty Toy Company has graciously provided songs for Being a DIK, and their song "Over the Horizon" will be the title song of Being a DIK - Season 3 going forward.

With a punk rock sound, full of heavy and melodic riffs with attitude, I'm proud to shine a spotlight on them in the game and have them elevate it with their music.

On top of "Over the Horizon", you will also hear their songs "Stand and Fight" and "Burn You Down" in the game - starting Episode 10.

Please show our new Maggot brothers a warm welcome to the DIK family.

You can support them by giving them a follow or stream on Spotify - all their social media links can be found here.

Beta testing
Beta testing started this week. Testers and proofreader are hard at work.

Bugs and typos are being found and fixed, and they have an extensive checklist of things to test.

It's too early to say how things are going, as they've only had their hands on the episode for a couple of days and have just scratched the surface.

Patch information
The full game .zip file (v0.10.0) will be roughly 12 GB and the patch hovers around 5 GB.

The patch will only work on v0.9.0/v0.9.1 releases - meaning that if you only have episode Interlude, you must download the full version.

If you don't know how to patch or if this will be your first Patreon release, I'd recommend downloading the full version, with episode 10, when it releases.

If you are patching, make backup copies of your game before patching. Never patch Season 1 & 2 with Season 3 files. Doing this will corrupt your game. Treat Season 3 as a separate game, and you will avoid these problems.

Preliminary Changelog v0.10.0
I only listed the new content in this section. The full changelog will be included in the release.

-- Changelog v0.10.0 --

Added Episode 10 that includes

5868 renders

335 animations

8 2D-art pieces

4 2D-art animations

31 songs

65 sound effects

Regarding the release date announcement
As this was the final status update for episode 10, my next communication with you will be the release date announcement. It will be a December release, and I will be able to announce the date sometime this month, so stay tuned for it.

Thanks for your tremendous support and interest during this development cycle!

Big or small donations, you guys who stick with me throughout these development cycles are the MVPs.

I hope you will enjoy the upcoming episode.


Dr PinkCake​
2023-11-18 01:06:49
Radiant轉abandoned tag,由8月開始就冇哂聲氣
2023-11-18 01:14:26
Chapter 4 Up 4 Preview (3)
"We both got here early."

"Umm... how's... how's it going?"
2023-11-18 01:17:32
summer gone同where it all began真係有生之年系列
1. SG Chapter 5 Beta - October
2. WiAB Chapter 3 Beta - November
3. WiAB Chapter 3 Full - November/December (2 weeks after the Beta.)
4. SG Chapter 5 Full & Steam release- December/January (It completes the last part of the rework.)
5. WiAB Chapter 3.5 - No ETA yet.
6. SG Season 2 - Chapter 1 - No ETA yet.
2023-11-18 01:18:59
where it all began
Chapter 3 - Dev Log #22
This post should've been out yesterday, but some personal business took priority.
Postwork is about 90% done. The past two weeks have been spent rendering animations. This Chapter will have something similar to the first Chapter. (Longer lewd animations with different stages.) But not as long as in CH1.
I experimented with animations in the past few days. There was a script a friend of mine gave me a few months ago, and I tested it out, but after around two days, I had to admit that it just doesn't work for complex animations.
I still learned something but then returned to how I always used to animate in Daz.
I documented the whole endeavor and learned a lot, which will prove helpful in the future.
I still have to work in Daz for quite a while until the final switch to Blender... So, while I'm already at it, why not improve my Daz animation skills?
Talking about Blender...
It took me five frustrating days to understand, fix, and overcome the most significant issue I've yet faced in Blender... (I spent about 2-4 hours daily on the issue.)
That issue was holding me back from going big there... I'll talk about the problem in a future Blender log.
I ported Katie and Leia over to Blender, and after WiAB's out, I will slowly work on the Blender short stories whenever I usually do my Blender stuff.
That way, I can turn my Blender learning process into content for you guys.

Back to Chapter 3.
Postwork is 90% done.
Polishment is ongoing, and I'll most likely add a few renders here and there...
I still have like 4-6 animations to set up and render.
Remember that those aren't 1-2 second loops, but 3-8 second animations that build up on each other. They take a little more care.
I also started preparing for my move.
But I'll ensure it doesn't get in the way of releasing WiAB.
No more previews for Chapter 3.
The next Devlog will be the release announcement with a date... Or if I finish CH3 in less than two weeks, I'll give you guys a 1-day heads-up.
- Ocean
2023-11-18 01:34:00
2023-11-18 01:47:46
嘩屌你老母Deviant Anomalies條友終於上水
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞