[歐美H game]推介(8)

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2023-09-23 19:37:52
Hello everyone!!!

I hope you're all doing fantastic!


It is time! The first previews are already here!

For v0.7, I'll be sharing a few more Sneak Peek posts, each with a bit fewer previews. This way, I can spread them out a bit more while still showing the same amount of renders.

As always, I won't be sharing any renders that give away important plot points, so go ahead and start speculating about what's in store for 0.7!


Development is going good so far. I already have a good amount of renders and a couple of animations done.

In this batch, I tried to show the contrast between action-packed scenes and more laid-back moments. After all, you can't always charm your favorite girls while battling in Eternum... you also need to find some quality time with them in Kredon! It's all about balance

I'll hold off on revealing any major arcs of 0.7 for now, but I'll spill the beans in the next info dumps, so stay tuned!


Your unwavering support during the months without updates means the world to me. It's because of you that I can bring this game to life and bring all my wild ideas to life.

So seriously, thank you all so much. You're the absolute best supporters ever!


Remember that my DMs are always open if you have any questions!

Love you all


2023-09-23 20:20:36
fate collide

Hey guys and girls!

Just a quick one.
I've been very active on Discord in regards to progress/stuff going on, so might as well share here as well for those that aren't on the server.

Progress is going well, but I did had some difficulties. Unfortunately, we've been expecting it sooner or later, but our dear family member passed away at the end of August. Even ignoring any emotional aspects, just being involved with funeral, it's planning, and attending in another city with the family took some time, and moreso with the emotional impact.

I've been hard at work last 2 weeks since returning to more or less normal state, and it's been extremely productive, however I underestimated the amount of things that needed to be fixed. I guess due to University and stress during it (and lack of time), some of the renders I did during it, dialogue I wrote etc. was just... Not optimal. Multiple times I only had 1-2 hours free time, and the next free period was in a week. Some of the thoughts just got lost in those separated worktimes. I've fully redone 50 renders with new lightning, and I've reshot 70 renders for small clipping, accessory's misposition and small things. Small things that went under the radar due to my lack of awareness during uni.

But yeah, just wanted to give a small update. It's going well, but slow.
As I was expecting to be done with Ep4 in the last week of September, If you are one of the 2 highest tiers patrons with beta access and I don't manage to drop the update for you, feel assured that even if you unsub, I'll still send you the Beta. That's the least I can do.
And of course, if anyone else felt wronged, let me know in dms and I can refund for September.

I am really, really excited to finally drop the Episode as it's by far the most important one so far. But I don't want to cut corners, like with Episode 3 messy release. The biggest thing remaining are animations, and all the bits that are left to be done are updated daily on my Discord.

Thank you for reading, your patience, and love you as always
Kat <3

P.s. just wanted to share this too, not yet sold visually but the current version of working ending screen! (Video on link below)
2023-09-23 20:56:51
見到last update 9月23日,嚇親
2023-09-23 21:48:47
2023-09-23 22:48:54
release include:
Reintroduction of Celia with a newly redesigned route, and proper conclusion to her story.
Conclusions to the stories of Linda, Sara, Bob, Liza and Yazmin.
Fully completed routes for minor characters like Judy, Violet, Lily and Delilah (the pool girl!).
Horny Calls ring up Linda, Sara and Caroline for booty calls at night!
Completely new HUD, new icons, menu .etc
Thousands of new renders!
+550 New animations!
+60 New secret cards!
New scenes scattered throughout the game to make Milfy City feel more interesting and alive!
A built-in walk-through "quest log" to guide you through the game if you get stuck!
New Minigames and skip features!
Many new sound effects!
Emojis in SMS!
+ more!
2023-09-24 02:15:11
Fetish Locator完結
2023-09-24 06:22:14
2023-09-24 21:21:22
幫其他角色都加左劇情 都可以玩下 都唔少既
反而主要既老母 家姐同個妹既內容就真係少
同埋好多bugs 要用啲技巧先避免到
最常見就係訓教永遠都唔會變朝早 卡住係深夜
2023-09-25 22:42:24
Caroline's route in the main game was finished back in 0.71b. You can romance her right up until her max heart relationship status.

Additionally, bonus night scenes were added in the latest beta update. Mixture of waking her up in her bed and some booty call scenes.

HOWEVER I am currently working on a pregnancy route for the three main girls, including Caroline. The pregnancy route is not yet in the game. If I were you, I would avoid buying anything until the pregnancy content actually gets added in to the game. I'm trying to write the pregnancy endings to give proper closure to each of these characters.
2023-09-26 00:43:57
2023-09-26 03:42:39
2023-09-26 10:54:14
Eternum 強烈推薦
作者前作 Once in a Lifetime 都幾好玩
2023-09-26 12:07:02
有無多d 亂倫系列推介? 好中意玩呢個系列
2023-09-26 13:33:04
once in a lifetime
twisted memories
such a sharp pain
heart problem
summer story
2023-09-27 02:49:48
屌 啱啱先知有隻咁嘅嘢
2023-09-27 04:57:36
2023-09-27 17:45:29
2023-09-27 17:49:54
入左vip 岩岩玩完
2023-09-27 18:18:06
2023-09-27 21:32:04
2023-09-27 21:58:20
各位師兄小弟有嘢想請教,本身間唔中有玩h game(有買實體/steam, 日本h為主)

最近先發現有呢一個post,即刻跟住樓主條link down 唔同嘅h game, 但係發現down落嚟剩係得adobe/搵唔到隻game, 所以想問可以點extract開嚟玩?

2023-09-27 22:40:55
2023-09-27 23:02:50
Click依啲link down, 有啲down完唔係zip file..sor 唔熟電腦求教

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞