Samsung Galaxy 討論區 (176) 你拎咗機未

1001 回覆
7 Like 2 Dislike
2022-03-04 16:43:45
2022-03-04 16:46:00
2022-03-04 16:47:29
突然覺得 S22 Ultra 好大部,但係用落又好爽
2022-03-04 16:48:11
鏡頭薄咗 成像差咗
2022-03-04 16:49:29
2022-03-04 16:49:39
2022-03-04 16:50:37
2022-03-04 16:51:03
2022-03-04 16:51:07
我張單已經係由一個派件員交左比另外一個 到而家都未收到電話
2022-03-04 16:52:09
PRE-ORDER Samsung S22 ultra Order number: HKXXX
I am writing this letter to express my disappointment with a recent purchase on your online store, order number #HKXXX. I ordered a Samsung S22 ultra that was advertised on your site as a pre-order and you can receive it on 4 March when the sales started publicly.
On DATE, I pre-ordered a Samsung S22 ultra 256GB at your Samsung online store. Unfortunately, when I checked the status today, I discovered the dispatch date of my order had been changed to DATE without any prior notice!
When I placed my order, it stated on your website that the delivery will be on 4th March. If you cannot keep the promise and the delivery on time, why oversell your products online? More ridiculous, is that there are STOCKS at your store.
Besides, SFHK starting from 5 March 2022, to-door delivery services will be suspended.
I spoke to your customer service today and it is not helpful at all by saying: No, you cannot pick it up from the store; No, you cannot cancel the order; No, we cannot send it outside Hong Kong.
To resolve the problem, I would appreciate it if you could either:
1. Allow me to pick it up at your store; or
2. Cancel the order and refund it.

有冇人試吓佢, 雖然幾肯定冇撚用
2022-03-04 16:52:20
2022-03-04 16:53:26
2022-03-04 16:53:56
我明明之前都用緊n20u, 點解會咁既
2022-03-04 16:54:14
2022-03-04 16:54:31

setting - general management - keyboard list and default

然後tick果個google voice legacy (如上圖)

有legacy 同無legact 有咩分別?
2022-03-04 16:54:40
3x 10x 底都細咗啦
2022-03-04 16:54:47

2022-03-04 16:55:06
2022-03-04 16:55:16
用緊spigen 同ringke都覺得好厚
2022-03-04 16:56:04
其實你吹佢唔脹,佢都講到明 3 月 4 號送貨,冇話 Exactly 一定係當日
2022-03-04 16:56:32
PRE-ORDER Samsung S22 ultra Order number: HKXXX
I am writing this letter to express my disappointment with a recent purchase on your online store, order number #HKXXX. I ordered a Samsung S22 ultra that was advertised on your site as a pre-order and you can receive it on 4 March when the sales started publicly.
On DATE, I pre-ordered a Samsung S22 ultra 256GB at your Samsung online store. Unfortunately, when I checked the status today, I discovered the dispatch date of my order had been changed to DATE without any prior notice!
When I placed my order, it stated on your website that the delivery will be on 4th March. If you cannot keep the promise and the delivery on time, why oversell your products online? More ridiculous, is that there are STOCKS at your store.
Besides, SFHK starting from 5 March 2022, to-door delivery services will be suspended.
I spoke to your customer service today and it is not helpful at all by saying: No, you cannot pick it up from the store; No, you cannot cancel the order; No, we cannot send it outside Hong Kong.
To resolve the problem, I would appreciate it if you could either:
1. Allow me to pick it up at your store; or
2. Cancel the order and refund it.

有冇人試吓佢, 雖然幾肯定冇撚用

笑死 ching有料
2022-03-04 16:57:06
2022-03-04 16:57:50
2022-03-04 16:58:16
2022-03-04 16:58:37
剛剛試左 108mp 開了右邊 detail enhancer

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