[NFL]2021 NFL season (3)

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2022-01-19 13:48:22
勁柒,個球證已經幫到盡衝去掂個波,等你可以 legal 開波啦 要屌就屌自己個 qb on9 啦
2022-01-19 14:08:43
得返14秒,2nd and 1,at 41-yard,no timeout
咁Cowboys QB有三個選擇
1) 直接long throw,應該可以玩兩次,hail mary乜都好
2) throw一次先,個receiver要企喺sideline,佢接到接唔到個鐘都會停(球例個球出界個鐘就停),接到就行前d可以再掟,接唔到咪最後long throw博吓囉
3) 就係而家嘅情況,個QB揾唔到位掟兩邊,唯有自己行前

咁行前咗啦,個鐘冇得停,Cowboys成隊咪勁急咁擺好個波排好個陣,因為喺0:00前snap,個QB會spike個波就會停鐘,here is the explanation
"In football, the only way you can stop the clock is by calling a timeout, running out of bounds, or by spiking the ball. If a team wishes to stop the clock by spiking the ball, the team will line up at the line of scrimmage like they always do. The center will hike the ball to the quarterback, and the quarterback will immediately spike the ball into the ground."
而個問題就係,球例係要球証擺個波(如果唔係,d仆街咪扮晒嘢係咁擺前d前d,好似英式足球罰球咁),咁個球証已經飛奔想掂波,但係條offensive line幾個三百磅大隻佬頂住佢,個球証可以點,佢推得郁佢都去打NFL啦,咁咪變咗最後滑稽收場
2022-01-19 14:22:12
其實當時cowboys博long throw仲好啦
2022-01-19 14:29:50
Dak on9 啫,run in the middle
Cowboys 啲智商係咁上下
2022-01-19 14:34:42
Thx Ching,雖然啱啱先睇,但見到成班大隻佬推來推去好正
2022-01-19 14:38:50
Prescott一見到唔對路應該即時掟走個波,橫掂second down,咪reset再玩多次囉
有d analyst甚至話應該只行前5-10yard,等球証可以snap到而又前咗少少,但係呢個講法有少少馬後炮,其實以Prescott實力(睇吓佢份人工),41 yard同36 yard都係咁掟㗎啦,唔差嗰少少
2022-01-19 14:41:35
american football係真係幾好睇
我係由細到大都睇足球,但係好多時足球所謂build up play係80%多餘
american football就every play counts something
2022-01-19 14:55:14

2022-01-19 15:10:03
2022-01-19 15:49:11
NFL我真係未見過有人扮傷,雖然有concussion protocol如果有人暈咗係會即時停時間先
2022-01-19 15:56:09
進攻方如果有人受傷又無哂 timeout
自動 10-second runoff
Cowboys 咁做直接完場
2022-01-19 15:56:30
講緊 2 minutes warning 內
2022-01-19 16:02:32
2 minutes warning 後進攻方如果無哂 timeout 要 10 second run off
無 coach 會咁樣搏
因為時間同你 spike 個波其實差唔多

防守方受傷又無哂 timeout game clock 直接 reset 到40秒
2022-01-19 16:04:41
好似你啱,form nfl.com
Upon being called by the Booth ATC Spotter, the Side Judge will immediately stop the game, go to the player in question, and await the arrival of the Club's medical personnel to ensure that the player is attended to and escorted off the field. The game and play clock will stop (if running) and remain frozen until the player is removed from the game. Both clocks will start again from the same point unless the play clock was inside 10 seconds, in which case it will be reset to 10 seconds.
2022-01-19 22:14:55
吹風老野last game
2022-01-19 22:23:05
2022-01-19 22:42:02
2022-01-20 00:28:27
first things first係到吹
2022-01-20 00:59:43
點last game?即係如果佢贏咗divisional round,都唔打nfc championship game?
2022-01-20 01:06:17
2022-01-20 01:19:18
2022-01-20 01:22:19
bucs主場 -3.5都要預佢輸?真係唔俾面
2022-01-20 04:03:29
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞